There are a ridiculous amount of STEM and skilled trade jobs that are very high paying in the United States that are...

There are a ridiculous amount of STEM and skilled trade jobs that are very high paying in the United States that are not being filled or can only be filled by brining in forigeners. Why don't Americans wasn't to work good well paying jobs?

Other urls found in this thread:

>why didn't you take out $200k in loans so you can get a job
>you're lazy

>tfw finishing up an engineering degree
>tfw 100k starting for a bachelors
>tfw fat ass tax cuts
>tfw any job i want

brainless liberal arts shitters and soulless finance fuck boys BTFO

Schools expensive for stem degrees

Blue collered jobs in mining and oil/gas construction etc have been shunned by liberal indoctrination in schools. Its sad really. I work in the oil patch, zero debt making fat stacks whilr my friends got lib art degrees and they can barely afford the rope to neck themselves with.

companies don't want to hire Americans when they can import poos and euros for shit pay on h1bs.

>why dont Americans X
I don't know why don't niggers like you learn to spell?

>Why don't American wasn't

This! Even a child can understand. Look at the state of costly education in America.

Fix this and you will have fixed about the whole issue.

Decades of indoctrination that Trade Schools are bad and the only way to get a good career is to have a Baccalauréat.

What type of engineering?

A-user can I have a whiff???

I took our 25k and made 100k starting. I payed off everything in a year.

dig coal and drill oil, my dude

my parents tried to teach me the value of hard work and I'm pretty sure it isn't worth very much

Not to mention that you have to spend half of your credit hours on smashing the patriarchy through interpretive dance. The Communist bullshit that you have to wade through to get to an actual education makes it even worth less than the paper your degree is printed on half of the time.


I spent 5 years with a BS in Computer Science. Waste of time. 90% of jobs in the tech industry are shit, they don't even know what is going on, and want too much for too little pay. I jumped ship to instrumentation in December and I've been extremely happy. Upside is my degree was a big part of them hiring me. They are planning on putting me in an engineering position by the end of the year.

In short. Same company. Network Admin/Tech/Engineer job was like $50k a year. Just moving to a base instrument tech in the same company bumped me up another $15k a year, and way less work and assholes to work with. Engineer spot tops out at $150k in 5 years.

Fuck the tech industry and all companies that don't value IT. They deserve the shit stain 3rd world workers they get now.

JIDF foreigner detected. Gigs up Rabbi

Because their high school guidance counselors are shit.
>you want a humanities degree?
>great. let me see what I can do.

Because we live in a society where a child is told that it's okay to be bad at math because Diversity. >Everyone's different!
>Some people just aren't good at math.

Math is just a language, a really fucking useful language (actually teaching coding would be more useful these days). We would never apply that same logic to the national language.
>You can't learn English?
>That's okay! Some people just aren't good at language.

>There are a ridiculous amount of STEM and skilled trade jobs that are very high paying in the United States that are not being filled or can only be filled by brining in forigeners.
Not true

t. Gave up on employment after chemistry degree employment prospects were trash and I didn't want to start all over

Because programming is boring work that only autistic spectrum riding kids could ever enjoy.
t. Autistic spectrum rider

>100k starting

You are delusional.

Hard sciences like chem. Physics. And bio. Usually have poor prospects unless you have a phd

It's a common problem with programmers and engineers. There is a work around though. Do contracts and then get into consulting. Make friends and start your own firm. The days are over when you could just "get a job". Now you have to hustle but the good news is, if you are willing to move around, you can make all kinds of friends and business partners.

27 years old, 2x college drop out, started in real estate at 24 now own 4 different rental properties and have 6 different income streams. I work from my computer at my house (which I bought cash)

I agree there is work, and you definitely have to hustle now, but I live far more comfortable where I do than I did in Austin or Houston (which I lived in after college). I made more money, but it cost more to live there. Not to mention commute. I spent about 3 hours a day on the road in those two cities. Maybe 30min on a bad day here. After living in about 10 major cities across the US, I couldn't imagine going back.

(sigh) but we know that college is a social construct and if we really tried we could get in without it,

Unironically kill yourself. We have no need of foreigners; that's a meme created by faggot boomers who want rock stars for cover band prices, but are too fucking stupid to realize that poo niggers are worthless cunts who can't code for shit.

Speak for yourself. I'm just leaving class now. I'm a union pipefitter in my 3rd year of apprenticeship. It's 7 years of schooling, but it's the best decision I've ever made. Wish I'd done it right after highschool. Still young though at 26.

maybe if the public sector didnt hire them all and raised the price for domestic stem workers to the point that the private sector cant afford them

Not actually necessary. Community college and low name universities

Nice larp

EE here, last semester and it’s halfway done.

utility workers make good pay if they are union in the right company.

lol wut, STEM is saturated.

EE, ME, CE are dead. CS still has people hiring but the poos and wongs are coming for that too.

In my opinion going to 4 year college is dumb if you don't have a company or something other than family or yourself paying for it.

If you watch the video, you see the nigger lapse into a weird kind of preaching, grunting vocalization that you only see in nigger populations. it's like they attempt to fill the spaces with grunts and rhythmic chanting to cover for the scant number of words and ideas they understand.

Yeah what you are saying lines up with what I've heard other people say about the Austin area, but the market is pretty hot there for tech. I think NC is cheaper and has some tech too. If I were starting out and being at companies, I would be looking to move on and up every 1 or 1 ½ years. Anyone work 5 years experience should easily be able to get 65k in most areas on the low side. Be aggressive with your career. Always be looking for your next job title.