Facts that trigger Sup Forums

Fact: Soy doesn't affect test levels.
Fact: The German military elite arranged the surrender of Germany in WWI, not Jews or civilians.
Fact: The MMR vaccine has no statistical association with autism.
Fact: Exxon-Mobil's inhouse scientists concluded that climate change was man-made even while the company voraciously lobbied against the idea.
Fact: No one directly involved in the Final Solution has ever denied its occurence.
Fact: Trannies tend to display the neurological makeup of the sex they identify with - in other words, FtM transsexuals have "male brains", lending credence to their conviction of being "trapped in the wrong body."
Fact: Auschwitz is the name for a close network of camps, not one camp. Auschwitz I was the one with all the swimming pools and soccer and sports facilities and shit. Auchwitz-Birkenau was the death camp with the crematoria.
Fact: Australians are the most powerful race in the world.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Fact: The MMR vaccine has no statistical association with autism.
the CDC admitted it actually did like a month ago lmao

i agree with everything you posted


>mmr has no statistical association with autism

the somali community of minnesota would like a word with you

None because he's making it up.

You will die alone withouth a god and withouth children you let other races trample over you and they way you look at the world is 100% what your telivision and school teachers taught you.

That's very interesting. I don't see any reference to higher vaccination rates or unique vaccination behaviour among them though.
Nothing I've said indicates a lack of theism. God is Truth user, he doesn't want you to avoid aspects of reality that don't coalesce to your tiny man-made conceptions...

Part of the reason people become "redpilled" so easily is because schoolteachers don't go into any good detail with this sort of shit. They give you predigested platitudes. Like when journalists try to report on Sup Forums or theoretical physics or some shit, there are some things that you just can't get a good accurate apprehension of without being really familiar with the subject matter. Teachers can only give you a quick rundown, but the quick rundown is going to be 50% misleading half-truths by nature. So when you see a counter-narrative with a lot of evidence, it's naturally going to grip you.

Any more anons up to the challenge of debating me and my facts...........................


All facts trigger Sup Forums.
Why care about facts when instead you could care about how big a black cock is?

Fact: you haven’t provided any evidence for your claims

Pol btfo

>says the retarded communist

Here’s a fact for you, commie faggots can’t name a single commie country they’d want to live in

Fact: OP is a virgin soyboy

>god is truth user

So you admit that you’re just as retarded as the christcucks and mudslimes?

Sorry to say it got you already

No, I'm not a believer myself. But that is what God is essentially in concept, and in Christian writing. Quid est veritas?

You lack common sense and talk like a faggot. All of these things are either irrelevant, marginal, fraudulent, or out of context.

Here's what matters. In the end, whites will be saved. Jews and other shitskins will have to leave the West.

You live in your imagination and trust in your own feel-good prophecies of future justice and retribution (like any group in the history of humankind that perceives itself as an underdog has). You're essentially living in a Semitic fable, holding out for a promised land that must come.

Don't expect to effect meaningful change if you can't deal with brute reality.

Faggots btfo

>Vaccines cause autism
Imagine being this retarded

>Fact: Soy doesn't affect test levels
>Fact: The German military elite arranged the surrender of Germany in WWI, not Jews or civilians
I have never heard anyone debate this. Congrats on knowing how to read wikipedia?
>Fact: The MMR vaccine has no statistical association with autism
>Fact: Exxon-Mobil's inhouse scientists concluded that climate change was man-made even while the company voraciously lobbied against the idea
>Fact: No one directly involved in the Final Solution has ever denied its occurence
Obviously, dipshit.
>Fact: Trannies tend to display the neurological makeup of the sex they identify with - in other words, FtM transsexuals have "male brains", lending credence to their conviction of being "trapped in the wrong body."
>Fact: Auschwitz is the name for a close network of camps, not one camp
Congrats again on the literacy. Must be a big deal for you.
>Fact: Australians are the most powerful race in the world

>>Fact: Exxon-Mobil's inhouse scientists concluded that climate change was man-made even while the company voraciously lobbied against the idea

