>Wishes that nazi germany won the war
>Parents wouldn't have met each other if that happened
>Would have never been born
Wishes that nazi germany won the war
Maybe I wouldn't exist but a worthwhile human being would exist in my stead
Prove it.
Maybe you're wishing for an alternate universe where Germany won the war but your parents still met somehow and you were somehow born?
Nonsense he's just rotting his brain with a non-sequitur. To say an individual on this board's parents would not have met if Nazi Germany had won the war does not follow. Statistically speaking, the likelihood that a person on this board's parents met specifically because of WW2 and would not have met if WW2 had occurred differently or not at all is so small as to be non-existent. Even making the assumption that there must be at least one person to which this applies hinges on so many logic fallacies as to render the whole thing quite retarded.
you're a fuckin retard. ""WW2"" isn't like some isolated ingame event that just happened, its a shit that affected literally every human activity on earth.
Irrelevant and not in any way supportive of OP's statement.
>birth and death rates alter according to the course of the war
>people make babbies at different times than if there was no war
>people die at different times than if there was no war
None of the things you just greentexted are proof that any individual's parents would not have met. You're appealing to ignorance right now you just don't know it yet.
yes, its only so totally unlikely as to reach the level of near complete statistical impossibility. the oldest parents of people who browse here are going to be baby boomers. no war, no baby boom.
>being unable to observe the world under any lense other than pure self-interest
>no war, no baby boom.
The hypothetical situation that OP presented is that if the Nazis had won the war so you're pretty much off-topic at this point.
You are obviously not white. A white person would recognize the principle involved and not treat personal benefits derived from violating the principle as a serious argument in favor of violating the principle. Do you support rape since that is how many of your ancestors were conceived? You are a retarded shitskin, and I can explain it over and over again and you will never get it because you shitskins are genetically incapable of principled, rule of law thinking. Everything is about immediate personal interests with you people. You do not belong in the West.
Shit thread op, sage
the baby boom wouldn't be the same then, because the allied nations wouldn't be as affected.
>muh West
go read Aristotle's idea of the ideal man and tell me if it seems like someone who would willingly cuck themselves out of existence for some other hypothetical shithead
>the baby boom wouldn't be the same then, because the allied nations wouldn't be as affected.
"Things might have been different so they would have been different" is an argumentum ad ignorantiam. If the Allies were affected less then the baby boom wouldn't have been the same. If the Allies were affected more then the baby boom wouldn't have been the same.
The Butterfly Effect is NOT a law of science.
most statistical and empirical observations are not "laws" of science
Yet there are no statistical or empirical observations for hypothetical events that never happened or hypothetical alternate realities where you and I may or may not exist. This means your arguments are based on fuck all.
T. Cant into chaos theory
actually an adorable thread but yeah heil hitler
you are deranged. changing a huge amount of variables in a system will lead to completely different results.
If I was allowed rights to die the same way my mother can choose within the womb I would have bit the cyanide capsule and killed us both.
Do not try to give me feels for the generation that birthed me. Don't do it OP.
>you don’t want to live in a world dominated by kikes and their pets?
Enjoy your soft genocide, moron.
Rather live in a world dominated by literally anyone than not live at all, cuck.
Doesn't that apply to all world-changing events?
You always existed and you will never stop existing.
It's just a matter of reincarnation the body you occupy.
>not choosing oblivion so that future generations would never know this hell
>>Implying that I don't already wish that I wasn't born.
t. Someone who doesn't understand advanced mathematics but thinks he understands a field of mathematics
>lel u wouldnt be borned
if you make this argument you are literally retarded
it is as verifiable and applicable as anything else when discussing counter-factuals
>Nazi Germany wins war
>I don't exist
Sounds /comfy/
no it isn't it makes zero sense. if i was never born then i wouldn't exist to lament the fact that i was never born. dumbest shit ever so just fuck off.
Good. I wish I was never born.
>I would not sacrifice my own individual pursuit of hedonistic pleasures for anything, even if it means my genes go extinct at the hands of kikes and niggers
Literally the most cuckish thing possible. Unironically kill yourself.
Actually, theoretically there are infinite timelines, so theoretically there could be a timeline where nazis won AND you were born.
Lol this
if you were never born you wouldn't exist to appreciate the hypothetical world we're talking about either retard.
>i would rather dream about not existing and get my ""perfect world"" handed to other hypothetical people on a plate than overcome the obstacles and fight for it in the imperfect reality i actually exist in
muh hedonism muh hedonism
>if you were never born you wouldn't exist to appreciate the hypothetical world we're talking about either retard.
and i wouldn't exist to regret that fact. wow you are fucking stupid and i bet you think you are oh so smart.
Ever thought about whether or not we were meant to be here, or if it is just a random occurrence?
Did they lose the war so we could be here today, and make things right in our time?
I would rather have never existed in this doomed reality if it meant that they would have won and saved the world from the Jewish plague
This thread literally gave me cancer.
Such a child. You are your genes and your genes come from your ancestors. You would unironically rather have less of your ancestor’ genes proliferated so that the specific, arbitrary combination that led to a cucked shitposter whining about how his useless life is somehow the center of the universe could exist. You literally want more nigger genes than white ones.
