I live in Oklahoma and the teachers are threatening to walk out in protest to increase their wages...

I live in Oklahoma and the teachers are threatening to walk out in protest to increase their wages. I need more info on the subject. I think they are nothing more than taxpayer funded babysitters who indoctrinate kids. There are more windows in a prison than the public schools here. I had maybe two teachers who were actually decent. The rest just repeated the same old worksheets and assignments they have been handing out for years. Half my friends were Vietnamese slopes who had binders full of the already completed assignments from their brothers and sisters that went through it before them. "Teachers" don't deserve shit.

Kek at losers who send their beloved to public school to deal with this shit, I couldn't imagine hating my kids so much

I'm an english teacher and the amount of preparation and correction I have to do alone takes almost the same amount of time as what I'm payed to do. This doesn't even begin to touch on class management and having to deal with retarded, entitled faggots like you and their parents who encourage them.

Why not get a part time job during the entire season youre not working to pad your income. Normal people work all year round and dint have the privilege of just walking out of their job on a whim when theyre not satisfied.

just happened in west Virginia, two weeks and first day back my little brother has a worksheet about rosa parks. Hes in first grade. next will be holocaust in 2nd. Its funny because these retard teachers voted for obama who fucked up our coal industry, now WV is fucking poor and these people want to leech money from a fucking stone

They say its because of their rising premiums due to the ACA. Their raises are negated because of the cost of healthcare. How many hours would you have to work part time during the summer to negate the cost of healthcare? And yeah these socialist cunta voted for this shit now they can lie in the bed they made.

Public school is garbage. They will weaponize your children and turn them into retards.
They should all be fired

Are they still getting paid?

You have some of the lowest paid teachers in the entire region.

Enjoy continuing to live up to your stereotypes

Public school is terrible anyway though.

t. Texas

Northwest Okie reporting in. Teachers are paid literally nothing here, which has led to a giant wave of liberal college grads being employed in to our public schools.

>English teacher
hahaha there you go you fucking leech. id tell you to get a job at a private school where you are not sucking the tax tit and have smaller classes but you're probably not qualified with your two years of community college

>standardized test scores continually going down
>teachers want more money
>standardized test scores continue to go down
>"we care about your kids education!"
>proceed to fill childrens' minds with propaganda, grooming them to conform to the globalist agenda
>"we want more fucking money!"
>"oh, we're not walking out on your kids you fucking bigot. we're walking out FOR your kids because you are a sheltering, xenophobic, transphobic, elitist fucking BIGOT
>my fucking face

wtf is this text.jpeg meme that seems so common lately? Wouldn't it be easier to just copypasta?

I'll never forget having a huge argument with my 7th grade history teacher.
She marked me wrong on a test for answering '1776' to the question of 'When was the Declaration of Independence signed?'
She got so flustered when I insisted I was correct that she threw the 'Teacher's Edition' of the history book on my desk and screamed "IT SAYS RIGHT FUCKING HERE IT WAS 1767!!"

She then stopped class to drag me to the superintendent's office to demand I be suspended for not giving in to her hysteria like a little bitch.
The superintendent seemed a bit embarrassed when he had to tell her that '1776' was correct, but she still refused to correct my score, and he said that was fine.

That was in 1982, and the cunt kept her job until she retired 4 years ago.
Teachers are like every other government employee: too fucking stupid and useless to make it in private business where results matter.

If you have the intelligence, knowledge, and logical facilities of a burger flipper, you should be paid on the same scale.

taken off of fuckbook so im not sure

Public teaching is the lowest job possible for those in their field. It's for failures. Anyone with any experience would pick an area that isn't teaching. The sad reality is that the math teacher is someone who couldn't get into engineering, and had to settle for teaching. Same with any other subject.

Nah, they're walking out for gibsmedats

Public schools are basically like sending your kids to juvenile detention.
They interact with niggers and the children of trash people, learning horrible habits from others.
It’s like prison.
The kids are exposed to kids who have different value systems.
Plus, niggers and spics molesting your daughters.
Private or homeschool, otherwise may as well just send your kids to the streets.

