Things that bear saying

Things are reaching a head.

I can't say that this is "the" turning point, as more often then not the great moments of time, culture and the like are only realized to be that well after the fact, but I think it's safe to call it important at least. A massive pressure is building on multiple fronts, everything from culture, personal relationships and even basic hobbies or customs seems to be under a microscope. Tested, weighed and measured, and seemingly in every case changed, if only sightly.

The last few years have shown what massive influence the internet has, and how little control any one entity can truly have over it. The world was fed a new deal, a safe, clean and sanitized version of what was to be, only to find out through comments and madness that those lonely few people who thought this was wrong, or just bad, were not the minority, but in fact the majority.

Someone has finally pointed out that the emperor is in fact naked, and now the court must either scream with one voice that the man who said it is a madman, or be forced to face a reality that they do not want. There is a hissing, creaking sound coming from the edges of culture and society that is becoming extremely hard to ignore.

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Yeah pretty much user bro, pretty fucken' much. I'd say it's probably time to start a nuclear war, desu. Less people, more radiation, less life = less competition. Dark ages are what humans need right now, not what they deserve.

What does this mean? I don't know, and I'm even less sure if anyone really does. However, what I can say is that things are going to change. It will seem drastic on the surface, only because it will be built of a thousand smaller changes. Things are going to shift in the next 2-3 years in such a drastic way, it will likely be as jarring as the pre and post internet gap.

Part of the concern is here, this place. One of three things will happen. Either it will be left alone, a monitored enclosure, a way to measure the pulsebeat of the madness in the heart of the internet gestalt. It may be gutted and crippled, left as much a shadow of itself as, say, various game companies swallowed by EA. or it may be totally destroyed, marked as too dangerous or sick to let free, like a rabid dog.

I think the second option is most likely. To simply tear this madhouse down would be releasing a plague out to internet culture that would never be re-contained again.

I hope not though. I like this place. It's cruel, and stupid, and moving and painful, it's a microcosm of life, back before we were so worried about being kind all the time. I don't think it can endure much longer, though. Too many eyes, too many voices, too much screaming that the emperor has clothes, you fool, stop saying he's nude.

I hope the crowd doesn't shout us down.

It's not always a good idea to go backward, though, however progress for progress's sake is even worse. We need to find some middle ground between progress and keeping some kind of soul, some base, intrinsic core of life together. Everyone fought so hard to kill God, drive him out and away, and now we're finding that, without some core beyond the self to hold, we start going mad quickly.

I don't know if war is the best plan, but i think letting the chips fall how they may might be better. So many peoples survive only because they're supported by others, I think the best starting point would be dialing back aid to places that have no GDP beyond outside aid. The west is starting to have seizures, yet the doctor is seeing to a long line of people needing refills on morphine.

Dude the way you talk is like..I dunno, like Barry White or some shit, but in text. It's got soul and I'm really feeling what you're saying

But referencing your post there, yeah, I mean, the foreign aid really needs to be dialed back, I agree. People lost their well, you know...

..Jewish Sorcerers. I dunno what we're gonna do about that, seeing as how they've mindfucked the whole planet into worshipping their alien god, who's already trying to find ways to physically manifest here. I mean I dunno which rabbit holes you live in, but I live in the one with weird UFO videos and CERN portals and I'm fucken' terrified.

That shit aside, what do you think in literal terms, we need to do in order to save the west?

I've been scared for a long, long time. Of many things, really, but the things you mentioned as well. I didn't feel, I was hollow and broken and cold. I chose to feel and have nothing rather then just be scared all the time. It ultimately was a very poor decision, and now that i'm older i can see more of why I withdrew, rather then face life.

The sad thing is, now that I'm more whole, matured enough to function and accept and even enjoy life, it seems like the world is trying to go to hell. Some of that is just the human condition, you see death more when people die, grass is always greener and such. However, it's very hard to ignore a lot of the pressure, even moreso when you're an adult white male with a family who just wants a tiny corner of the world to be left the fuck alone in. How odd that, now, wanting that makes me an enemy to large groups of well-funded people i don't know nor care about?