Yeah but it has a nice collection of sources.
It was common among German nationalist circles to blame civilian govt back home for stabbing the military in the back. TGSNT promote this idea too.
Which part do you object to?
The part you might obviously object to is "lending credence to their belief", which is natural. It's too definite. But trannies do often share neurological morphology with their desired gender.
I agree, it isn't impressive. Which is why Sup Forums's historical illiteracy is all the more embarassing. Muh pools!
Oh sweetie, I can see why you might disagree. I won't push the point ;)

fuck off you piece of trash

kys straya


Don't really care to be honest. If we ever have an actual movement we shouldn't deny the holocaust and we shouldn't exclude other races. The only way we will ever see fascism is through unity and without petty squabbles. As for the rest, most people don't care about that shit, except for the tranny shit, which is just scientifically unnatural and disgusting in everyway. I'm not afraid of opposing facts, but honestly this isn't phasing at all, I still believe what I believe, regardless of what you have to say about it, for I have my facts, and you, yours.

What the fuck we're doing Aischwitz prequels and shit now? Gas yourself on the ol' gum tree, kikebarra. For merry merry cuck of the bush are ye. Laugh, kikebarra laugh, at how gay your life must be

>Fact: Trannies tend to display the neurological makeup of the sex they identify with - in other words, FtM transsexuals have "male brains", lending credence to their conviction of being "trapped in the wrong body."

You were doing pretty well until this one, which is a complete myth and fabrication. MtF trannies have male brains. It's not even a question. They do have irregularities, but they don't "more closely match females".

Let me put it this way for you. The comparison you're trying to draw would be similar to having apples and oranges. One of the apples has strange discoloration on 20% of its surface which is more of an orange color. Therefore, that apple is actually closer to an orange.

That's how far off you are. Studies comparing tranny brains just try their hardest to find female brain similarities, even though the brain is very clearly male. While they do notice oddities, they aren't anywhere close to being "closer to female", that's retarded.

Fascism thrives through conflict. If fascism is really your goal, the #UnitetheRight mentality is flawed. Hitler certainly tried to make himself appealing to mainstream German conservatives, but he only made concessions when he absolutely needed to, such as getting the confidence of the German industrialists or the military hierarchy. Otherwise they fought and bickered openly with other contemporaries, whether they were of the establishment or outsider movements like themselves. There was a lot that the rest of the German right - conservatives, Christians, reactionaries and so on - found troubling and unlikeable in the Nazi movement (and a lot of German right-wingers dissented against the regime). He simply just made the Party too powerful to be contradicted on these matters.

I agree with the sentiment generally though. I hate partisan politics. I hate the team sport attitude and arrogant hostility of it all.

>Laugh, kikebarra laugh, at how gay your life must be

Thanks for the post. You might be right, my knowledge of the topic is second hand. I know that homosexuals tend to have neurological oddities, strong similarities to the opposite sex in certain areas, and others which appear as exaggerated characteristics of their own sex. Neurologists tend to use terms like "masculinised" or "feminised" when describing sexual dimorphic traits in the brain. Transsexuals share prominent sexually specific characteristics of their "identified" sex.

Of course, it's bound to be much more complicated than this. Neurological differences specific to transsexuals don't necessarily indicate "true" feminisation or whatever, there could also be areas involving self-perception and body image and shit that, when changed, cause transsexual sensations.

They contribute to it.


Except civilisation IS collapsing.

As a Germanophile I'd like to take issue with "fact" number 2. Yes, German military elite surrendered, after the USA was jewed into joining the conflict. Comparing the risk of continuing the bloodshed or surrendering on what they thought would be affable terms, the Germans did what they thought best. However withJewsyoulose.jpeg and the rest is history.

Another one. Global warming, sorry, "Climate Change" has been debunked by everyone who fucking goes outside. We were given doom and gloom sermons about no rain fall ever again and no Artic sea ice but that's not happened.

These are opinions with no backing. I remain untriggered.