Modern Education is a joke to begin with.

>for your children
you mean because of your children

I agree.
My mom spends all evening grading papers and preparing for the next day, so really teachers work 11+ hour days (8 hours at school + 3 hours after).

They can work summers.
The point is teachers still have to work after school; grading papers and prepping for next day, unpaid.

So you want niggers and trash criminal kids all day walking around stealing shit while you work?
Schools are penitentiaries to keep kids off the streets.

Parent here. Remember to record interactions with teachers. I have been calling out anti white and anti male lessons from the teachers I am and will continue to record them.

Every goddamn thread about teacher pay it's just people who know nothing about educating talking about how they had a bad teacher once. It's ridiculous and you lot are retarded.

If they don’t show up to work they don’t get paid.

Fuck teachers

>Attacking a teacher on Sup Forums
>Underage edgelord 9000

some teachers have gotten really good at managing their time
know how much work is appropriate
and how much wouldn't waste the time for everyone involved

>Adults who babysit all the nigger trash kids so they won’t steal your shit while you work
>You hate them
Ungrateful retarded nigger

Science teacher here. Want to solve public education? Allow "tracking" or separation of students based on intelligence. Liberals don't want this because they all think it will lead back to 100% white and 100% black classes. This is hilarious as it implies their racists thinking that all black kids would be lumped into the dumb classes because muh racism when in reality its because they're dumb on avg.

They fail to realize the black kids with actual intelligence would also be lumped with the other smart kids and be accelerated through material faster.

Right now public schools are baby sitting centers for all kids. At least tracking would allows us to help those that can make use of what we teach.

"Our poor suffering teachers aren't paid enough" is a surprisingly successful meme that I hear even from some conservatives. Obviously it's pushed because (a) teachers union funds go directly into Democrat coffers and (b) it obscures their fundamental role as left-wing propaganda dispensers.

You’re not using your brain.
Who else is going to be in charge of niglets and trash kids?
Without teachers you’d be begging government to do something about niggers wondering around your neighborhood all day while you work.
Thank god teachers deal with trash children, so you don’t have to.

...With niggers and trash criminal kids, by your own admission. There's no reason to hate kids that much, user.

>The sad reality is that the math teacher is someone who couldn't get into engineering, and had to settle for teaching.
Another sad reality is that if teachers were paid the true value of the service they're intended to provide (educating the next generation), the people who currently pass as 'teachers' would all be replaced by skilled applicants within a week, and would struggle to get a job at a 7-11.

Alas, the government is the employer of last resort, and so we're continually stuck with inadequate teachers and a DMV filled with Shaniquas.

I mean there are many HS teachers who are also coaches
you can't tell me that spending your entire evening grading papers is standard for teachers when somehow these coaches can allocate the time to manage it all

I am not a teacher but I tutor children and I second this post. Working as a teacher has the same aspect as being a student regarding the extra work done after hours.

Lol stfu faggot
They keep asking teachers for more and more; grading, psychology evaluations, behavioral updates, parental meetings, plays and after school program volunteers
Stop talking out of your ass you underage piece of shit

not saying teachers aren't paid shit
but i've never seen a teacher who wasn't middle class

My parents weren't failures so I went to a public school in nice town 15 years ago, so my experience was ok. It was a little left but nothing too over the top. If you are intelligent you can see through it, if not, you are a fool and your life is going to suck anyway.

How much of a raise are they asking for? 5%? That isn't too much to ask for.

Had an argument with my 8th grade social studies teacher trying to convince her that Alaska is bigger than Texas.

You realize what America was like before the national public education system?
Children would be either made to work or out there hustling/stealing shit like gypsies.
Use your brain, tranny.

>aren't walking out on your children
>walking out for your children
walking out on your job to increase your shekel allowance helps no one but yourselves. teachers are almost all braindead cum-slaves of the government.

I'm a public high school teacher and also a football coach. There are some ways of mitigating the time commitment so you aren't always working, and to be honest, the teachers who are most frequently swamped with work generally tend to be younger, more idealistic teachers who don't manage their time as well.

