This is controlled opposition. This is what peak deep state looks like

This is controlled opposition. This is what peak deep state looks like.

Other urls found in this thread:


This thread is a now a controlled opposition list thread.

Post pics of controlled opposition


Hard difficulty: post people who aren't controlled opposition.





Haha get fucked kike shill

This is what a shill posts like, they're easy to tell because they literally can not deviate from their jew tactics




>hory shet


check'd and kek'd
Spencer is a total meme and the alt right is fake, he's a puppet of the left in the same manner of how the Nazis would have fake "dissidents" (secretly loyal party members) for the brownshirts to beat out just to make headlines and get more people to join

No shit, after the MSU event I'm convinced he's crashing the alt-kike on purpose.


OP is the opposition, taking money to shill here from his festive Israeli friends.

Do you realize that MSU is on spring break right now? That whole clash with antifa was fake and staged.


Not an argument

Nice get satanmutt

>If Spencer is controlled opposition than there is no movement and we've already lost
How is this true?

JT is introductory level white nationalism. He's the free hit the dealer gives you to get you hooked. If you find someone that thinks he's talking a whole lot of sense then they're a copy of Mein Kampf away from being totally on board with the rest of the platform because once you've broken the taboo of racial differences you're within spitting distance of everything else.

Fuck off I'm not a skill Dick has seriously damaged the deep right. The lefty media gave him tons attention on purpose. He and the alt right are bound together.

Do you realize that your screenshot says that there is no movement. WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT WERE SAYING.

Richard Spencer isn't a leader and there is no movement.

White Nationalism is and always has been a jewish psy op. If you are American then you are just another retard following jews.

he's playing 5D chess, lay the fuck off him. you know how badly the jewish community would smash the shit out of his career and life? His power level if NOT that high yet.

My god, that mug. She looks like her entire face is fake.

>the deep right
Labeling yourselfs as alt-right was the first real mistake desu
Things were way more effective when the media could not find a label to group everyone on the internet supporting Trump or pushing redpills

this is what shills exploiting vulnerabilities looks like. I would be very surprised if Spencer is a Shill. Listen to the man yourself. He calls out the Jews, and refers to Andrew Joyce and Kevin MacDonald. No shill would do that. Spencer has shown he is educated and thoughtful on most of his points. He is not flawless. He is a good ally in the fight. Don't listen to the faggots.

It's more like if everyone that's baselessly accused of being contro-op actually is contro-op, then there is no movement and we've already lost.



Let me tell you something, I haven't even begun to peak. And when I do peak, you'll know. Because I'm gonna peak so hard that everybody in western world is gonna feel it.

>White Nationalism is and always has been a jewish psy op. If you are American then you are just another retard following jews.
Yeah the thing the Jews are terrified of more than literally anything else is secretly a Jewish psyop. The untold money, time, and energy poured into demoralization, demonization, confrontation of white causes by and for whites are all for show. You might actually be a legit shill but I can never tell you apart from the actual dumbasses here. Either way you're spouting ridiculous nonsense for the purpose of spreading defeatism on this board and you can take your kike/retarded ass and fuck right off.

Well everyone is baselessly accused all the time and Sup Forums hasn't imploded yet, so that arguement is invalid.

Are you fucking stupid or are you Richard Spencer, because he's the most obvious controlled opposition in the past few years.

Yeah focus on the fucking color of your skin and building an ethnostate instead of taking down the banks and the corruption and the FED. Good goyim. Be a Jewish puppet. fucking retard.

Probably because none of them are actually controlled opposition. Lrn2read.

>implying both tasks shouldn't be worked towards at the same time

Lou Dobbs

Stop being so Jewish, you're a fucking terrible shill and I can't wait for these sealed indictments to start rolling out so that the ADL, SPLC, and all your other Jewish organizations get shut down. Can't wait for your fucking pedophilia epidemic to become public or how jews steal children to sacrifice. Can't wait for eveyrone to find out Jews did 9/11 and I can't wait for everyone to wipe israel off the map.

Fucking Jew, your days are numbered

Hitler was also controlled opposition

>Be a Jewish puppet
Yeah focus on the fucking scapegoat religion instead of taking down the banks and corruption and the FED. Good sheeple. Be a bourgiousie puppet. Fucking retard

behind every alt-righter is a supportive deep-stater butt fucking you dumb faggots

>dude just like audit the fed while your cities are overrun with illiterate shitskins and every level of government is actively being used to exterminate your people, the same people that create the functional society we live in
Go be retarded somewhere else.

And when the fuck did you save that image of an elaborate LARP? The compression artifacts are off the fucking charts. Was it just in the folder you got when you went for training on consensus cracking on internet forums from the ADL?

Your mom was controlled opposition.

Am I the only one who feels like this guy could actually pull off some sort of White Nationalist coup at some point in the future?

Seems like a shit ton of reddit shills here to gaslight the fuck out of Sup Forums. All i see are shill posts praising this glow in the dark cuck.

Kikes are scared.


