Prove me wrong

(Pro-tip, you can't)

I don't really think you need australia listed twice there m8

he's right you know

>god tier

Looks about right.

It all used to be British, but now it's gone to the dogs.

A hamburger
a tea
a leaf
a roo
what's that other one?

umm sweetie zeeland is a vassal state of the Australian Aboophate


A kiwi?

Canada does not belong.

Where’s my South African brothers.

>a fucking leaf

So....britty not nigs ?

There's something about Anglos that makes them blood thirsty, yet prim and proper. Truly the superior being.

A sheep shagger?

Yet they're the ones whose countries are getting fucked.

the fact that Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are "God tier" is enough to prove you wrong

>accept jews into your empire
>every single on of the anglo nations isnt even allowed to talk about being a majority in their own country

You're fucked lads R.I.P. you had a good run

Take Canada out of there. It's full of fags and feminists.

I keep trying to scroll up. Where's Israel's flag above the other 5?

Not enough Aryan blood in their diets.


It’s on the top left

Everyone else is a nigger

On reddit. Like your sense of humour.

>a tea
>a roo

nice one reddit


The Fuck is Canada doing on that post? Delete this.

A bah

All countries are getting fucked.

anglosphere is superior to all