That being said, there is a pretty high degree of crossover between teachers who have learned how to balance their personal and professional life, and teachers who are essentially drains on the system. Sometimes it can be hard to tell the difference, I'll admit.

Teachers are fucking worthless these days. Homeschool your kid or find an excellent private school that doesn’t shove shit down your kids throat.

I hope no one assumes teachers enjoy being in a union. I hate teacher unions and having to pay dues. Here's why.

Kidnergarten teacher essentially babysits kids all day and has zero planning or grading.

P.E. teacher does zero lesson planning and never has to arrive early or stay late to make copies of an assignment and browses their phone during kick ball while enforcing a no phone policy in class.

Science teacher has to grade labs, papers, set up lesson demos, do research into lessons so they make sense to students, re-organize the class based on lessons, and have to actually care about the material they're teaching.

Thanks to teacher unions, I have to pay roughly $1,000 a year so all of the above teachers make the exact same amount.

>They keep asking teachers for more and more; grading, psychology evaluations, behavioral updates, parental meetings, plays and after school program volunteers
never said none of that shit is wrong. I'm just saying that some teachers, like some people, are just very bad at managing their time
i do agree they do deserve to be paid for
at least be given an extra hour after school to be paid for grading those papers
>psychology evaluations, behavioral updates
fuck that, a teacher should have the responsibly to report that, but an outside figure should be the one who actually does the evaluations and updates
>parental meetings
should be paid for extra time. would give teachers more reason to plan these things if they are getting paid more to do them
>plays and after school program volunteers
should always remain optional

>believing he is a teacher
back to plebbit

I hate public unions so fucking much.

>The point is teachers still have to work after school; grading papers and prepping for next day, unpaid.

Since they're on salary, it's not really "unpaid." That's how companies and organizations get around have to pay overtime. They simply put you on salary, and then demand that you work way more than 40 hours/week. This is not something unique to teaching. Any white collar position requires more than 40 hours per week.

>I think they are nothing more than taxpayer funded babysitters who indoctrinate kids

>doesnt know difference between faculties and facilities
>calls teachers stupid

I guess they really did fail you in the end


This is true. There are some exceptions in small towns where the citizens still have control of their local government. But for the most part sending your kids to a public school is abusive and neglectful.

Public school teachers already make too much money. They don't do all that much. They think they have to spend their own money on proletarian children and then get mad about it, even though no one asked them to do it. And they don't work very many hours and get incredibly long vacations.

You're comparing the Current Year multinational, mismanaged hell in the halls to the nineteenth century, which neither of us were alive in, but was still more Christian and eighty percent white. Yeah, I get it, you're a pragmatist who hates children, but there's no defending the indefensible.

Honestly I think doing something like that is the only way to fix inner city school districts. Just put in a major effort to identify the few kids who actually give a damn about learning and put them all into one school so they don't have to deal with the pavement apes.

>need supplies to teach class
>kids don't have supplies
>you lose your job if test scores go down
>lol, we didn't ask you to spend your own money on supplies
holy fuck I hate Sup Forums when it comes to education

>the teachers who are most frequently swamped with work generally tend to be younger, more idealistic teachers who don't manage their time as well.
in my experience its the older female teachers who complain the most, and when i was in HS, these teachers tended to be the ones who complained the most, and even did the most stupid shit. but i've also heard that they've been given more shit to be responsible for in past years
most male teachers i've met who've been in the system for like 10 years tend to be the ones who got things down to a system

women just complain regardless, has nothing to do with extra work

I don't know where the fuck all this 'muh brainwashing Marxist teachers' comes from. I'm a high school science teacher from Australia and although we heard some pretty ridiculous Marxist shit in uni, the actual day to day teaching is far more focused on teaching strictly apolitical content, at least in science, and dealing with retarded bogan kids who think they'll stumble their way into an apprenticeship and make 6 figures a year at 18. None of the teachers I've talked to are seeking to enact some left leaning echo chamber, just seeking to finish the shit ton of paper work, preparation and classroom management that comes with the job. Honestly, I see a fair bit of bullying and discrimination between all demographics so if there is some secret agenda it's not working

Does your school not have honors programs?