There was no documentation regarding a "Final Solution". Anyone "involved" directly was tried at Nuremburg (after torture) and then sentenced to death. Mighty convenient.

the right wing is mostly made up of low-status whites males because high-status whites benefit from the system as-is

If soy consumption doesn't affect testosterone, then why are most vegans either gay, leftist, or both?

Fact OP is a ((()))

Was Auschwitz-Birkenau the one with the fake shower rooms, the one where they forced 1000 people at a time into a gas chamber measuring 50 square metres, the one where they burned 700,000 to 900,000 bodies, hip bones and all, in 7 months, the one with the lampshades made of human skin, the one with the pedal powered brain bashing machine, the one where they were gassed with a pesticide for delousing, the one where they were gassed with a Soviet submarine diesel engine, the one where they were made into soap, or one of the death camps that were discovered ONLY by the Soviet Army?

It all gets so confusing for me, it's very hard to keep track.

>The German military elite arranged the surrender of Germany in WWI, not Jews or civilians.

Jewish run labour groups went on strike during the war, resulting in an ammunition shortage and forcing them to accept a bad surrender deal.
Jewish media also worked tirelessly to demoralise the Germans.

Not all power is direct violent power, there is some calling 'Soft power'. Autists don't understand this.

most vegans don't eat soy products because soy is usually only in processed food. and i know tons of vegans who aren't gay. they tend to be leftist, but i think it mostly has to do with social class (most upper-middle class is leftist for this reason )

>Sup Forums

Literally, autism.

These facts only trigger Americans and third worlders because. Its common sense in the Queen Elizabeth-sphere and Europe.

So it IS neurological? Holy shit user, you've just put paid to all the bullshit of "They were born that way". If it's merely neurological, an easier way to state tjay is: "It is a mental disorder". That means it can be treated. I think the 50's are coming back boys!

Oh I'm triggered alright. The day someone can get away with being wrong. On. The. Internet. Is the day I give myself a dirt nap.

This level of apologetics is embarassing no matter who you're defending. You need a healthy dose of cynicism to counterbalance how trustworthy you've let yourself become to those you admire. They surrendered when they realised defeat was inevitable. It was a rational move, to be sure, but I wouldn't take it as evidence of moral uprightness and humanistic concern. Germany's enthusiastic involvement in the war was nothing more than self-interested opportunism. Invading and pillaging neutral Belgium (muh war propaganda - yes, but it also happened. Just because Goebbels played up the bombing Dresden doesn't mean it didn't occur) to get muh French clay hardly seems honourable.
Don't play dumb. This is fat boomer tier thinking. If we're going to go this route though haven't you noticed the weather getting fucking worse every year?
Lots of people in the SS, workers and guards in the camps survived, bureaucrats and businessmen associated with the Holocaust survived. What about all those old SS vets they keep bringing up to trial? Also there's no references to Nuremberg "torture" outside of neo-Nazi publications.
Veganism is trendy and a social signifier, sort of functions like a status symbol for certain kinds of people. Also if it were so easy to become a faggot through a change in diet I think the world would be a very different place to live in.
Neurological traits, whether they are depression and OCD or autism and dementia - or something that isn't a disorder like your political leanings, your emotional life, etc. - are not very easy to alter like that. That said, hypothetically you could "treat" trannies in that way, and I imagine some people would prefer that, to bring their brain in line with their body rather than the other way around.

Germany: yes yes yes, we're all aware of the German soldiers putting babies on bayonets and chopping off children's hands. Except, asthat WAS propaganda, I'm disinclined to believe that an army that complained about America's use of the shotgun: "In September 1918, the German government issued a diplomatic protest, complaining that the Model 97 Trench Gun was illegal because “it is especially forbidden to employ arms, projections, or materials calculated to cause unnecessary suffering” as defined in the 1907 Hague Convention respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land" actually did carry out the looting they were supposed to have done. Britain shelled the absolute shit out of any town the Germans were in, easy enough to say the town was looted after it was destroyed.

