Daily reminder

Daily reminder that France is the greatest nation on Earth and that if you think otherwise, you are simply wrong.

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>Built a giant arch for their triumphant armies to march through
>Only invading armies have used it

As far as I know everything wrong with the world started happening with the French revolution allowing Jews equal rights to Christians

France was the greatest until the French Revolution, and the title of greatest has been vacant since then

Literally all of this.
You win dumbest argument on Sup Forums for the day.

France didn't built the first Confederate home-fleet building both the CSS Shenandoah and CSS Alabama, nor was it home to the Confederate fleet, nor was France home the the Confederate European financial centre, nor spyring, nor trade centre, nor did France produce the cannon that fired the first shot of the war, nor was France the location of the final surrender of the war by accepting the CSS Shenandoah into it's port safe from the Union

England was though

In celebrating France, I do not celebrate the Republic.

The french revolution literally was the worse thing that ever happened to europe. Twas the beginning of lazy smelly socialists like charlie marks.

Fuck you frenchy fucks

France =/= the Republic

Hating France and the French people for the Republic/Revolution is nigger-tier.

Thanks for socialism, Napoleon. If only the Iron Duke got you sooner.

>implying the French revolution wasn't instigated by English agents like Voltaire so that the English could institute a financial, rather than religious-based, control of the world, which is still in power up to this day in the form of neoliberalism and multiculturalism

Furthermore, the early revolutionaries wanted France to be more like England.

Yeah okay faggot.

The Islamic State of France is far from the best country.

Exactly, much to the detriment of France

>Around 1722, the French philosopher Voltaire became an Anglophile; he lived in Britain between 1726 and 1728. During his time in Britain, Voltaire learned English and expressed admiration for Britain as a land where, unlike France, censorship was much looser, one could freely express one's views, and business was considered a respectable occupation. Voltaire expressed his Anglophilia in his Letters Concerning the English Nation, a book first written in English and published in London in 1733, where he lavished much praise on British empiricism as a better way of thinking. The French version, Lettres philosophiques, was banned in 1734 for being anti-clerical, after complaints from the Roman Catholic Church; the book was publicly burned in Paris, and the only bookseller willing to sell it was sent to the Bastille. However, underground copies of the Lettres philosophiques were printed by an illegal print-shop in Rouen and the book was a huge bestseller in France, sparking a wave of what the French soon called Anglomanie. The Lettres philosophiques first introduced the French to British writers and thinkers such as Jonathan Swift, Isaac Newton and William Shakespeare, who before then had been barely known in France. The success of Lettres philosophiques and the resulting wave of Anglomanie made all things English the rage in France, with English food, English styles and English gardens being especially popular. Ultimately, the popularity of Anglomanie led to a backlash, with H. L. Fougeret de Monbron publishing Préservatif contre l'anglomanie (The Antidote to Anglomania) in 1757, in which he argued for the superiority of French culture and attacked British democracy as mere "mobocracy".


The english didnt start the french revolution you stupid fuck.

What are you even blathering in about?

What does him liking England's 'not completely authoritarian' freedom of expression have anything do with him wanting financial based control of the world? France was constrained by religious ideologues, Voltaire wanted to stir the pot.

And if you think England is so bad, why did they almost completely reverse the emancipation of the Jews by Napoleon after they won?? You sound like fucking CNN Russia collusion shit here leaf.


Can you read?

England paid him to destabilise France so that they could rule the world uncontested, since Spain and Portugal were in decline at that time. And England has always been a primarily financial empire, and they only gave up their colonies because the English upper class realised that they didn't need to keep political control to maintain financial control. Multiculturalism is a form of this English financial control. So the two things are separate things that are related to each other since one follows from the other.

The rich Jews like the Rothschilds don't care about the poor Shtetl Shlomos. They got what they wanted, and that was leverage over the world due to the English upper class being in debt to them. That's why the Brits made the Balfour declaration, to partially pay back the debt

This. I love hairy armpits and topless beaches.

You haven't lived life until you've had sex on top of the Eiffel Tower.

France is filled with smelly, lazy people who go on strike because someone stole their sandwich in the break room fridge. You can't even carry anything that can be used as a weapon for self-defense because protecting yourself is not the french way of things.
We're behind pretty much everyone in every field and anyone with half a brain and a degree is leaving the country because it has absolutely no redeemable qualities anymore.

France may have been great hundreds of years ago but today both the government and the people are bottom of the barrel shit that don't deserve to breed.

Huh. That's interesting. Any sources exploring England voluntarily (somewhat) giving up colonies with those reasons in mind?

Yeah I've heard Churchill got his (((debts paid)))

I had an interesting source that I can't find right now that explained how, for example, the British were still in control or owners of a majority of Indian business for quite some time after independence.

Your defeatism is part of the problem.

The French (especially Parisians) love to complain. They may or may not actually mean it

Realism is not defeatism, I'm simply recognizing modern France for what it is, a cesspool of white trash and muzzies well on its way to become the first EU muslim state.

Fuck off Francois

Your defeatism is part of the problem.

From "Rule Britannia" to "Diversity is our Strength"

Same thing, different slogan

France is good, but Britain is clearly superior. Look at all of your former colonies for starters. Sad!

die franken sind dunkoffen

BTFO in every war.

>56% education