Nigger hate thread

Post 'em faggots

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>ethiopia gray

No, I love black people. They're beautiful and deserving of humanity, bigot.

Ethiopia was never colonized cis-gendered bigot racist

Never. Conquered.


If white people had never colonized Africa, the niggers would not know how to reach Europe

Fuck off leaf

dudes like 26yo max.

>el Duce
Bend over poorfags...Salvini’s comin’ to get ya!!!


Italy had Ethiopia for a little while.

Nice LARP faggot.

I think the reason nigger hate threads are so popular is that it is clear they are NOT deserving of humanity.

Alright fag, then explain how ghana, mali, kanem, and axum came about? >inb4 jews/white started them
Sup Forumsfags are full blown retards

Black people amirite? haha.

wow. racist much?

Man, I'll tell you what- I've been pissed about nigger all day today.

Why do I have to see a nigger every fucking moment on tv- every commercial, every show- it's just niggers everywhere.... I can't take it anymore! Give me a world without niggers, please.

90% of interracial violence in the United States is black on white

if youre going to bait you could at least try.

fucking leaf.

italiani basati

You sound like a little bitch.