I don't have the confidence to make blanket statements on how to fix this condition. Any plan, any philosophy, only functions through compromise and half-measure. Even political ideologies, from communism to fascism, must be interpreted and spliced to move from theory to practice. So I do what I can, attempt to build the portions of family and community I can reach, and hope to god, like a man waving a smoking branch on a sandy island, someone else might see.

It's not all hopeless, no, but big change is coming, and small nobodies, like me, tend to be swept along. What's more, change is violent and difficult, and as much as I hate what parts of the world are now, I know how much blood will be needed to shift it, even for the better. It tempers a little bloodlust.

I have a good speaking voice, and I'm a writer of various things. I was called Rust, from time to time, though likely nobody knows it.

Bump on brother. You're on a roll.


I wish there was a shortlist for that, but the west didn't decay in a day, so it won't be fixed the same way. Even moreso, it'd likely beyond the point of no return for various things, but to play with a thought experiment?

>Stop warring with God. Faith is human, and saying Jesus in public should elicit less reaction then Fuck.
>Recertify teachers at all levels of schooling, with renewed focus on professionalism
>Stop allowing people to exist in a culture without accepting it
>Stop pretending everyone is the same, and equal. Equality is a path, not a goal.
>Stop behaving as if someone's feelings are their lives. Someone crying is not the same as someone bleeding.

It goes on and on. In short, we need to harden up a great deal more, be compassionate to those of our tribe, and wary of those outside, otherwise we will be consumed in less than 100 years.

Then again, I'm one uninformed retard from bumblefuck nowhere, so take it with a grain of salt.

Alright. Well you know man, a guy told me once..that shit, it's all a test. I mean you love your senpai, it's real..but we die. You come here for a moment, where you came from, where you're's a mystery, you feel me?

No man knows or can see through the void before his birth, or after his death, but men instinctively know if they are honest, that they consciousness came from somewhere.

If you're here for a we all are, you do it right. It's not a waterslide, or it wouldn't be so painful. It's a question.

Take care of your family and love your children, do good to those who hurt you and help those who despise you. Don't endanger yourself...but, give to people what you would want them to give to you. Think of them, how you would want them to give to you. Feel for them, love them.

And let that love hurt. Let the betrayals sink deep, and cry. Scream in pain. And then die, never yielding to the dream's coldness, it's fear, or it's inhumanity.

In that, you withstood the world man. You were in it, but not of it :) gz, and gl on your next adventure, space cadet

post more of these gifs OP
they're pretty cool

Btw I love this list. I didn't see it until just now.
Much love from a fellow brother!

...i don't have an accent, though, nor am I an anime girl. Though, i suppose it amounts to the same thing. I get worried, so I come here to shout, to scribble in the sand, because no matter what comes out, it'll be washed away by morning. Like shouting to the river and whispering under rocks, i suppose.

I have been tempted to do vr chat quite a few times, and have been told i need to do podcasts and the like, but I think I'd likely be too scared. People are being ruined, daily, because they retweeted the wrong image, I'd be terrified to attach my voice to anything.

You may or may not be a good man, but you have a good soul, at least. Not bright, or clean, surely, but strong. I hope it carries you well. I can't get past the fear, the terror of a great, wide black beyond the veil...maybe someday, I hope, but it's good to see those who can be strong in the face of the void without dismissive nihilism. I would be proud to share a beer with you on a porch, watching the night sky, and not speaking while a tinny radio plays.

I have a folder.

>not bright, or clean

Dude, I've been up for like a whole day and my brain's spellchecker is busted give me a break lmao goddamn. But thanks for the compliments. I'mma sleep before I literally die now. And yeah, I'd like the beers haha.