Found the useless cunt who sucks the state's tit.

There were no niggers in my school. Still aren't, 30 years after I graduated--not that graduating means shit when your (((teacher))) believes The Declaration of Independence was signed in 1767 because of a misprint in an overpriced schoolbook.
Most (((teachers))) couldn't manage to pass a quiz from Cosmopolitan, and are paid (not payed) accordingly.

Goddamn, it's too hilarious that a supposed Engrish teacher wrote 'payed' in the 3rd post of a thread about useless teachers.

I look forward to reading the thread where your mom is arrested for fucking a 12 year old nigger.

Many school districts do this already. I went to public schools in New Jersey that were 55% black, but my classes were like 3% black.

And in New York City, they have highly selective public schools require students to take an aptitutde test to be able to attend (and surprise surprise, it's all whites and asians and no nigs or mestizos).

Hopefully common sense prevails in the Janus vs. AFSCME case that was just heard by the SCOTUS.

What do you think teachers should do if they want a raise?
Also would you agree that teachers are really important on an individual level? I don't mean good teachers or bad teachers, but as a station in society - the actual role they play in one's upbringing.
Do you think that more competitive wages will attract more talented teachers who would've otherwise joined the private sector?

Forget the fact that bad teachers don't really get fired and the long list of other privileges brought about by the teacher's unions. Try to analyze the situation hypothetically. Say there's a long overdue referendum on public education, what do you want changed w/ regard to teachers.

>And in New York City, they have highly selective public schools require students to take an aptitutde test to be able to attend (and surprise surprise, it's all whites and asians and no nigs or mestizos).
problem is teachers are still penalized if these guys are failing

You should just start your own thread with that as the OP. This thread is just attracting the underage that are mad at their teachers

>Also would you agree that teachers are really important on an individual level? I don't mean good teachers or bad teachers, but as a station in society - the actual role they play in one's upbringing.
can a teacher really be considered bad if they're paired with nigger kids?
can a teacher be considered good if they're paired with kids who basically teach themselves

These teacher unions are Soros kike organizations BTW.

Wow 3 hours grading papers sounds like an impossible task. I don't think there is an amount sufficient enough to give these heroes . the amount of intense training it must take to be the intellectual betters of 10 year olds is unfathomable. No words

Why is public schools such a shit hole in this country? They’re more like babysitter centers that offered the cheapest rate to the govt.
teachers getting paid more isn’t the answer. They already get paid a ton of benefits.

>>doesnt know difference between faculties and facilities
>>calls teachers stupid
>I guess they really did fail you in the end

I guess so.
The saddest thing is, I could fail by misusing that word and still become an English teacher who would go on to judge my students as being wrong for using the correct word.
I got tenure. You can't fire me, an sheeit!!

the teacher union in Oklahoma is practically the only union with real power. None of our politicians are opposed to them, openly.

The fact is that we don't have money as a State because we severely limit the type and amount of tax revenue that can be obtained. If you were to create a ratio of tax revenue vs what teachers get paid in OK, it would probably one of, if not, the highest in the entire nation. That doesn't mean that Oklahoma teachers get paid a lot of money, it means that they are dis-proportionally paid. A strike by Oklahoma teachers is simply a show of political force, much like it was in 1990. No one stands up to the teachers union.

Typical teacher fag detected.

when i was in university (science dept) i noticed that all the fat ugly low iq bitches were in education.
i took a few classes with some nursing hotties but the education dept were all dumb and fat.
they were all in classes that brainwashed them with progressive crap and taught them to push poison on their future students.
its no surprise people who can send their kids to private school to escape the dregs who end up as public school teachers.
they are the bottom of the bottom of the barrel.


That's the one thing standardized testing is good for. It's called accountability, it exists outside your bullshit union.


