This Anti-Semitic Term Was Casually Used During A White House Briefing

Wow, this is truly BIGOTED and DISGUSTING!!!

>There’s perhaps never a bad time to stretch or rethink one’s vocabulary.

>The term “globalist” was used to describe an outgoing Trump administration official during Wednesday’s White House press briefing, raising eyebrows on social media because the term is increasingly used in xenophobic and anti-Semitic contexts.

>The word came up when a reporter asked press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders whether a similar candidate will take the place of the outgoing director of President Donald Trump’s National Economic Council, Gary Cohn, who is Jewish.

>“He was a noted free trader, a globalist. Will the president seek another globalist, another free trader?” Fox News reporter John Roberts asked.

>Its use also came one day after Mick Mulvaney, director of the White House Office of Management and Budget, used the word “globalist,” in quotations, to describe Cohn in a statement that was posted by his department on Twitter.

>Though the term can be used to describe someone who has universal or open-world beliefs, in particular regarding trade or public policies, it can carry a more sinister meaning on the far right.

Other urls found in this thread:

>For the anti-Semitic and neo-Nazi members of the “alt-right” white supremacist movement, “globalist” is a euphemism for “Jew” and a reference to the longstanding conspiracy theory about an international Jewish cabal working to undermine the traditional white family and Western culture by pushing for immigration and diversity.

>A glossary of extremist language published by The New York Times places “globalism” among terms like “alt-right,” “antifa” and “cuck.”

>For the far right, globalism has long had distinct xenophobic, anti-immigrant, and anti-Semitic overtones,” the article states. “It refers to a conspiratorial worldview: a cabal that likes open borders, diversity and weak nation states, and that dislikes white people, Christianity and the traditional culture of their own country.”

>Figures such as conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and Trump have used the term as a dog whistle for their followers. Just before the 2016 election, Trump delivered a campaign speech in which he described Hillary Clinton as working with globalists to “plot the destruction of U.S. sovereignty.”

>Its use on Wednesday, again on the national stage, led to renewed concern on social media ― in particular, that the word is being normalized or “mainstreamed.”

What are your thoughts on the use of this HORRIFIC language, Sup Forums?

the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you


>you are literally not allowed to describe the bad things that are happening in the world, cuz DAS RAYSIS

So they're saying that all globalists are Jewish?

>Streisand effect

>"im a nationalist globalist"
>"sarah huckabee beer goggles"
why did you even bring this garbage fake ass article to anybody's attention? THIS is what you use to claim youre anti semitic? but you cancel out even this with your nationalist globalist remarks. fuck me mean they actually think it's a conspiracy theory?

It just goes to show how far apart people can get from reality. How the fuck can you not see what is going on in first world countries with regards to undermining the family unit, the Church and traditional values as the facts they are? An agenda for open borders is also fact in many countries.

I'll definitely concede that it's not ONLY Jews that call for this, as there's a shit ton of leftists also disassociated from reality that have been hoodwinked by agendas pushed by Jews.

>It refers to a conspiratorial worldview: a cabal that likes open borders, diversity and weak nation states, and that dislikes white people, Christianity and the traditional culture of their own country
They're just describing twitter journalists and economists. They openly circlejerk over these things.


I wonder how he's gonna explain his ass out of it, if he decides to even cover it.
>you see people, not all globalists are Jews, some of them are black, and by declaring globalism antisemite, they're basically SAYING THAT BLACKS ARE EXCLUDED FROM THE CLUB, AND THAT'S RACIST
>it's NOT a club you wanna be part of
>INFOWARS is, and you know it, that's why you listen
>but folks, we need to fund this operation
>we have the new nutrient blend that works incredibly well, I use it myself, David Knight uses it
>homebrew, home developed, real American urbs freshly harvested from the fields of Minnesota
>also the latest Alexapure water filters now discounted, because guys and girls we don't charge that big a margin anyway, and I love you guys

>globalist is a god word for jew
>unintentionally spreading the truth
you are one fucking useful idiot faggot

It's okay when they do it.
It's not okay when you call them by name as they're doing it.
Call him a Jew, and watch him eat himself in fear.

>the article states. “It refers to a conspiratorial worldview: a cabal that likes open ..."
So it's not okay to use the word "globalist," but it's fine for the NYT to use the word "cabal"! I guess the NYT doesn't know the etymology of "cabal," which literally derives from "Kabbalah" and for hundreds of years was spelled "kabal" not "cabal."

Tfw dumbfucks at the NYT and HuffPost criticize us for saying "globalist" then try to intellectually extrapolate on its meaning by unwittingly using another term that has direct provenance to Jewish meddling. Jesus Christ.

You know how school bullies have fun with each other and boast about their bullying right up to the point when somebody else is claiming they're bullies and should stop?