If the world is filled with shit people then chances are pretty high that everyone born will be shit people who want to live in Aryan Disneyland western countries
>thinking your life is worth more than the salvation of your people
>if you’re the last white person born before shitskins colonize the earth you should be happy because otherwise you wouldn’t exist
you’re a fucking idiot
>muh genes muh genes
Sorry sweetie, I just don't invest undue reverence in inanimate data. Very twisted materialist and modernist perspective you have - caring about the DNA more than the life it gives rise to and sustains. Faulty values based on a layman's encounter with 20th century scientific knowledge.
I don't know why you think Nazi Germany winning the war would be any boon to the white race anyway. They didn't care about muh white race (deracinated mutt concept), they were German nationalists trying to build a new race and a new civilisation. Stomping over Slavshits and French willy-nilly. Europe's local cultures and ancient traditions subsumed into a industrial monolith, vassals of a vast and uncaring slaughterhouse. SO TRADITIONAL!! SO WESTERN CULTURE!!
I love when losers change the argument.
>muh individualism
Enjoy watching your women get dicked by niggers. Sounds like you enjoy it.
What a faggot i had no idea soros hires 12 yr olds
I like boys anyway, I'm relying on you fucks to make more cute white males for me but you're not doing your job.
Do you think our forefathers would have turned around and stopped fighting hitler if they foresaw all of the anti-white anti-male stuff going on today?
so the french and slavs were fucked either way. at least under hitler, europe would have stayed european in 2050
>literally 1 post by this ID
>Sup Forums falls for it, hook line and sinker
Genes are everything about you twat. The fact that you ignore this shows how ignorant and stupid you are.
Parents would still most likely meet because a small percentage of US was conscripted + you are most likely to marry the person you know best *aka high-school crush* which wouldn't really be affected by ww2 unless you are getting nuked.
Even if parents still did meet (unlikely), the events would have changed and that would mean a different sperm entering the egg.
*unlikely* just told you that back then you were most likely to get married right after highschool.
about the sperm-egg thing you got me there, but its better to have a future full of hope instead of a future full of darkness.
I already exist faggot. I have my own genes. I don't give the independent existence of my genetic material the same weight as how it has led, in combination with a million different factors, to the existence of myself and people I care about. There is no reason to venerate genes beyond their relevance to their effect on the human world. The grand, inhuman game of evolution has no need for my approval.
All human lives and activities would have been changed by billions of different variables because of the war. Daily lives, people you'd meet, political and economic shit, who dies and who is born, who immigrates and emigrates, who is mentally and physically crippled etc. None of these things would be the same. You're not viewing the world the way it really is, you're viewing it through a romantic lens where individual human agency is given disproportionate power.
Like said, your sperm are constantly dying and being remade. When you have sex, how the semen enters, how the sperm move etc., whether and when the pregnancy fails, whether or not you have twins or not is gonna lead to all kinds of shit.
You are not "you" outside of the exact circumstances which created you. Genetic, environmental, cultural etc. Socrates is not Socrates.
>the nazis could have invaded America
>the nazis would even want to invade America in the first place
Even if the edgelord germans won, its not like they would've won in Americas.
>evolvolution has no need for my approval
no one cares faggot. You are making it seem like we are looking for your approval. Gas yourself
Same thing i stated above, this timeline is shit, i cant hope but romanticize what a traditional-german world power would look like *An American World power turned everything to shitty liberal democracy, now imagine a fascist one*
Even if i wouldn't be "born" i would still rather have it happen.
We are living in a world affected by Hitler. it was shit. He killed German culture (notice how all good German literature and philosophy evaporates after the Nazis come to power and never recovers?), he killed German nationhood for the rest of the 20th century.
Sounds like a bargain to me
i'd rather have a world that is as perfect as possible without me in it than to live in a world controlled by kikes and ravenged by niggers
>OP is a faggot
No its ruined because he lost. That is fairly obvious.
Everything that had to deal with Germans was censored, even the German scientist they owned to make their nukes was not made public knowledge. Its a fact that the Allies decimated Germany after ww2 and its not because of hitler, but because another nation dared to challenge them.
They are trying to do the same thing to Russia rn
>start vicious total war
>lose and get conquered
omg! oppression..
They declared war on USA, unprovoked, though.
some men would willingly sacrifice themselves, and everything they have ever been or could ever be, for the dream of a better world and brighter future for their people.
It may be difficult for some people to understand this.
It may be impossible for shitskins and Jews to understand this.
Can you love your people more than you love yourself?
>The single biggest non-issue brought to argument against Nazism, Fascism, and Imperialism(Axis Victory)
spooked cuck
kirr serrff for emprahh
the best seppuku that was ever done was by the ubermensch yukio mishima, who fulfilled all of his artistic and erotic impulses in a stunning display of self-destruction
Sorry OP we did our best.
you're right. my dad is a mentally ill degenerate communist. good riddance.
Nazi lovers could not be more cucked if they tried
Hmmm no downside.
Do i get a completely random human or someone genetically similar to myself next time? Cause i like me but dont like living in this time.