Puerto Ricans in NYC are usually mulattoes, not mestizos

I was just breaking your balls man

yeah tenured teachers will sit around doing jack shit teaching the same wrong information for 15+ years because of some mistake in a book from the 80s and theyre too stubborn to admit that they can be wrong too

All public sector unions are. Teachers unions are the worst since they mostly exist to funnel union dues into the Democratic Party's coffers.

fuck public schools
the are a make-work federal jobs program plus nigger day care

Fuck unions

Yeah they did this when I was in highschool, they went on strike and told the kids and parents that they are doing it for us, when in reality students are a bargaining chip. Public sector unions are cancer and need to be outlawed.

You clearly don’t work in Victoria do you ya dumb cunt.

>wanting to be paid more for this

fuck off mate

What supplies do you need? A textbook, some paper and a pencil.everything else is luxury that the taxpayer shouldn't have to pay for.

If you don't care enough to send your kids to a private school for a proper education some markers and construction paper isn't going to help.

Did you drop out of Jr High like JLaw?
High schools focus on the fundamentals. It's the high paid college professors that are doing the indoctrination. Every home schooled person I've ever met was ether stupid or socially retarded.

people who send their kids to school are idiots.

We don;t speak your language fag... you speak ours

>teachers decided to walk out
I don't doubt their commitment to the democrat cause, but in this case both students and teachers were directed to do so by their schools.

If you still have your rights you would sue them and win for using public institutions to shill for the DNC.

I graduated years ago. it takes 12 years for fundamentals? Funny you should mention that. Writing a book report on the hunger games in 11th grade was fundamentals?

They don't teach during every period of the school day

Maybe don't live around black people?

Most home schooled people I've met seem to be pretty intelligent, but yeah socially retarded

Actual 4th grade teacher here.
Teaching is a piece of cake. Don't let the retarded teachers here fool you.
Here's what the teachers WON'T tell you.

By law teachers are required to teach 1080 hours a school year (6 hours a day, 5 days a week @ four 9 week sessions).
So if we break that down by ACTUAL pay:
$32,000 / 1080 = $29.62 / hr

I know, I know, you'll hear every fucking pussy female teacher in my school say the same thing:
"But teachers spend money out of our own pockets to buy supplies and spend more hours grading."

Bull crap. NOBODY is asking teachers to do that. Nobody.
I haven't spent a damn dime of my money on a kid. That isn't my job. I also ONLY work the required hours. Not a second later.

I don't stay after school grading, or make myself work harder than I am required. I use COMPUTERS to do things for me instead of these techonoligaly illiterate 60 year old women.

And guess what? Highest test scores in the school. Last year 19/20 of my students scored 'advanced'. And the one that didn't was a retarded that should have been on an IEP.

Fuck teachers.

EVERY school district has like 2 required grades a week. It should take about 30 minutes to grade papers a week. I have my students grade their own (none required) papers. Other teachers are too scared of kids 'cheating' on a paper that won't go in the grade book. Get better time management.

>psychology evaluations
Hahaha. No. There is nothing. Literally nothing in my job description about that. OCCASIONALLY I'll have to sit in on an IEP, but any evaluations are the school counselors job.

>behavioral updates
What? If you are not a spineless teacher there are no needs for behavioral updates. Grow a spine.

>parental meetings
Twice a year and 90% are by phone. So hard.

>plays and after school program volunteers
Nope. Nothing in my contract about being required to stay for that crap. That's the music teacher's job. I won't volunteer my time. Grow a spine. Don't be afraid to say 'no thanks'.

This happened here in canada too. And god damn did people I know laugh at these retards; The niggers are complaining about a FULL FUCKING PENSION after like 20 years of "teaching" the same bottomfeeder-tier shit, alongside a more than passable income. The amount of people that work twice as hard and get half as much or less is fucking STAGGERING, and yet these people insist they need more
This is why people are laughing at you. You're asking for more money AFTER you went to meetings, discussed shit, and probably participated in some form of voting, all to add MORE to your workload. After all that, THEN you decide that it's not fair and that you should be paid more. It's hard to feel any empathy if you're practically cutting your wrists by your own volition and begging for help at the same time

If they're outlawed how will people be able to escape the current economy? People get fired every couple years. Public sector unions allow you to live in the 1950s economy.

Where do you teach. What do you mean you do stuff on computers?