Where did we Americans fuck up, Sup Forums?

Where did we Americans fuck up, Sup Forums?
Women voting?
Minorities voting?
Non property holders voting?
Or some other point? I feel the country had a good start. Lately, it feels we could be doing better.

allowing circumcision did the most damage


I understand this feeling, but this may mean we were inherently fucked. If you will let people cut up your dick, maybe you will let them do anything.
Fellow Americans, speak for our nation.

On a side note, leaves are fags.

War against Germany in 1941

i think im having a heart attack. my chest hurts and i have a lot of shortness of breath
>be amerimutt
>be fat
the memes are true. goodbye Sup Forums

>Non property holders voting
this is where it all went wrong

Mass immigration of non-Anglos in the mid to late 19th century.

The civil war unleashed the growth of the federal government as Southerners who were most suspicious of the growth of state power lost their right to vote, hold office or be an officer in a publicly traded company following the war. This had the secondary effect of concentrating the wealth and power of the country into the hands of corrupt New York politicians (Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall) and Businessmen (Wallstreet and the Banks). Since then the power of the independent states and individuals has repeatedly been diminished while the power of the federal government and the wealthiest Americans has continually grown.

Other notable events include, the adoption of the income tax under Woodrow Wilson which allowed for further growth of the state. The blatant socialism of FDR and the authority worship that was generated by the Great Depression and WWII. And finally the completely unprincipled pursuit of material pleasure by the boomer generation which lead to our current debt and lack of national character.


America died when Kennedy was assassinated

this was the killing blow


I'm going to go with the direct election of senators.


Jesus Christ.

Second wave feminism. That is the ignition that led us heading towards the degenerate spiral we now ride today.


But any kind of democracy is degeneracy really.

Read Hoppe.


>implying first wave feminism wasn’t just as horrible and detrimental

When people stoppedcaring about, family, church and tradition.

Prior to the industrial revolution, most men earned the money at their trade they performed in their house, or as a farmer really close to their house and thus were there 90% of their day to keep an eye on the runnings of things. With the industrial revolution, factories became the major employment choice in larger cities, meaning the men were no longer at home for 12 hours of the day. Wives got bored. They congregated. They realized how oppressed they where having leisurely spare time. This is when you started seeing the first births of feminism, women editorial magazines, supermarket tabloids catered to women's tastes, advertising that targeted women who were doing shopping. The Jew stepped in, and suffrage was already being planned along with the beginnings of divorce and property rights.

>Where did we Americans fuck up, Sup Forums?
Siding against Hitler

We really did do our best. Try and avoid the truth all you want to.

Weak men made this happen

We need strong men to reverse it

>Where did we Americans fuck up, Sup Forums?


>Weak men made this happen
>We need strong men to reverse it

No, DUMB men made this happen.

We need smart men to reverse it.


and also letting ourselves get baited into WWI. They sailed the Lusitania right through where the kraut U-boats were fucking everyone up and waved that around to get into the war.

comfy 1916 America was where China is now, unstoppably powering forward in industry and tech, stacking up cash like it ain't shit and slapping around bitch-ass non-countries like haiti for not paying their debts to us.

we got a taste for playing world police and ended up lighting the fuse on nazism, communism and the deep state we had to build to fight against them which we now can't get rid of


Yeah. Maybe. Good point.

When one is born with the Pioneer Spirit, one does tend to look back at those not keeping up. Nostalgia slows you down. We could be at lightsabers and warp drive by now; but we're attatched to the story of how we got there. Not a good idea when there are other frontiers to explore.

Lets face it guys...

if Sup Forums ran the country, we'd have this shit turned around in a fucking week.

Women voting
Buying into the federal reserve banking scam

top fucking kek nothing enrages amerimutts more than their parents ignorantly mutilating their dicks at birth and some physician profiting from it

>lusitania through kraut u boats made america get involved in ww1

Do you guys imagine there was some alex jones woke nigga ranting and walking around town yelling that the sunk boat was a deep state false flag?
>imagines being alex jones dude in early 20th century
>tfw acting smug amongst the normies as old school pinkertons show up and try to shut me down

Reagan loved FDR. Do you think he just didn't understand FDR?

Those without an understanding of the past have no future.

When we allowed ethnic diversity in the colonies, you fool. America was never a unified ethnic nation, but rather a mix of English, French, Dutch, and Germans from the very beginning.

I mean a lot of people love FDR and even today criticizing him is a hard sell with most people (same with Lincoln). He was a good leader in so far as he got people to believe in him and rally together during tough times. Beyond that he appeals to the statist desire to have the government sweep in and save everyone.

The appeal of power is always alluring.

Either the Civil War or the mass immigration of people from countries with no democratic tradition in the late 19th century. Take your pick.

It was definitely women voting and getting involved in WW1 (and later ww2)

President Wilson should have been killed for his faggotry.

we first fucked up by allowing Jewish ship owners transport their negro slaves into the newly colonized land. If we never let the kikes poison us with the black locusts, we'd of never seen ANY of the things that ruined this great country.

We fucked up 1. When we decided to have a republic instead of a monarchy. 2. Letting people have too much freedom.

Edgy as fuck. Fascists I can tolerate but unironic "American Monarchists" don't exist

The wilson administration gave, as part of its official reasoning for entering the war, unrestricted U-boat warfare conducted by the german reich. sinking the lusitania was spark that lit the fuse and people back then knew it. A false flag in Cuba had already been used to start the spanish-american war in 1898 (as if moribund spain would pick a fight with America) which is when things started going downhill. the point of no return, IMHO, was WWI tho.

Women voting, that's for sure.
It's like allowing people under 20 to vote, they'll vote with their feelings since they haven't truly seen the world and accepted it as reality. Well. For today's generation.
I guess before that, in a time long gone, kids worked young and at 18 or so you already through lived a lot.
Also yes, voting was a mistake.
The Kings had good incentive to make the kingdom a good place to secure the position and well-being of their family and especially their heirs, so they were fully invested in their kingdoms unlike nowadays' politicians who can just cash out on the other side of the globe (see: Barrack Obama) and do nothing at all after they fucked up their countries.
1789 was a mistake. Or rather, it was an anglo-jewish plot to undermine the weakened Kingdom of France.

>Where did we Americans fuck up, Sup Forums?

Becoming a Jew sanctuary country in the 20th century.

I'm tired I'm tired I'm tired.
The individual of today is not worth what France once was. I only wish for Glory and Honor to return, along with people that care for the French and France itself. Why do these retarded liberals seek to destroy everything that once was good?
I talked to some, they said it was because what I think is good is actually bad.. But with the results of today, I can fully see that they're lying. Why should I care if some faggot wants to cut their dicks? Why should I pay for it? Why do people force me to accept plain retardation disguised as acceptance of multiculturalism?
How do these people even survive outside of society? Do they ask the squirrels to share with them? Do they befriend the lions and wolves?
The only way to survive is to be with your clan and to stand strong in face of what opposes you. Nothing can stop you then, only yourself. If you try to change nature you'll simply drown in the mud, you'll fall from cliffs, you'll be eaten by rodents. Nature gives us life as we fight it, why do you want to deny Nature itself. I'm lost from their stupidity. How did it arrive to this. Someone please answer at least a few of my drunken questions.

Holy shit this

After asking myself this question every time I go on Sup Forums for six years I've come to the conclusion that things were never alright and the seed of our destruction was sown long before we even existed.

>I feel the country had a good start.


Why complain? You voted for it.