Who is "God"?

Are the abrahamic religions a complete fucking hoax?

>ancient sumerians wrote about the first things that existed being water, then after some things a god comes and creates humans

>Genesis talks about God creating the heavens and the earth; then his spirit moves above the waters. waters=earth?? something wrong here

>the five books of Moses clearly say there is more than just one god (Exodus 12:12 mentions God literally punishing the gods of egypt) but that he is the first and most powerful, also the only one to be worshipped (by israelites)

>ancient canaanite pagans wrote about "Attar", god of the morning star, who tried to take the place of baal, a title meaning "king", but failed; the gospel of luke says satan is called the morning star, his story is also very similar to Attar's

>Jesus literally calls himself "the morning star" in revelation 22:15

>Christianity is suggesting God forgived humans only after a blood sacrifice of "his son"

>Carbon Atom which makes up living beings is the 6th atom, has 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons

What the fuck is going on guys?

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Meme flags and reddit spacing? IDK, spooky.

wow. first time i see this flag
also i dont browse reddit, whats reddit spacing?
i saw people spacing like this on Sup Forums

you realize without this spacing nobody can read this right


It started when the Tribe of DN moved into the Mesopotamian region during the early bronze age and were probably the reason Tin got there in the first place via the silk road.
They were already versed with Tengriism, Buddhism and Hinduism, but the Middle East people weren't having any of that shit so new legends were needed except one, Omeme or Dagon, this religious icon is still in use today in the Catholic religion
Jews are the Tribe of DN

uh..ok dude
what if that pic is coincidence?


>exodus 12:12
God is saying these “gods” are nothing, and against all of them he shall prevail. Which he then did. He wasn’t agreeing to their godhood, but mocking it, in that even unified they could not stand against him.

Satan is never called the morning star, he is likened to lightning in Luke. The term “morning star” only appears twice in the text, once in political allegory to a fallen mortal king and once to the fallen divine king.

Commented on these for being objective lies, the rest of your post is just silly nonsense.

You are god, so is everyone else with a consciousness. We are gods walking around arguing with each other over who is god. this isn't an excuse for nihilism either, that's just a bad human idea that causes depression.

Or aliens. Aliens could be god if they seeded us and if they satisfy your definition of sky daddy.

Poetic, not political. And actually morning star does appear a few more times, but not as a description or title of a person.

objectively wrong.
you are the liar, in fact it is clearly stated that god "punishes" the gods, how can you punish someone who is not there? you can mock the gods but can you punish them if they dont exist? of course not. thats why christians used to say pagan gods are demons this is all well recorded. the strict monotheism arose in the talmud. a book that shits on gentiles anyways but saying their gods dont even exist literally, thats new.


>Atheist thread
>By a newfag
How unusual.

if you call us gods but nobody of us created anything not even one single atom then youre talking shit that dont matter so please gas yourself for this horrendous blasphemy, immediately

>12 For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the Lord.
>against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the Lord.
He isn’t punishing them, he is overriding their will. If one being can override the will of an entire pantheon of “gods” they are not gods at all but subservient at best and nothing in fact.

not an atheist, not even close.


To add, apotheosis was a big part of Egyptian pharaoh worship, that those men were or became gods.

Here God is saying “you ain’t shit, I am the lord.”

>Revelation 22:15
Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.

?? nigger the fuck are you on

>Christianity is suggesting God forgived humans only after a blood sacrifice of "his son"

Again nigger the fuck are you on. the sacrifice on the cross was to remove the need for all other sacrifice. People could be saved before Jesus the fuck you think happened to Moses? Elijah?

what the hell? you execute judgement on someone who is being judged. can you judge fucking santa? so youre saying he is not actually executing punishment? what about the fact that christians believed pagan gods are demons. you can google tons of that stuff.

He meant the very next verse, just a typo.

Idk why you brought up carbon, it's just carbon. It likes hooking up with whatever it likes.

Either way, I think it's funny that if Jesus was real and true to what the Bible says, people just said "uhn-uhn nope too spooky 4 me" and straight up murdered him for being non-human like. It sends a message to all that follow lol

but there were specific "gods of egypt" and everyone knows this - most of all ancient israelites. some random faggot who is being deified has no influence, why should god bother at all.

i think you objectively made everyone in this thread dumber by this post but ok man.

In that case you need to look at the adjective preceding the phrase Morning Star. Satan is merely the morning star whereas Jesus is the Bright Morning Star.