Ahh, another thing, before I forget: passion. No, not ravishing pretty girls or the like, though that does count. I mean the passion of feeling, of believing and supporting something even in the face of overwhelming rejection, even reality.

Art is a good example, but anything where the soul speaks. Look at so much, there's always a undercurrent of irony, sarcasm or elitism, anything to cover up real, bleeding emotion. Everyone should have something they hold to, something that you feel so strongly for it moves your soul to speak of it. That is what art is supposed to do, to speak to that base, honest core of passion in the heart. When was the last time art actually touched your soul?

When was the last time you felt something, said something, so strongly you didn't care who saw, or what they said?

Get some rest. Whatever else happens, it'll all be here tomorrow.

post em all these are fucking rad

Adding to that, deer don't like rosemary at all, plant it outside your garden and it keeps deer out. I live in michigan, deer will strip a garden like a locust plague. I've said to folks before, my grand goal is basically Harvest Moon with wifi. Tight-knit community, decent self-sufficiency, but not full no-running-water withdrawal from modern advancement. Advancement, tempered with soul. Silly, but a fine ideal to nurse.

I think I have more folder then thread, though...

Harvest moon with wifi :) I like that.

a little blogpost-y user, but since it's sincere i'll bump
don't be such a fuggin downer though
remember your Kipling
>If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
> To serve your turn long after they are gone,
>And so hold on when there is nothing in you
> Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’

It's silly, but it wraps things up in a little statement. Local festivals, small community, compassion without getting up into people's business, it's simple. Sadly, this would mean basically setting up a compound as a private town, of sorts, and we've seen how well things like that generally go over. It's sad that, to have a place where you can raise a family and not be messed with overmuch, you basically have to withdraw from the world.

Someday, hopefully, we'll find a good middle ground between tiny dysfunctional town and hive city. I think once we get over the hurdle of automatically connecting advancement with good, and tradition with bad, we'll be able to start.

Thanks and apologies. I've actually pulled myself back from starting a blog or channel a few times, for better or worse. I think things like this are better shouted to the void, in a way. Pride can become one hell of a drug, look at the rise and fall of basically any e-celeb in recent years. Faceless, nameless, words in the sand, dicks scrawled on the bathroom wall next to verse, it's pure in a sick way.

I forgot Kipling, you bastard, it's true. Hold on, hold on, sometimes the victory of the day is not being dead, and just once, not even that, yet victory still if you can hold it.

We need strong men to lead again. Not just violent, or powerful, but strong. Heroes and gentle and soft now, fathers buffoons and clowns, the man who thinks to bring a gun to the haunted house is regarded with more fear then the monsters. The saddest thing is they're still there, it's just much harder to find them. Was the shifting away from strong men in fiction and the various arts a natural thing, seized on by outside forces, or engineered whole cloth, i wonder?

>Was the shifting away from strong men in fiction and the various arts a natural thing, seized on by outside forces, or engineered whole cloth, i wonder?
A bit of both. First the realization that it was possible to shift it inorganically, then the application at a conscious action against men more recently, and now being advanced with an agenda.

Strong men, convictions,stable families - none of these things lend themselves well to a mollycoddled nanny state where we depend on our benevolent overlords to save us.

Some good thoughts in this thread.

Shouting into the void is quite effective. The void here is something more like a collective unconscious, while we are still free at least. It won't manifest directly in reality, but casts a long shadow.

We feel a lack of heroes because we focus on the unconscious side of society, while strong men need to be manifest and substantiated in the real. The schism you mention in the first post might create the societal and psychological rearrangement of our maps that leads to both conflict and heroism. Or maybe we just become thralls of the megastate.

>none of these things lend themselves well to a mollycoddled nanny state where we depend on our benevolent overlords to save us.
McCarthy was right

Here's another question for you:

Is the chokehold on the media by one single voice really so strong as to drown out all others? Is it really that everything is just the same one-note song, or is media that caters to the mad, right-wing and quiet traditionalists just being somewhat drowned out? Is it that non-diversity-embracing entertainment is really so rare and unwanted, or is it somehow being smothered?

