This sack of shit is back, do ya'll miss him?

That's right, it's motherfucking Jack Thompson, and he's been acting all giddy lately.

Other urls found in this thread:

Jack Thompson is still alive?

I guess Jews never go away do they.

What does nu-Sup Forums not see this thread, or know who this dude is?
Forgot to link it.

Jesus christ... What is Sup Forums doing? right now.
Shameless self bump

I'm not new and I had no idea who this was. Just googled him.

Who is this kike and why should I care?

A little run down on Thompson himself...
>Tries to promote game violence censorship
>Uses literal nigger kids shooting as argument against GTA
>Basically got told by the Florida court to fuck off
>Barred from doing shit atleast in Florida
That's the gist of it. He blamed Vidya for causing most of the violence, and was an enemy of the video game industry for a LONG TIME, at least until he got told to fuck off.

This guy nowadays is essentially harmless (for now), and is more or less overshadowed by the SJWs, but still funny how he is coming out of irrelevancy recently.

Well he's not wrong, I dabbled a little in GTA V and my experiences were not particularly pleasant - that shit will rot your brain if you let it.

>muh video games
let it go soybois

GTA V isn't even that great of a game to begin with, but more so with Jack Thompson, this guy was practically one of the original jewish virtue-signaler, by filing lolsuit after lolsuit, regarding violence in vidya, and eventually being told by the Florida Supreme Court to piss off as I stated.
Actually how come only knows who this dude is?

a lot of the original Sup Forums userbase that helped get this fucker disbarred aren't around anymore.

Except... This guy was persistent at this shit for a LONG, LONG, TIME. He basically blamed Vidya for all the violence, and often tried to start lolsuit, after lolsuit, getting absolutely nowhere. Probably the pre-SJW era example

Damn. I would only imagine they went on to becoming normal-fags, or have killed themselves.
Quite dark now that I think more about it...

this. the last console anyone here should own is a 360. that was 2005. put down the controller and pick up a dumbbell so you can smash some faces in when the time comes.

Jason Schreier is a real ashkenazi jew himself. Why are you quoting this kike to begin with? He in cancerous gaming “journalism” and defended Chelsea Van Valkenberg and perpetuated the muh gamergate meme. He also posted on neofag and now he’s over at reshatera. He’s a kike, he’s a kike, he’s a kike

Oh we know Jason Schreier is a kike himself, I only had to quote him as he brought up the fact that Jack Thompson was sending him emails, possibly to be relevant again?

>Jack Thompson is in control in Washington

If they ban kids under 18 from buying M rated games, who gives a shit?
Kids that really want them will still get them and I won't be affected at all because I'm over 18 and no longer obsess over video games. Who cares?

>If they ban kids under 18 from buying M rated games, who gives a shit?
It's already 17, you mouth breathing retard. Do you really think that is all they want?

This is more regarding the fact, that it's Jack Thompson potentially going to the Whitehouse meeting. Idk if that is true or not.
and to think we got this guy disbarred a while back too... Was it in vain potentially?

You can always tell someone is a retard when they refer to teenagers as kids. It's a dead giveaway.

Probably just tired of the sliding. It has been almost impossible to keep track of the decent information.

The rating system is not enforced by law.

>You should be shot for selling Call of Duty to a 15 year old

Why should I care if a 15 year old is allowed to play call of duty or not?

>a 15 year old should be shot for playing Call of Duty

Says the fag posting anime reaction images on Sup Forums

>If you buy Call of Duty for your teenage brother, you should be shot

Slide thread. Nobody of value cares about video games. Saged.

>If you buy Call of Duty, and play it yourself, but your 15 year old brother can see you playing, you should be shot

I mean can you really call this a slide thread, when this is about a dude that tried to start lolsuits over vidya, and other shit, and Sup Forums helping to get this dude barred? Also being in contact with another kike that defended Zoe Quinn, and kept going off on muh gamergate?

>you should be SHOT WITH A GUN if you VIDEO GAME

>every thread is a slide thread!