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>50th in quality of life



low effort slide thread designed to subvert and distract discussion on Sup Forums.

Are you going to make me post those studies highlighting your abysmal standard of living a disgraceful poverty rates again?
I'll fucking do it cunt don't test me!

Hello, mestizo underclass.

Know your place and shut up, please. Thank god Trump is straightening out out tyrannical occupation government.

t. Actual Californian

came here to post this


You missspelled Alabama wrong you inbred chuds


secede already, just get the fuck out beaner


lol fucking jackhole

>You missspelled Alabama wrong
California education everyone


Best state in the union my ass.

I don't think states that are on fire for 80% of the year qualify as "best state in the union"
I'm fairly certain that quality's much closer to "Actual Hell on Earth" than "Best State"

Martial law in California when?
I really want to see Californian politicians forcefully removed guys
I don't want them to bend the knee that easily

you allow foreigners into the country
you allow children to be trafficked
you allow AIDS to be transmitted without fault
and the kikes have insurance policies on all of your buildings because they are very aware of the fault line that runs through that shithole

California is the reason America is great

>law enforcement, go fuck yourself
>only officers need guns

He said
>in the union

We're laughing at you


It is! It's just so great there's no reason to leave! Please tell all your friends, family, and neighbors on the fence about moving to Texas that we are just a bunch of smelly uncultered hicks. I'm so jealous!

there's some faggot harrasing me. i know where he lives. should i report his family to ICE? is brothers are both gang members and his sister deals coke?


see you in court

>white man living in California
>girlfriend used to be illegal but I helped her get permanent residency through DACA
>helped her get a job that paid in cash
>she told me she wants to have kids
There's nothing Trump can do about it

Everybody in the country hates California. Even east coast people think you guys are faggots. You're leftist scum without any of the history, culture, or refinement to dress it up.

New York City is worth more than you entire state combined.

Everybody hates your shit state, fuck off and stop invading other states with your gay ideology.

Good thing we don't give a shit
We're better than you and we know it

People like you is why I want to bomb my own state cities and capital. You niggers could never survive if it wasn't for the agriculture business, water industry, and the feds pumping all the water to your useless fucking cities. Why has God made me be patient for so long, I want to fucking purge your filth off this damn planet. Golden State of America you fucking niggers.

>Libs now believe in states rights
>Libs now want to flaunt federal power and some even talk about secession
What a time to be alive.

California is no longer the best because illegal aliens ruined the place.


Please keep all your trash and shitty drivers on your side of the fence, or we're cutting the water and power.

-sincerly, Arizona

Fuck off Trumpcunt

I cant wait to take your illegals away from you pieces of condescending shit.

Do you know how to tell someone is from California?
After someone tells a story, the Californian will attempt to one-up the storyteller, and every single fucking story begins with "Back in Cali...."

Day of the masher will come upon you swiftly.