/esg/ Ethnostate General

/esg/ - Ethnostate General


Thread for discussion of a white ethnostate, a homeland to be carved out for the hardworking white man. The future of the white nationalists movement depends on European peoples migrating to and establishing a homeland for themselves exclusively.

>Where will it be located?
In the Pacific North West, the movement has been planned for more than a decade and we're trying to put it into affect finally while the country still has a head on its shoulders. It's no longer up for debate.

>When should I make the move?
ASAP. America is bubbling towards an economic collapse, it'd be much safer to get connected with like minded prepared people instead of being alone. That's the whole point of this thread.

>lol you guys are merely larping, do you actually have any real plan?

TL;DR Come here, get a job, make some (white) friends, start a (white) family, start roots.

Skills are more important than any other tool you can possibly have. We need skillful people not just people that know how to say the word nigger, above all we need intelligent and physically capable people that have what we need to get this kick started.

Right now we need each other more than ever and we can't do that unless we know each other and are comfortable talking to one another. Quietly networking together is the best option for us because right now we're under (((Their))) eyes and they have their eyes set on making us dead.


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cascadia is the most geographically northwestern europe place in the US. it would be awesome to make that the home for american whites.

pic related

Lol the beavers


Stop larping OP!

this is also for all those who say we're all too liberal

>life rune
>Christian nation
Which one is it?

>stop larping
>commie flag
>commie pic
Checks out

A white nation

The rune is "Algiz" or "Algir" and means elk, numbnuts. Elder Futhark has nothing to do with your New Age Pagan bullshit.

Seems interesting but I'm not sure how far it'll go
If they somehow go independent I'll move there immedialey, but it just seems u realistic
All of America is ours, in my opinion we shouldn't "just create our own state" but we should take back our own state (America)

>All of America is ours, in my opinion we shouldn't "just create our own state" but we should take back our own state (America)
Why the Northwest?

Harold Covington explains why we can't take back all of America and turn the clock back to the 1950s.


How would we make an ethnostate out of the South without looking like the badgoy

We can't take back America without either mass genocide or displacement, blacks have been in this country almost as long as we have, where will you have them go? Africa, where they'll be murdered just as surely as if we held the guns?

No, I support segregation, and I support an ethnostate, but I don't support genocide.

>but I don't support genocide
But defending your own people from genocide isn't genocide
Also how are we going to solve the city problem, it's not like Seattle and Portland will just agree to become part of a white ethnostate

The Midwest is the best place to create a white ethnostate



Comfy. What progress have groups like nwf made ?

>No sea access
Why? Because you already live there? Fuck off.

literally none.

lol what is the Mississippi and St Lawrence

Eventually you guys and every good person will need to go to war with the modern satanic system in entirety to destroy every last one of them. So if you're going to start a nation you guys better be well armed, because the jew army and the satanic freaks and jews who rule them will come after you guys eventually.

Godspeed. Perhaps one day I shall join if/when I move there.

>Elder Futhark has nothing to do with your New Age Pagan bullshit.
But people that want to create white ethnostates usually often do have something to do with it.

It's a known fact that white people that have never lived around minorities don't understand how awful they are. Any ethnostate would run into this problem.

Not midwest? Mississippi is Southern you fucking retard.

i've had the idea that, in an ideal world, black americans would be given several states in the dixie south. whites would take the NW or the NE, but preferably the NW.

the rest could just be for everyone, or, if the US collapses, various groups would just make their own nations.

the NWF plan probably will rely on either a VERY explicitly pro-white government that will allow us to establish a white nation in the PNW then secede, or for the US to just completely collapse. i don't believe in genocide either, so one of those two would be best

Maybe I will save up money and go. Where in the Pacific Northwest are you guys located? Why choose that region btw?

Fair point. Educate those around you and make sure that our real heritage is not mocked.

most people think of them as skinhead "nazis" and not secessionists

We don't believe in an established religion/political viewpoint and think everyone has the right to their own beliefs unless they're opposition to our cause in any way.

any town specifically? I live in Tacoma and would love to move to a less "urban" part of the state

too noisy. like the design though

most people who contribute to these threads are in upper Oregon or lower Washington
we choose this region cause it is the least blacked


But they have already selected towns to move to ... so surely people have started to move

>What progress have groups like nwf made ?
The purpose of the NWF is to get Whites to move to the PNW and form racially aware friendships and communities. They don't advertise who and how many have moved.

>so surely people have started to move
Yes, slowly but surely Whites are moving to the PNW to take part.

Where specifically? What’s the progress of the Ethnostate?

you know what other country was extremely liberal and degenerate and even had antifa?

He's talking about the Mississippi River but ignores that the Midwest wouldn't necessarily have control over it or the St. Lawrence.

Why are you posting the same shit twice?

there are no specifics as of now, basically just go there to shift demographics

The point is to move to the general area with other people, there's a lot in the cities (which I would not recommend) and others in the country. You'll find your comrades if you reach out.

Alas, I am the retard.

Still, you'd have to travel through hundreds of miles through likely hostile land in order to get to the sea.

i'm a texas user, but even i realize that cascadia is the most geographically similar to northwestern europe. best climate in all of the US by far

Can you recommend which city in Washington?

