Things are reaching a head.
I can't say that this is "the" turning point, as more often then not the great moments of time, culture and the like are only realized to be that well after the fact, but I think it's safe to call it important at least. A massive pressure is building on multiple fronts, everything from culture, personal relationships and even basic hobbies or customs seems to be under a microscope. Tested, weighed and measured, and seemingly in every case changed, if only sightly.
The last few years have shown what massive influence the internet has, and how little control any one entity can truly have over it. The world was fed a new deal, a safe, clean and sanitized version of what was to be, only to find out through comments and madness that those lonely few people who thought this was wrong, or just bad, were not the minority, but in fact the majority.
Someone has finally pointed out that the emperor is in fact naked, and now the court must either scream with one voice that the man who said it is a madman, or be forced to face a reality that they do not want. There is a hissing, creaking sound coming from the edges of culture and society that is becoming extremely hard to ignore.