Just a reminder about undocumented immigrants

We don't have a problem with undocumented immigrants, we have a moral problem. Apologize.

low effort slide thread designed to subvert and distract discussion on Sup Forums.



I love how Sup Forums is unable to debate and provide counter arguments and all dissenting opinions are just paid Jewish shills

Yes, they're being taken advantage of because they aren't here legally so they get paid slave wages completely tax free under the table, which is scummy on employers party for hiring them. If employers weren't so greedy, illegals wouldn't be able to find any jobs because they damn sure wouldn't be able to get paid on the books without documentation.

This is a problem on both ends, employer and employee committing illegal acts and both are complicit, and it takes away jobs that tax-paying american citizens could otherwise be filling.

Now fuck off.

Muh jobs are not the reason I dont want foreigners invading my country

Businesses are neither moral nor immoral, they are amoral. If doing the right thing is profitable, a smart business will do it. If doing the wrong thing is profitable, a smart business will do it.

You faggots should really lurk more before you try to b8

So why is nobody talking about punishing employers who do this?
That is right, because business is above law in the US.

I do agree with the idea that those who choose to employ illegals should be prosecuted, ideally mobs would also threaten them

faggot thread. saged

*illegal immigrants

*illegal aliens

Thought exercise: you and your buds spot a boomer outside a home depot hiring illegals. How do you respond?

They should be, anyone caught doing so should face fines and/or jail time.

Nah it's cause the leftists will be outraged. Ironically, they're the ones that want illegal immigration for businesses and even use it as a defense point

>This exact same argument unwittingly destroys the gender pay gap
How will commies ever recover

I just honestly fucking hate Mexicans. If it was Japanese jumping the border I would be happy. But unfortunately they are not

There is a limited amount of jobs, and any business owner with a head on their shoulders will want to make as much money as possible. This means they want to save as much as possible, and when there is competition to get a job, they will get the one they can pay the least who will actually do the job properly.

They can pay illegals less money because they don't have to pay taxes and since they're not following the law anyways, minimum wage is not really a thing.

Fuck off spic.

It is possible to depress the price of domestic labor by increasing the labor supply while increasing the price of housing by increasing the housing demand. SAGE.

Thing is though, we don't really have a system in place to find out if businesses are doing this.
There are like 10 million+ illegals in this country, that equals a lot of businesses hiring people they have no right to hire.
Good thing leftists aren't in control of the government right now then?
Why is nothing being done about this now that they have the opportunity?

Okay, so let's say this is what's going on. Business owners are taking advantage of illegals for cheap labor. Is the answer:
A) Pass a law that will be entirely unenforceable because you're dealing with an extralegal population in the first place and get nowhere
B) Just get rid of the illegal immigrants and solve both the illegal immigrant and the slave labor problems


They underpay because the spics make essentially the same amount of money as a certified citizen except without having to pay taxes, yet still get welfare/benefits.

It's rigged from the start and it's all because we don't crack down on the bullshit.

which do liberals want slave labour or minimum wage?

Ok, but how are you going to get rid of the illegal immigrants?
There are literally millions of them, we don't have the resources to conduct a mass deportation of this scale.

>stupid cunt doesn't realize corporations lobby our government for this exact reason

>hurr we can't do it
That football headed slut Dorah would be ashamed of you

OP is a faggot

The Left basically brags about hiring illegals to be maids and do yard work.

>They underpay because the spics make essentially the same amount of money as a certified citizen except without having to pay taxes, yet still get welfare/benefits.

I did not even think of the social benefits they are taking from and not giving back to. Expecting normal people who just want to get on with their lives to pay for some spic's bad knees from being a huge lard ass is just so gross to me. I pay for that in Norway, but at least the lard asses here pay taxes and might actually cover some of it themselves.

stopped reading at "literally"

Ok. Explain to me how we are going to magically conjure up a database of every illegal in the US, and then magically conjure up a gigantic nationwide expansion of ICE, and the necessary lawyers, transportation, etc etc etc.

Deporting someone is not the same as just driving them over the border and saying get out.

There is actually a lot to it.

t. guy who used to work a support job for ICE.

So we should get rid of minimum wage to allow Americans to legally compete?

I agree people who employ illegals should be punished, however the illegals should still be deported

If you illegally cross a border to work for a wage below that which the market dictates for the local population, you have literally stolen a job

an employer would not be able to hire someone for a piss poor wage unless that someone was willing to work for a piss poor wage, get it? businesses have a fiduciary responsibility to lower costs, so it is not their fault if they hire some spic who will gladly work for a fraction of the locals wage

>tfw no .25 cents an hour job picking strawberries while big boss sempai whips me with a belt for spilling some berries *on accident*.

>Businesses should not follow the law if they can profit from not doing so.

You just post the names and addresses and say they're free game for citizens to remove. And their shit is whoever's can grab it.
It'd be solved in a few months. Nigs'd have free loot reign and probably kill each other over some spic's tv.

Its a win win situation.

>You just post the names and addresses
Again, where is this magical database?
