How can we possible Clogg the Hogg

How can we possible Clogg the Hogg

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he is used
and about to be hung up wet
no worries


his 15 minutes are up, we don't care about him anymore you CTR/SLPC bot shill


the first thot he touches will be his demise, shell stick it to him with the metoo tag, keep a watch guys



Wait another week and not even the fake jews media will cover him. Running Trump/Russia collusion and porn star segments is better for them.

Activist portraying a survivor


Fucker called himself a millennial on bill maher a few days ago. That's a super weird to call yourself if you're 17

thats hilarious "im fuckin 17"

Reported for death threat.

why is he dressed like a Mormon geek squad employee?

The thing that annoys me most about this whole situation is that he is likely going to parlay he newfound fame and (((activism))) into a spot at Harvard or Stanford or Princeton.

Destroy the world's supply of soy.

It's the only way to stop Soy Guevara.

This dude has one of the most punchable looking faces I've ever seen, on up there with Stephen Colbert and John Oliver.

I've taken the Hogg pill. There is no stopping the Hoggening brothers. Do you really want more dead kids? Ban the AR 15 now!! We don't need weapons of war in the hands of white people. The AR 15 shoots a bullet 3 times faster than 9mm, just think about that 3 times faster.

Just beat the shit out of him when you see him at a college party

I love how they want to turn him into an under 18 year old

>tfw this is going to be in a history book one day

are we living in the best timeline?

>How can we possible Clogg the Hogg

By sharing his acting reel


lol no guns, I get it!

There is a court ruling that makes it so you can have "reasonable" restrictions of the second amendment, but as far as I can tell it does not specify what "reasonable" is. It is pretty scary that you can potentially lose those rights on the whim of some politicians.

The Ruger Mini-14 was made illegal here recently because Anders Behring Breivik used it on Utoya, or at least that is what they're saying. It's pretty scary that you might lose your right to protect yourselves, so you better be damn vigilant or you will go the same way as Europe.

Hey remember when there was an escape resulting in a shootout in front of the NSA headquarters... hours before the school shooting in Florida?
Yeah me neither.

What is this liberal fetish with praising literal children? Some kids are really smart no doubt, but for fucks sake, at 17 you dont know shit. There are some things only life experience and age can teach you. Why do they insist of pointing their cameras at crying babies?

Because they're crying and appeals to emotion is a thing

>The AR 15 shoots a bullet 3 times faster than 9mm, just think about that 3 times faster.
>I was kikeposting ironically
Your death will be ironic as well.
>"I was only pretending to be an ignorant jew!"
won't save you from the ovens. Remember that next time you shitpost. We will hunt you faggots down just the same.

How come America is really gay right now?

Why are his mouth and nose so crooked? His face is exceptionally asymmetrical. Anyone else notice this?

never convinced he even existed, three pics of him exist, no video

this guy reminds me of hannibal lector but stupid. i bet this piece of shit is a cannibal and has been killing and eating little boys for years.

They could have gotten away with it if they had confiscated the mobile phones from the "grieving and shocked kids".


>How can we possible Clogg the Hogg
We Nog the Zog

>Soy Guevara

>lots of advertising for me in terms of acting