The Climate Global Warming Change: you're an Aus-fag. Google Breakfast Creek Hotel flooding 1890's. No, the weather isn't getting worse. Natural, catastrophic events have always occured. "Oh, but we broke the record for the hottest day in 130 years". So how did we have such hot weather 130 years?

Holocaust denial: oh gee, who would deny it if given a choice of serving years in prison or 6 months. What other "historical fact" gets you censured for arguing against it?

Transgenderism: well, I agree it's something to be mended - but not something that requires brutalization to amend. Boys have a penis. Girls have a vagina. Be a girly-boy but you won't ever be a woman. Be a manly-girl but you won't ever be a man.

>govt virtue signals against their enemy
good proof.
>Holocaust denial: oh gee, who would deny it if given a choice of serving years in prison or 6 months.
a lot of people. who would keep denying it even when the result has been decided, on the verge of execution?
>climate change
occurence and severity of natural events are increasing.

Oh yeah >defeat was inevitable.
I know it's clichè but come on, no one actually invaded Germany.

Fact: Soy contains estrogen and makes you grow bitch tits.
Fact: Vaccinations and the "Flu-shot" kill more people than the diseases they were intended to stop.
Fact: Trannies commit suicide at a 40% clip
Fact: The Holocaust never happened.

>Got 'em

>Climate change is man-made

They never said that. They said humans contributed, so stop fucking lying. And of course humans contribute, EVERYTHING contributes to it.



Every person I know that has autism was vaccinated

It’s not the child, it’s society that can’t survive. But obviously you don’t care about society because you’re a degenerate faggot

That's because you're a fucking leaf.

This is top tier aussie banter, dont take it seriously

I won't let a fellow aussie be a wrong-faggot.

A fucking pineapple

>govt virtue signals against their enemy
good proof.
Written denunciation to a Europe wide Convention absolutely trumps any wartime propaganda, which was the "fake news" of the day. Whether it's "virtue signalling" or not.

>Holocaust denial: oh gee, who would deny it if given a choice of serving years in prison or 6 months.
a lot of people. who would keep denying it even when the result has been decided, on the verge of execution?

So we're saying those involved denied but also didn't deny it?
>climate change
occurence and severity of natural events are increasing.

Fucking balls. Actually read up on frequency and categorisation of storm events. Frequency is about the same, categorisation of Australian cyclones is still on the same scale. Severity is only impacted because our populations are larger and have moved into areas that were previously affected but no one was present when they originally went through. Queensland has massive flood events every 25 to 30 years.

>Only Partially True.
>1Mercury damages the nervous system and causes all manner or illness 2 AutismSpeaks(+other Aut groups) admit that Mercury certainly could play a role in causing autism but evidence is inconclusive 3 Vaccinations contain mercury and all the ones children receive accumulate to more than enough to damage the nervous system.
>Some douche-bag says X, appeal to authority fallacy. It is possible climate change is influenced by people, but neither proven nor probable since climates change throughout history.
>The was never a single shread of evidence a planned extermination existed, and all witness testimony for the Holobunga came from people who were given plea deal/immunity or tortured.
>No they display their mannerisms and similar brain activity to females but correlation=/=causation.
>Yeah and Angkor Watt is several temples,what is your point? The USA/USSR/UK all had concentration camps with Crematoriums, did they commit a shoah because they did have crematoriums?
>Fat Australians will lose their country too if they don't grow a pair and stop being beach bums.

No shit no one denied The Final Solution. The war was over; they had to say it happened.

>trigger Sup Forums
>with two lies and a bunch of factual statements
We aren't that retarded that we deny the truth, but it's clear as day that soy and test levels correlate somehow. maybe low test affect desire for soy, who knows

>men and women are equal, interchangeable and all differences arise from socialization
>but trannies have the wrong brain yo
use the good one for christ's sake

>>makes a list to trigger Sup Forums
>>no mention of niggers whatsoever.
send in a ticket to have this bot lurk more.