I used to think he was because he's just off. Then he started to get with the program. He stopped doing things to get us national news coverage. Bad coverage that led to DS getting shoah'd and all our allies on social media to get demonetized.

Then he held this latest shit show and once again we're getting terrible national press. We were converting the White youth anonymously online. That's all becoming jeopardized because of him.

I no longer think he can be trusted. He is controlled opposition.

I think he looks like a nice guy n_n

This is a very accurate pic

>race is just skin color

>race is skin deep
neck yourself retard


Your retard, that was when you fags did the least, literally nothing besides larp in each others assholes

>women and wogs can vote and almost everyone thinks that's a good thing
>don't cry, faggot :^)
eagerly awaiting the day urban areas are laid under siege

>no jawline
>V shaped face
>crappy smile
>don't know where his chin ends and his neck begins
>fucked ears


i dont think he's even deep state he's just an egomaniac and a moron

He could be both to the extreme and still easily clear you in worth (by any measure)

all you have to do to get rid of him is stop paying attention and condemn the alt-right, maintain the same beliefs you always had, just shit on the alt-right, spencer has no escape because the alt kike is his baby

literally what

yeah you are, fucking weirdo

>That whole clash with antifa was fake and staged.

It wasn’t faked because I was there. It MSU weren’t on spring break the crowd would have been 10x larger.

It was staged and you're a faggot.

>wipe israel off the map
Juden raus

You’re a fucking moron dude; you think the Antifa are “fake” or something? They attacked me.

Jesus christ what's wrong with her face

I mean, he doesn't really have a lot of followers. And when he speaks only autistics kids wearing white shirts show up. So, yeah. Kind of looks like controlled opposition.

Like the Westborough Baptist Church.


how low iq do you have to be believe Spencer is a fed?

you're either a senile boomer or a non white intentionally spreading d & C if you make posts like this, Spencer has been running around in White nationalists circles since 2007 while the majority of this board was still shitting their diapers playing call of duty

non of what Spencer says or does is useful for the feds whatsoever, the only actual honeypots are the ones like atomwaffen that are constantly calling for violence

muh dick is controlled opposition.

Look at this complete moron.

Nice, was just about to post this.

Thanks Satan!

>alt right get BTFO on twitter
>they run away and shill on Sup Forums

why does this always happen?

I have never heard or seen spencer do or say anything g other than that which benefits us, what exactly makes him an anti-white stooge and why shouldn’t I believe that you’re a bunch of kikes trying to get us to betray our own?

>caring about Twitter

>c-caring about t-twitter

I get why some of Sup Forums thinks he is controlled op. We're all used to dealing with kikes, conspiracies, cover ups, actors, lies, disinformation ect. It's hard to believe that someone is genuine when you're sorting through lies constantly, it's a downside. But if everyones controlled opposition then we've already lost and you might as well just give up. Or will you keep fighting and moving foward for better days? It's up to you.

But remember part of their power is having you believe that they're unstoppable. They want to keep you pinned down with fear and anxiety of everyone around you until you finally cave in to hopelessness. Keep that in mind.

This was also controlled opposition in the beginning (newfags took over after several threads), the /nsg/ general started during the 2016 elections in the period when MSM was trying to portrait Trump literally Hitler. Spencer's image was also shilled hard at the same time, he went from a nobody to the face of the "alt-right" which forced Trump to make that statement about disowning the alt-right.
I imagine they were planning to use the /nsg/ as alternative to Spencer to portray all Trump supporters as crazed neo-nazis.
I remember well when /nsg/ became a thing, because I had bookmarked to follow the syria general, then suddenly a day /nsg/ pop'ed next to /sg/ in the catalog.

no seriously, I deleted twitter a long time ago after they kept showing (((promoted ads))) on my feed

i don’t miss it whatsoever

nah, not controlled op, just a genuine donkey

Being controlled opposition doesn't mean you're knowingly working for the enemy. It means you serve their interests whether you know it or not. Duke and Spencer are controlled opposition because they're utter imbeciles without a shot in hell of stopping globalism, yet they're the face of the "extreme-right" because the media magnifies their pitiful existences a thousand times because they know it makes the entire right looks bad.

No he isn't.

Spencer isn't fucking controlled opposition, retards.
People like Jack Posbiec and Mike Cernovich are far more likely. Complete imbeciles who the media can pretend are "alt right" while making fun of their Three Stooges like antics.




Nobody cares. The right is winning whether he's a fake or not.


You fucking fags...the alt right is real...the alt right advocates for whites and a white ethnostate...stfu spencer is a cunt but he is helping our talking points and bringing up our shit to normies...let me guess jared taylor is controlled oposition too!!?? Fucking shills


maybe you should've gotten a decent adblocker

Richard is too likable in the faggot flamboyant kind of way. No way will the kikes allow someone like this:
to be the face of the evil nazi movement that wants to exterminate all non- whites.

What about Trump, is he controlled opposition too?

spencer is actual garbage and has down literally nothing good for white america at all, you fucking moron, take his cock out of your mouth

The only thing normies see when the see Spencer is a spastic that can't stop tripping over his own feet.