>g-goy we are the globalists how dare youuuuuuu
>wtf why is antisemitism rising how do they keep finding out we need to shut it down

I bet he's very proud of himself for writing this.

Why do they instantly think that we talk about jews when we talk about globalism? Could there possibly be a reason? Makes you think.


It's true so. Most normies n boomers that are slightly redpilled would just think (((muh illuminati/deepstate))) if anything. Now they'll make the connection.

Newfags, let me give you a great counter fatality to any fuckhead who says you're antisemitic for using "globalist"; Jews and "journalists" will be stopped in their tracks

>in 1962, the first prime minister of Israel, David Ben-Gurion, was asked to state his prediction for the world's future, before his resignation in 1963
>this prediction is very telling, important and historic, for Ben-Gurion is a beloved "founding father" of Israel, having served from its foundation in 1947 to 1963. His prediction offers us a stark, unarguable look at core tenets of Israel, its government's longtime goals, and the Jewish people's longterm outlook
>1. Jerusalem is to become the capital of the entire world, as is Israel
>2. The Israel Supreme Court, which wasn't finished or started in 1962, is to become the Supreme Court of the world, and dictate the world's universal laws
>3. A global police force will be deployed by Israel to enact these laws
>4. Medical care will be completely socialized, including mass access to birth control to maintain a manageable population to Israel's liking
>5. Education will be socialized, using an Israel dictated curriculum
>6. The United States will be reduced to "a socialist state consisting primarily of workers"; yes, he actually said this
>7. The Soviet Union (Russia) will become a semi-democracy isolated from the world

So, Israel's first, beloved prime minister had decidedly highly "globalist" plans for Israel, on behalf the Jewish people, way back in 1962, less than 20 years into its existence. But they don't want you to know that. Each their faces when you bring it up.

disappointing lack of BRAAAPs in this thread



There are great infographics about this prediction posted on Sup Forums, but we need more. This is a huge redpill to normies. Yes, little Israel sees itself becoming more powerful, in fact having power over, a "socialized" United States in the near future.

>at the point of trying to brand the term "globalism" as antisemitic
the jews are really starting to freak the fuck out, aren't they?

Next they are going to tell us "rootless international cosmopolitan elite" is just another anti-semitic slur.

Literally vampire pot-belly goblins becomes globalist rootless transnational cosmopolitan elites becomes the Jew. Alex Jones is like a crop waiting to be harvested.

Stop using the word boomer to mean everyone over 15 you little middle school abortion.

I think their time has passed, and theyre lashing around out of desperation at this point.

"The Jew York Crimes"



Shouldn't you been at right now grandma?
Are you lost?.

>How the fuck can you not see.

They know god damn well that it's the Jews, but white people tend not to bite the hand that feeds. If Jews weren't complaining it would mean that they were completely getting what they want out of everything. This article is great news for us.


They think it’s a good plan, but linking globalist to Jew will only increase anti-kike feelings.
You never link something negative to yourself, peoples feelings bleed through.

Has any Sup Forumsak ever discussed JQ with a Boomer who wasn't fully redpilled but an intelligent Conservative? This subject fascinates me. For instance, Ron Paul and Congressman Larry Macdonald, and Pat Buchanan are/were all famously redpilled Boomers. I get the feeling from some that they are aware to some extent but 1) decided it's not worth the trouble trying to fight them at any level 2) things have always been this way 3) they feel bad they have such suspicions 4) they' resigned to a multi-culti shithole future 5) they believe Biblical prophecy about Israel 6) they don't think it's the Jews but imposters ushering in a NWO (the Synagogue of Satan theory) 7) they are actually more redpilled than we are but know better than to voice affirmation, and are actively but silently fighting the real battle

Does any of this ring true for you, as well? Sometimes it feels we were dropped into a conflict like cubs, with no knowledge taught, only experienced and shared by ourselves. Articles like OP's confirm that synapses are firing about the JQ, but I just can't get a read on older gens.

The book of revelations describes the anti Christ as a globalist, I didn't realize it was essentially mein kampf.

>which literally derives from "Kabbalah
Is this a joke? I can't tell any more.

Ha, proper slide


Better tell Clifford, Arlington, Buckingham, Ashley, and Lauderdale not to bother with their plans, then. Along with changing the meaning of Qabbala.

Should have just called him a globalist Jew and called it a day.

I'm so fucking tired of this shit
>Everything is anti-semetic
>Niggers keep blaming whites for everything
>Muslims still terrorise the west
>Half the white population doesn't even care about out declining demographics

I think that what was used afterwords. I was interested too, which is why I searched it.

quite, faggot

>“It refers to a conspiratorial worldview: a cabal that likes open borders, diversity and weak nation states, and that dislikes white people, Christianity and the traditional culture of their own country.”
Yeah, crack pot stuff! George Soros only invested 16 billion into his (((open society foundation))) and got a list of all his but buddies in the EU that will grant him favors. Totally never happened!