I'm not saying we need sitcoms where the wacky uncle talks about lynching niggers, but is a strong male lead that isn't some bumbling clown really so niche that it's not worth doing? Is someone displaying the opinion that maybe they don't want to have gays around their children an immediate cancel?

It's the everyone-gets-a-trophy nonsense that cropped up during the nineties. Positive, positive, positive, and then suddenly when the world, being the world, throws out a negative nobody has any coping skills. Life is pain, anyone who says otherwise is selling something. It's how we deal with pain that makes us strong, in the end.

The sad part is it seems each person who rises up to be a manifestation doesn't live up to it. Then again, heroes are human too, or is that the corruption of the modern? Should we accept the flawed hero, or hold those who would be objects of adoration to a higher standard? We used to have stories and legends to act as a yardstick, but now we must bumble along finding our way each time, or risk ridicule.

You're right about a populated void, however. If my mad shouting, one raving poet in a dark corner, helps at least one or two people start asking questions as well, then maybe it's truly worth the trouble.

Things that shouldn't be, but are, for a thousand. It's like hearing "old-liberals" having to divest themselves of the progressives, and coming to the right side of the fence. We're supposed to be fighting, how bad have things gotten when active rivals are shifting to (contentious) allies?

>Is the chokehold on the media by one single voice really so strong as to drown out all others?
Yes, but it's not so much one puppet master. It's a group of people who all think they're doing the right thing by censoring everyone into an authoritarian dystopia, because to them it's a "saner, kinder world" or some bullshit like that.
>Is it really that everything is just the same one-note song, or is media that caters to the mad, right-wing and quiet traditionalists just being somewhat drowned out?
I think at this point they've gone full out blacklist.
Is it that non-diversity-embracing entertainment is really so rare and unwanted, or is it somehow being smothered?
It's being smothered because mean things aren't allowed anymore; unfortunately funny things are often mean. How many great comedies do you know that came out of socialist countries? How many REALLY funny women do you know?
Put those two together. No wonder men are killing themselves.
>I'm not saying we need sitcoms where the wacky uncle talks about lynching niggers, but is a strong male lead that isn't some bumbling clown really so niche that it's not worth doing?
>Is someone displaying the opinion that maybe they don't want to have gays around their children an immediate cancel?
You already know the answer to those questions, you just wanted to write them out loud, so to speak.

>It's like hearing "old-liberals" having to divest themselves of the progressives, and coming to the right side of the fence.
that's like a myth where I come from
I was born in a blue state, molded by it
I didn't see the right until I was already a man

It's the same for many of us. So if you derive your power and position from the leftist side you want an infantile adult populace and emotionally driven society who believe tearing down institutions is more worthwhile than creating a homogeneous society.

Sadly, gentlemen, that's it for me. Been a pleasure, truly. I hope you all get a little moment of peace, some small token of fate for listening to a tired, old half-poet mutter. Hopefully it's all not as bleak as all that, and I honestly don't think it is. However it's late, and cold, and there's few better times then that to kick about old bones.

See you again, or not, i suppose. As it was said, and still bears true, God only knows.

You went out a little Dead Poets Society user
don't fag it up
or if you prefer: don't gild the lily, faggot

Im getting ready to travel and kill tyrants.

One of the best sitcom characters I remember was Wilson on Home Improvement. He was the thoughtful, caring neighbor always happy to listen and give advice without being a dick about it. I had a neighbor like that as a boy and I greatly respected him.

One last, because you damn well got me. I didn't know how to put it plain.

Wife is working overtime, kids have school in the morning, and i'm damn tired. And i do appreciate you bastards. Still right, no need to gild it. Good night to you all the same, fucker.

>Good night to you all the same, fucker.