What's the difference between Beaners and Amerimutts?

What's the difference between Beaners and Amerimutts?

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pic related newfag cancer

56% white

Can you prove that I have? Perhaps nobody has; you'll never know.


>prove that I have
lol can you read dipshit?


>Call other people newfag
Back to kikebook, cancer.

>le besed snek flag
>tell other people "go back to kikebook"
you first, Chaim

None rofl we're taking over whitey

'bout tree fitty

go back to



beaners are medstizo (meds mixed with indians) american are mostly mixed of nw euro and engish

We don't have soy boys here...

yes we do

That is a superior iberian man, the one from pri is a superior lebanese man, AMLO is a fucking INDIO SCUM

ahora dilo sin llorar