Bombing of Dresden was faked by your logic.
I miswrote because I was tired. I meant why did no one retract their endorsement of the Holocaust narrative before their inevitable death? They certainly didn't hold back from making other controversial statements. Anyway, thousands of Nazi fags involved in the Holocaust didn't get executed in Nuremberg, why don't they say anything? Why don't the old people getting tried as accomplice to all the deaths in Auschwitz try to use it as a defence - or even just try to make a desperate proclamation of their innocence to the public. Everyone proclaims their own innocence but under the guise of "I wasn't involved, I was following orders, I didn't know what was happening" rather than "this never occurred."
>climate change
What about muh Pacific Islands that are sinking into the ocean? GO LOOK OUTSIDE BRO.
Why do you think I'm a social constructionist experiencing cognitive dissonance when I'm using biological example of sex difference? Here's one thing about fags: the "queer theory" studies people hold the complete opposite belief about the origin of homosexuality as the "born gay" people. Feminists and trannies fight each other over this shit all the time.
>but it's clear as day that soy and test levels correlate somehow. maybe low test affect desire for soy, who knows
Because of internet memes? About as shitty a way to gauge the incidence and correlation of things as reading the newspaper.
The Nuremberg isn't where the Holobunga was "proven". It was a war crimes trial, not a definitive account of the Holocaust, and historians don't rely on it as a perfect, objective, impartial source or anything. It's been a long-critiqued trial.
Being executed is the biggest threat held over their head. No one denied it after - even people's last words were personal justifications or solemn musings, not denials.

Nothing of that triggered me in the slightest.
You are absolutely retarded.

Pro tip: I am sad that the Holocaust didn't happen, so even if you tell me that it did, it doesn't "trigger" me.

source on the male brain thing?

reported to the BKA and the mossad

All my posts are satire.

Can you Germans select the flag I have now or is the option not there?

Sure I can.
As long as you don't display it publicly you can even own one.

Dresden bombing has proof in the form of written orders. It wasn't something that needed propaganda from the Germans. Allied command ordered it. Hell, the commander Harris gloated about it and admitted he'd do it again.

>Why don't they say something?
Because of the threat of jail time or execution. I already answered that. Holocaust deniers are the new "Heretics".
Why have there been no documents ordering a "Final Solution"?

Global warming
>Pacific islands sinking into the ocean.
Fucking find me one. Just one.

I work in emergency services. My worklog hasn't gotten any better or worse over the last two decades.

Whats up dudes and dudettes! Come check out my twitch stream!

twitch tv/puj33

Like PUBG? Great! I'm streaming it right now on twitch! xD

twitch tv/puj33

A leaf would. Day of the rake when?

Somalis are retarded because they are somalis, not because of vaccines

Yep......whatever mate

Hows the weather in melbourne?


There's a lot on the topic:

Interestingly I came across one study whose results didn't support the conclusion.

You alright? I'm from WA and politically right-wing. I just have no interest in partisan delusions.

Yeah i forgot the pic, decided to soldier through repost and delete the old comment. No regrets.

>I'm from WA and politically right-wing. I just have no interest in partisan delusions.

trannies ATTEMPT suicide at 40%

Oh, that makes sense. I saw a YouTube video and it was about German special forces, KSK as you probably know, doing a whole bunch of Nazi salutes at a party or something.

Seems like a lot Germans still like their Nazi past but the Allies have put a whole bunch of restrictions on it. Apparently there's a Jewish no profit organistion (forgot the name) that has full control over your media until 2099. May be wrong though.

I like not being a faggot more than watching your PUBE stream.