>Literally describing all the things normie conservatives/libertarians/non-far-left kids are against
>Literally describing every last one of those things
>Almost like you know exactly what everyone who is against the left believes.
>Expecting people to read this and not suddenly wonder if this is a globalist conspiracy and look into it further

Brace yourselves, lads. More newfags are on the way :)

>it can carry a more sinister meaning on the far right
Because they actually pay attention to the consequences, and don't think everything is subjective? You have to be afraid to find a pattern, not to see it.

No, it's no joke. I was literally corrected in a high school class by a Jewish history teacher when I used "cabal" in an essay about the Bush admin. He explained to me why it's I appropriate to use that word. I didn't even know wtf Kabbalah was, went home, googled it, "Jewish magick" laughed. That was one of my first clues to awakening.

It never ends. A few nights ago, I was watching episodes of this old show my parents used to like, called Northern Exposure. It's about a New York Jewish doctor who moves to bumfuck Alaska. My parents didn't even remember it was about a Jewish guy, even though he says he's Jewish in every episode. So, in the third episode he's trying to fuck this white girl. They start drinking wine, turns out it's a $200 bottle of vintage Rothschild, and he literally says "I don't drink much, but Rothschild, have to say, the best." it's just amazing how Jews interlace their own group jokes into all content, then get pissed when goyim catch on. Scary, really. Even comfy 90s normie shows.

Political dissent is schizophrenia

We don't even have to meme them into seeing common symbols and words as "alt-right" threats. We're so deep inside their heads that they are seeing the bogeyman in every shadow.


Yeah, I would never have made that connection. Was probably written by a watermelon eating bike-thief.

>and “cuck."

>redpilling normies
wtf i love huffpost now

They do this throughout history, man, as strategy. They announce antisemitic theories, blame others, lash out against them which keeps others from interfering out of fear of being labeled themselves, all with the undercurrent that the theory is true. They use semantics like Chinese fingertraps. It's similar to how they first used nudity in Hollywood films by using Holocaust-like situations with nudity, to ease the MPAA just so, and then turn up the heat gradually until they got incest and beastiality (Shape of Water) etc.

They literally want you to one they're Globalists, and they use the media to signal to Americans like us. Just as they want Americans to know they own the media and run Hollywood, by shouting against these truths. Even the Rock in Jumanji is playing a Jewish kid played by a Jew. That's an innocent but sharp example of their prowess.

I've had success multiple times now and have been able to avoid the ire of those who do not immediately believe or understand what I'm talking about. The key is to not be a retard and go about the discussion without immediately jumping to the Jews. Also you can't blame it on all the Jews you have to make the distinction that it's the Zionist Jews. Important thing to remember is that it doesn't matter if it makes sense to you, what matters is that you help them make the connections even if they don't immediately agree with them.

I might make a post on here sometime about my method. I consider it a redpill saga; anyone who immediately jumps in full force will immediately lose the argument, it has to be a gradual process.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders shouldn't have
called him a globalist.
She should have called him a kike.

No, I fully agree. This is in reference to casual adult conversations, no 1488 nonsense. We're on the same level. I usually mention Schumer, Feinstein, Wasserman-Schultz, Sanders being on a literal commie softball team, you get a feel for the Boomer from their feedback. I've used Zionism for Rahm Emanuel. One of my ice breakers is "did you know Rahm's father was a terrorist?" Then discuss how his outfit Irgun murdered dozens of British soldiers. Then mention how Rahm served in a foreign army, and might that pose conflicts of interest? Etc. And how Israel has a wall, everyone has gun rights, yet Israeli diaspora frequently leads anti-gun anti-wall messaging in the US. "It's confusing, what's your take?"

This is what I was thinking. The only one equating the term globalist with jews is huffingtonshit.

I always said he meant jew when he said globalist. Thank you Poul Twin.

But Huckabee Sanders is Jewish herself user. Sanders is her husband's name, and he's Jewish. I'm stunned how few Sup Forumsaks know Sanders married into the tribe.

Did George Lucas have his face in mind when he made the prequel trilogy? Those eye jowls... Noone else has eyes like that it's like he looked up Satan's keister for a thousand years.


>But seriously we're under attack here
>Normally this bottle of shit goes for $149.99 but today we're selling it as a loss leader at $74.99
>We do this because we know if we give you the best shit at the best price you'll buy more shit from us
>So please by our new product liver cleanse to cleanse you from all the other products we sold you ya sorry about that
>Did we mention we're now unironically selling our 3rd plus supplement for your dick?
I even like infomemes but srsly it's ad city lately fucking greedy ass fat rabbi.