>Being a threat to anyone

who should interested people contact?

my first sentence wasn't coherent from the typo and i couldn't stand it, so i deleted ASAP.

wtf is with that picture? it's disgusting in every way

the last strain of threads about this recommended Mossyrock. It has plenty of cheap land with cheap power nearby, not close to big cities but not hillbilly territory

Good to know. I wonder if there is something similar in Britain..

Contact them ASAP, get the white book.


Anywhere south of Olympia is God-tier

Thanks user. I hope I can find a sweet, qt girl there. Too many stuck up girls here in California.


1. they outnumber you
2. they're gonna keep voting to import shitskins and undesirables
3. they ruin the social cohesion of the cities

Those assholes are in my town now.. Is it time to fight back?

We don't care about the cities right now, we care about living decent coherent lives together. There are four states that are in our claim and our numbers are LARGE.

the PNW is so damn aesthetic and comfy. nowhere else in the US can compare

I am moving to the PNW. Escaping from California. (LA) bring my guns and white nationalism with me. What can I do to help the cause?

What is the nearest city from that lake? Is it one of the city in the PNW movement?

thanks brother, I will look into it. I love this state and would love to help carve out a nice part of it, a safe place to raise children. I will email them in the next few days

Get in contact ASAP with the old man. Listen to a few podcasts or read some of his books.

I don't think highly of the mythical ideas of some Nazis but I do like the idea of using a runic alphabet for symbols as long as we admit it's only inspired by actual runes and don't make up some bullshit to justify it.

Eh I personally think it should be more homogeneous rather than completely segregated as that would be pronoun todays world. We should just have something like Japan where 97% is the majority and have a society catered to that majority to prevent the percentage from dropping

not sure. i was just looking around on google maps and found this spot. i'm not sure if NWF even has a specific city where they gather, i'm in texas

i'd be okay with this too. i just noticed that there's a native reservation in washngton and i'm sure there's more in idaho and western montana. the thought of even trying to get them to leave their reservations sounds like a massive struggle and seems kinda cruel

Thank you, I will watch that right now. I look forward to meeting others like myself. Hopefully I wont have to live among crazy shitlibs for too long.


Reminder that Heinbach is /ourguy/

We should do it in eu as well. Hijack some southern province of France Italy or Spain, vote for pro-white government.

I've been contemplating this for quite some time myself. You really have to ask yourself, what will happen to us once we're not a majority anymore? Will we be treated with such altruism? I doubt that really I do.
I lived near Van Nuys my whole child hood, that's what made me a White Nationalist, I don't want to live in a world where everything is like Los Angeles. That's why the Northwest imperative is the final end goal, because it's the only idea that really works. Read up on the butler plan aswell on their website.


Oh boy do I have some news for you.

I can upload to vimeo, will take some time.

Do you now live in the PNW?

>Iron Front arrows on a AnCom flag
Just more proof not one of them has an idea what they are doing.

What are the news? EU citizens can vote in local governments.

Once the white man is no longer the majority the country will end up like Rhodesia and South Africa

Why do we all have to move to this one small area? What if we just paid black people to leave?

good luck paying all of them enough

got a YT channel?

I am 91 percent spanish but 8 percent native American (rest is unknown) will I be accepted.

The Mexicans have taken over LA.
Question: what does this flag mean? Can I use this?

Spain-ish or mexican spainish


There ya go. Gotta change my meme-flag.

Actually no, I've been in contact with them for about a year now and am getting ready for my migration this summer.
That's the flag of Cascadia, (Marxist liberal movement). The flag of the NWF is green for the lands, white for the people, and blue for the great beyond. And yeah, they really were a pain in the ass as a kid.
We have multiple people that post snippets from the podcast.
Everything can be found on the website.

If you can look at yourself and 100% be sure that you're a holder of European genes, you're a white man.

i'm not a one drop rule kind of guy, so i think so, yeah. even hitler was okay with a person who was part jewish.

the only argument against not allowing a person 90% white in would be about wanting absolute purity

Obviously not all of them would accept, but if we offered every black person 100k to self deport, I think we could significantly cut down on their numbers. Maybe do it over a period of 20 years, so it doesn't bankrupt the country with one huge payout

>weekly podcast
>online store
no social media presence?

Y’all have a fine mindset, sure.

What what are you going to do when the federal government steps in and says no? Are you going to hole yourselves up in a cabin like all the other folks who tried and failed? Or, are you going to realize that you’re never going to match the USA in a firefight and puss out?

The choice is yours, but this is why you’re not taken seriously as a movement. Your teeth are dull and your jaws are weak.

The percentages and all that bullshit are back and forth any way, as long a you don't look like "el gobblino" you'll be fine.

Is there a generally agreed upon cutoff point?

the Nuremberg laws

forgot pic

I didn’t have that in mind but that’s a good point. I was actually referring to a minority group increasing in said state thus ultimately defeating its purpose. That’s why I said cater to the majority. In japan if you don’t get with the culture and customs expect to be severely ostracized