Angels are referred to as morning stars as well in Job, but the title Bright Morning Star is for Jesus alone. Heck the Bible compares the lion to both Satan and Jesus as well.


this covers the difference between the two phrases


this goes a bit deeper actually looking at some of the more original languages

God generally refers to the desert war god Yahweh, who absorbed attributes of Baal-Hadad and El as the Israelites shed Canaanite polytheism.

>I’m gonna murder that pedo. Against all the laws of the state I will execute judgement
Is this person punishing the state or acting against their will?

He is not executing judgment ON the gods, he his executing his aforementioned judgement against their ability to stop him.

I guess I could see how you could misinterpret that if Your English or grammar aren’t strong, but the context and punctuation makes it pretty clear.
This is all one sentence, he lays out what his judgment is, that the so called gods are worthless to stop it, and that he is in charge.

Even WITH your interpetation, what kind of pantheon of gods gets totally BTFO by one entity? Clearly there is a power discrepancy here, and a big one at that. You are dealing with a God to even gods, aka the one true God.

In my opinion we are just biological machines, living in an adaptive world full of micro-processes, bacteria, cellular mitosis, we have reproductive organs because we are finite beings, and as our bodies age the machine breaks down until we inevitably return to non-existence.

Our brains are essentially complex flesh computers reacting to stimuli.

"God" as a creator is just what we've imagined to fill the gap of knowledge on things we could not explain, like when we once thought stars were just "pin holes in a dark blanket over a flat earth".

Heaven is our fantasy of being preserved in our greatest form as an everlasting spiritual being who will live an eternal life, because we are too emotional to face our existential reality.

still doesnt answer how god can punish the gods of egypt and specifically mentions them in this context when theyre supposedly made up and not actually demons

I didn't address that point. I literally see nothing wrong with God punishing the 'gods' of Egypt. What is there to answer?

really i got that from a website called bibviz project but it turns out theyre disgraceful pieces of shit and you make more sense

To elaborate: the lucifer myth we see in Isaiah is based on Attar's attempt to usurp Baal's throne, the Leviathan myth in Job and elsewhere is based on Baal vs. Lotan, the bull imagery in Exodus and elsewhere is borrowed from either Baal or El, the aged/wise god ("ancient of days") role is taken from El, as well as his wife Asherah (worshipped alongside Yahweh as we see in Chronicles and Kings) and role as head of the pantheon (the "sons of El" seen in Job and elsewhere, usually interpreted as angels)

What's the flag fag.

For more on this see either "Canaanite Myth and Hebrew Epic" or "Yahweh and the Gods and Goddesses of Canaan"

look honey, thats interesting.

i still dont believe they dont exist tho because god doesnt deny their existence anywhere, it would make sense to just say they dont exist so nobody worships them, so yeah.

Nice Bible study. The truth is Jesus is a myth. Yahweh is a myth.These are recently established facts. The Bible has some good points but is pious fiction.

So ones Venus and ones mars. Why say your a star with zero life on it. Doesn't make sense

which part?

The carbon or the Jesus part? Both?

Here is part of Pike wrote about Satan/Lucifer

>"The true name of Satan, the Kabalists say, is that of Yahveh reversed; for Satan is not a black god, but the negation of God. The Devil is the personification of Atheism or Idolatry."

>"For the Initiates, this is not a person, but a Force, created for good, but which may serve for evil. It is the instrument of Liberty or Free Will. They represent this Force, which presides over the physical generation, under the mythologic and horned form of the God PAN; thence came the he-goat of the Sabbat, brother of the Ancient Serpent, and the Light-bearer or Phosphor, of which the poets have made the false Lucifer of the legend."

nah man youre talking shit parroted from some bible haters
this stuff is way too old to believe someone who hates god

It's a fact that most critical historical scholars (the most prominent of which are nonbelievers) agree there was a historical Jesus, though they can agree on little about his life beyond his baptism and execution.

The only god that will ever exist is a superintelligent AI.

Complete nonsense.

Literally what nigger.

meme flag, cringey atheist opinion, am i supposed to take you seriously?

>Isaiah 44:6 Thus saith the Lord the King of Israel, and his redeemer the Lord of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no god
>Isaiah 45:5 I am the Lord, and there is none else, there is no God beside me

Just a couple of many examples. Clear and direct.

Christfaggots are shills.
You fucks can't prove a goddamn thing and don't want to admit that you were duped yet again by an Israeli rugpicker.
Stupid fucks.

wow nice Indonesia is a rare flag added to my collection

Even computer scientists know AI will never exist. That’s why they started calling chatbots and phone assistants AI. Even computer learning will never be the shadow of general AI

I’d be mad if I didn’t have God in my life too user. Remember, once you learn to forgive yourself it will be easier to ask for his forgiveness

Solid argument, guess I'll just abandon all my heavily researched opinions endorsed by the majority of scholarship at the foot of the cross and help you spread the good news. Wow, the force of rhetoric.