I understood that reference.

vaccines dont have any mercury in them they have aluminum
its not a lot to digest but having it injected at once causes it to cross the blood brain barrier
how can you claim they arent damaging when they kill children?
and dont act like they do any good thats just retarded to be honest

You're not reading my posts very closely. The threat of jail time or execution can't mean much to someone who is already being punished in that manner. I think the treatment of Holocaust deniers is dumb, and I don't approve of it. That said, Holocaust denial wasn't illegal for many decades after the war in much of Europe. Most legislation only came into being in the 90s IIRC. Surely that would have been plenty of time for someone - anyone - to try and plead their case.
>Fucking find me one. Just one.
Want to read my signed copy of B.A. Santamaria's political autobiography, user? Or would you rather stick to your funny memes and brainlets like Mr. Bernardi and Ms. Hanson?

>B.A. Santamaria's political autobiography

WOOOOOO watchout we have a badass here.

This triggers climate jews.

Sit down. Be humble. Respect your betters.

Climate change is just a ploy to get white people to not have kids.

its much deeper than that but yeah that too

its all true. not sure why im supposed to be triggered

From the author of the study:
>In the 1990s Richard B. Alley and his colleagues made headlines with the discovery that the last ice age came to an abrupt end over a period of only three years. In The Two-Mile Time Machine, Alley tells the fascinating history of global climate changes as revealed by reading the annual rings of ice from cores drilled in Greenland. He explains that humans have experienced an unusually temperate climate compared to the wild fluctuations that characterized most of prehistory. He warns that our comfortable environment could come to an end in a matter of years and tells us what we need to know in order to understand and perhaps overcome climate changes in the future.
>Alley, a participant in five expeditions to Greenland and three to Antarctica, well explains how the ice caps in both places record climate history, how to read those records in cylinders of bored ice, and what they reveal about changes in climate. He waits until the end to discuss the possibility of disaster, which, unfortunately, he thinks is highly likely, perhaps soon. The ice borings disclose a history of sudden changes in a continuity that is predominantly much colder than the period during which humanity has developed. Moreover, change can be triggered by "pushes" as large as continental drift or as seemingly puny as a change in the atmospheric balance of greenhouse gases. The latter can slow or stop the huge oceanic "conveyor belt" that warms the North Atlantic, and then habitable, cultivable lands shrink due to plummeting temperatures and reduced precipitation. Is doom inevitable in our time? Given current knowledge, we can't say. But proceeding as if humanity could affect climate change is only prudent. Wonderfully accessible, information-packed science reading.
Why is he a climate jew? Shouldn't he be redpilled? "Climate is like a drunk; left alone it sits; when pushed, it staggers" - Richard B. Alley.

>unironically defending the eternal jew

Threats to family. If your life is forfeit, you'd agree to anything to save them. I'm reading Rudolph Hoess' testimony right now and it reads like he's an automaton whose been coached (pure conjecture on my part but have a read):

[Turning to the witness.] From 1940 to 1943, you were the Commander of the camp at Auschwitz. Is that true?


DR. KAUFFMANN: And during that time, hundreds of thousands of human beings were sent to their death there. Is that correct?


DR. KAUTFFMANN: Is it true that you, yourself, have made no exact notes regarding the figures of the number of those victims because you were forbidden to make them?

HOESS: Yes, that is correct.

DR. KAUFFMANN: Is it furthermore correct that exclusively one man by the name of Eichmann had notes about this, the man who had the task of organizing and assembling these people?


DR. KAUFFMANN: Is it furthermore true that Eichmann stated to you that in Auschwitz a total sum of more than 2 million Jews had been destroyed?


DR. KAUFFMANN: Men, women, and children?


DR. KAUFFMANN: You were a participant in the World War?


DR. KAUFFMANN: And then in 1922, you entered the Party?


DR. KAUFFMANN: Were you a member of the SS?

HOESS: Since 1934.

DR. KAUFFMANN: Is it true that you, in the year 1924, were sentenced to a lengthy term of hard labor because you participated in a so-called political murder?


DR. KAUFFMANN: And then at the end of 1934, you went to the concentration camp of Dachau?


DR. KAUFFMANN: What task did you receive?

HOESS: At first, I was the leader of a block of prisoners and then I became clerk and finally, the administrator of the property of prisoners.

DR. KAUFFMANN: And how long did you stay there?

HOESS: Until 1938.