>actually admitting Jews are the globalists and linking open borders, loose morals and the breakdown of the family to Jews
They're so fucked in the head they're going to start fighting our battles for us

Keep the thread alive

>it can carry a more sinister meaning on the far right
It really doesn't. Not all globalists are kikes



All kikes are globalists.

>Then mention how Rahm served in a foreign army
I tried this exact line and the boomers always say something like "good the Israeli army is tough"

Does ANYONE remember how up to some years ago globalism was a word used by the left to describe the evil right wing bankers and capitalists? I remember being in college class and using it to describe how the poor people of Mexico and other countries were being fucked over by trade agreements like NAFTA, and the liberal professor being gleeful about it.

Now they want us to believe globalism is not only a good thing, but that criticizing it makes you a nazi? Topfuckingkek.jpg

both of these statements are true.
While not all globalists are kikes, all kikes are globalists.

Yes, same. The counter is,
>can you name another person who is a mayor who served in *any* foreign army?
This puts them on edge a bit. Rahm at one time was rumored to succeed Obama as Pres after his terms, and it's astounding that the MSM even here might not mention his IDF service.

A pal of mine who is redpilled thought Rahm was Cuban until a year ago. He knew nothing of Rahm's father, nor how Rahm's brother Ari Emanuel personally blacklisted Mel Gibson from Hollywood.


This is awesome. Spread this article to normies. It's the left connecting the dots for them that we keep trying to tell them about. Those who are ambivalent to the greater underlying meta narrative with "globalists", "elites", "international bankers", and jews can start to have the dots connected for them and maybe they'll see what's going on, because right now, a lot don't care or don't know.

Sometimes the Jew names itself!

This is a good thing. This is going to backfire wonderfully on kikes.

Yep, Occupy was a big catalyst for the millennial Left calling bullshit on globalists. There used to be anti-sweatshop protests by the left at colleges, but once the iPhone dropped, the Left become very self-absorbed and was propagated with (((superficial))) causes about identity.

What hasn't been addressed is how elite Jews use panics like this to point to antisemitism growing globally and domestically, and every Jew is taught from birth #NeverAgain. So stuff like this confirms exactly what they were taught. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. What's alarming, though, is that this causes normie Jews to subscribe more to Biblical prophecy, and grow closer to Israel, more insulated. And it obviously has a similar effect on us. I truly believe there is a tipping point where a good portion of normie Jews grow so alarmed they would approve a "strike first but deceptively" culling on whites. We often point out the hypocrisy of news stories, but overlook their ingroup purposes.

They're all too (((conditioned))) to believe israel is our greatest ally, when they are in fact, our worst. And if you make that connection for them, their conditioned brains immediately dismiss the notion the jews hate whites.

>Most normies n boomers that are slightly redpilled would just think (((muh illuminati/deepstate))) if anything.

All Jews are globalists.
Most globalists are Jews.
All Jews are Jews.

>Jews are just smarter, goy

>Also you can't blame it on all the Jews you have to make the distinction that it's the Zionist Jew

Most of the Jews destroying America are not Zionists. They probably don't even believe in YHWH.

I know exactly what you are talking about user. I wonder how many people are out there fighting the silent fight.

>a cabal that likes open borders, diversity and weak nation states, and that dislikes white people, Christianity and the traditional culture of their own country.
in other news

>Does ANYONE remember how up to some years ago globalism was a word used by the left to describe the evil right wing bankers and capitalists?

I lived long enough to see the left that spewed hate toward globalism and the EU turn into open border globalists. When you use the same arguments today about multinational corporations subverting national interests, selling out your own workers, undercutting them with imported labour - that the imported labour is just exploiting the poor.. they stare in confusion and call you a nazi.

They replaced the majority of the left with pod people. Where the fuck was the anti-war people during Obama? Anti-spying?


Does Russia have some super secret weapon? Why are kikes so afraid of them?

Might as well turn in your guns, Burgers.
As you don't put them to good use anyway.

[I know your flag is Australia, just saying...]

We need to get this trending. It has the potential to backfire tremendously, if it goes viral


I posted this pasta in another thread to the question
>why do boomers...
How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions.

1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society).
2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power).
3)It determines what is held sacred in that society.

For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions.

1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII.

2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on.

3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust.

The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative.

Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction.

Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story.

Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity.

Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned. People don’t realise it but the bounds of allowable thought and the orientation of ideas are all downstream from the myth of the society. As long as our understanding of who we are is determined by this negative foundation myth the only direction is down.

The real chosen people, no nepotism or anything like that.

This would lead to a national discussion of kikery. I think the days of caring about being called an anti semite are closing. They're about to become the white man.

This. SPBP.

Like O’Brien is a fucking retard

They're describing objective reality. Reality is now a conspiracy theory apparently.

>Has any Sup Forumsak ever discussed JQ with a Boomer who wasn't fully redpilled but an intelligent Conservative?
I had to show them Jesus' words in the Bible to get to some.