>>ancient sumerians wrote about the first things that existed being water, then after some things a god comes and creates humans

Have you read and understood every origin from every book you lefty?

>>Genesis talks about God creating the heavens and the earth; then his spirit moves above the waters. waters=earth?? something wrong here

The heavens were created there is seven heavens

>>the five books of Moses clearly say there is more than just one god (Exodus 12:12 mentions God literally punishing the gods of egypt) but that he is the first and most powerful, also the only one to be worshipped (by israelites)

God is punishing gods. Humans always have the desire to believe they are in control and always want to believe that there is a god of more power than a mere human. Egyptian gods took that as an advantage and called themselfs god. In reality they are mere humans.

>>Carbon Atom which makes up living beings is the 6th atom, has 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons

DESU I am a normie in physics.
-Director of the Republic of Kekistan

Ancient Sumar is the garden of eden.

well i guess i will totally abandon my religion now, dork.

Jesus never existed. That is the conclusion of researchers who have combed 126 texts written during or shortly after the time Jesus is supposed to have lived. The research concluded that there was no creditable mention of Jesus whatsoever. The known sources such as Josephus etc. that do have very vague mentions of a possible Jesus are now known to be Christian interpolations and are academic embarrassments when used to prove the historicity of the "Christ". Jesus, the messianic figure at the center of the world's largest religion, Christianity, was simply a fictional character. The story of Jesus bears a close resemblance to numerous other mythological stories of ancient gods who were born of virgin mothers and performed miracles. Man made Gods.

>implying you're not mad
All you fucks have is your anger, just like the muslims.
Wrath is a sin, faggot.

Who are the tribe of dn?


You guys gotta read St. Augustine and his commentary on Genesis.

"Those who say these things do not as yet understand You, O Thou Wisdom of God, Thou light of souls; not as yet do they understand how these things be made which are made by and in You. They even endeavour to comprehend things eternal; but as yet their heart flies about in the past and future motions of things, and is still wavering. Who shall hold it and fix it, that it may rest a little, and by degrees catch the glory of that everstanding eternity, and compare it with the times which never stand, and see that it is incomparable; and that a long time cannot become long, save from the many motions that pass by, which cannot at the same instant be prolonged; but that in the Eternal nothing passes away, but that the whole is present; but no time is wholly present; and let him see that all time past is forced on by the future, and that all the future follows from the past, and that all, both past and future, is created and issues from that which is always present? Who will hold the heart of man, that it may stand still, and see how the still-standing eternity, itself neither future nor past, utters the times future and past? Can my hand accomplish this, or the hand of my mouth by persuasion bring about a thing so great?"

yeah right nigga, thats some hot research you have there.

Yes. If one is brave enough to accept the truth one will find out that it is a fact that all the Gods of religion are man mad myths. Jesus may have existed by some slim chance but I seriously doubt it. If he did he was a loony Jew with good intentions who became worm food a long time ago.

kek you faggot kikes feat the power of Christ

>Exodus 12:12
well back then actual statues were treated like gods. So when he says he is going to strike down their gods he is saying he is going to destroy their statues.

This was very common way back from an invader to destroy a city state's statue(god) to depower the people, they would also steal the god(statue) and use it to extort the people.

>Jesus and morning star
I think morning star is more of a title than a name and it could mean alot of thing. The context is probably lost in history.

most of the scholars say this? damn, this is it. i give up. now ask your neighbors to vote on who gets to fuck your mum because obviously the majority is right. i mean bible? are you kidding me?

The Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth, of all that is seen and unseen.

Never asked you too, ignore all the scholarship you want, I'm not recruiting.

No, it's accurate. Jews believe Satan or the Evil Inclination exists to help them by testing them or pushing them to God.

>“After the passing of Moshe and Yehoshua, the Jews fell into idol worship, which leads David HaMelech to speak of the evil inclination as tamei, impure. Once we’ve given in, the yetzer hara complains to Hashem about us, and mocks us for our weakness, the reason Shlomo HaMelech referred to it as sonei, our enemy. In that same verse, Mishlei 25;21-22, Shlomo also gives us advice for how to conquer this stage of the yetzer hara; the metaphor is feeding our enemy bread and water, which Aruch HaShulchan takes as studying Torah.”

>“But starting over a hundred years ago [he means the advent of the Haskalah in the late 18th century, with its push to secularism], the yetzer hara no longer entices Jews to sin, it entices Jews to abandon Torah, only a small minority caring about study and observance, as predicted in Yeshayahu 66.”

>“Once again, he is striving to convince his audience that the solution to their problems lies in the exact opposite strategy to the one many of them have adopted—more Torah study, not less; conquering the evil inclination, as it itself wants them to do, not giving in to it.” - Gidon Rothstein

second of course how can be water the same as earth this is higly dubious

wow i'm convinced. where not even in the same room faggot.

YHWH replaces Canaanite mythology the same way Christianity or Islam replaced Judaism, he was not originally a Canaanite God, as they already had El as the originator and father of their pantheon (before YHWH was introduced)

The pattern is YHWH keeps winning, and though arguments remain about the proper way to worship him he is the god of the three biggest monotheistic religions on the planet.

Not a nigger or a Jew or a cunt like you. Below are some links to some easy reads.


>no one has ever existed
this is pretty much your logic. I mean we have thousands of texts dedicated to a book about the existence of Jesus but that's not good enough for you. Does anyone exist? Am I actually supposed to take you seriously?

The Christ myth theory is the definition of fringe.

Like why hate on astrology if literally two seconds later you say your the planet venus aka the morning star.
Shits gay.

>there is a lack of historical evidence of a man tortured and murdered for healing and teaching
>also, all of his closest followers were tortured and murdered.
Gee, it’s almost as if there was a pretty desperate attempt for this to not get out.

Oh yeah you forgot one source, it’s actually been a best seller every single year for centuries now.

Sit down at a computer and program some software that doesn't exist. Move a fucking boulder that wouldn't have otherwise moved due to natural forces. You're a god.

Are you asking what the fucking big bang was? If that is the answer you want, the answer to ,"who created the atoms?"

>he was not originally a Canaanite God,
Agreed, he appears to have originated outside of Canaan (see: Kenite hypothesis), but he merged with the Canaanite gods El and Baal-Hadad (contrary to the ahistorical Exodus narrative, the Israelites originated within Canaan).

Not a kike. Hate the kikes for inventing the Abrahamic religions. Jesus is not god sissy. Yahweh is not god. Allah is not god.

What do I have to be mad about? When have I seemed mad in this thread?

You rolled through blazing butthurt, and continue.
Malady doth project too much.

The actual translation is walled city. It wasn't eden it was a literal prison. Someone made a mistake and Adam and eve escaped.

>hates kikes
>while worshipping a kike

The brainlets on this board are too much.
You fucks provide mountains of evidence of not only why you are worthless, but you're going to lose.
You are satan.
God is on the side of the lgbts and the womens and the minorities.
It is all of (You) who will experience eternal damnation.

So you don’t consider the oceans, or the land under the oceans, to be earth?

Are you high?

Carrier's book destroys Christianity. The Jews fooled people like you. Yahweh and Jesus don't exist. Grow up child.

wow, thats some hot info, thx.

this is so retarded it convinced me even more that not believing in god means you worship satan. you are fucked

>>the five books of Moses clearly say there is more than just one god (Exodus 12:12 mentions God literally punishing the gods of egypt) but that he is the first and most powerful, also the only one to be worshipped (by israelites)
Completely false.
>Isaiah 45:5 "I am the Lord, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me:"

>>ancient canaanite pagans wrote about "Attar", god of the morning star, who tried to take the place of baal, a title meaning "king", but failed; the gospel of luke says satan is called the morning star, his story is also very similar to Attar's
Completely false again, the antichrist is called the bright and morning star as a mock - because he fell and exalted himself as the most high.

Who's god then

theres proof of abraham you cuck so shut the fuck up. some things in exodus arent 100% true that doesnt mean a lot.

Christ is the only God you kike faggot fedora tipper.
He is the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End
Don't listen to this fucking kike shill lads, he is trying to lead you astray into the path down to oblivion.


>Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods? John 10:34
All men are referred to as gods since they are the children of God.

I exist. I was once a Priest. I am highly educated in all aspects of Christianity. I know for a fact that Jesus is not God nor did Jesus even exist.

God is consciousness.

You are consciousness.

Ergo, you are God.

The Abrahamic religions are just that, they worship the Sumerian Abraham, hence the old genital mutilating man with a beard etc.

They are total horseshit.

>Are the abrahamic religions a complete fucking hoax?
No shit, someone is extremely slow

You have to go back user

Im not hating on astrology he's just asking why they are both called the same thing and I am explaining the difference

I have literally no documentation that proves you exist, let alone any that will stand the test of time. I do not believe yo.

God is the eternal creator of our Universe.