Even your own burgers have betrayed you

Even your own burgers have betrayed you.

Other urls found in this thread:


They aren't actually doing this, the arches can't be flipped, they're just virtue signaling to get the leftists off their back.


> we need shad to have wendy fist ronald

its digital also any burger place that makes my mom feel special for a day is a burger alright with me
I'll be eating mcnuggies with my mom that day

powerful statement that their logo upside down looks like a pair of saggy tits

W? As in White Power? Boycott McDonalds.

nice fake news

>McDonald is sending out an SOS

Come home white man. Burger Kang is the only place you'll ever feel like a kang again.

Kek pic related kike roastie is a burger flipper

Sad that McDonald's feels the need to honor White people like this, but w/e its their restaurant

When the human's krusty krab goes full wumbo

I prefer to think of it as the golden asscheeks


Fuck, you got me you meme country




At least it's white


Finally owning Wack Arnold's

Not all.

fucking this.

single mothers better knock it off with this shit.

W for wumbo

Damn. And she looks like good wife/mother material.

Fuck off lesser Spain

>the trips of compromise
So weak, yet so strong


So now the M becomes a W as in White, OKAY.
Still won't eat their shit food though because, it's Wendy's all the way.


>upside down M
Wakandadonalds? There certainly are many Wakandans inside the fast food restaurants near me, that's why I cook at home. Very comfy, desu

I have fallen for this one before.

So dare I say it

I don't get it.

I eat at carl's JR,I don't mind paying 3$ more so i am not a KEK.
The price is worth it.


get the fuck out of here fucking cancer

Is it supposed to be saggy titties?
Are they flipping it so that it will look like the outline of a pair of saggy titties?

>trying to rip off the best burger joint



W for wumbo? Are we getting bigger burgers now?

Thanks for the chuckle

W E N D Y ' D


High level shitposter right here folks

mcdonalds is a franchise do these people not know how the real world works lmao

I like his blue eyes

Wack arnold's? I don't get it

wtf i love to eat soy-filled McDonald's garbage now

Kek. Why haven't we tricked (((them))) into thinking that Wendy's is /ourfood/?

>admitting defeat to Wendy's
McD total cucks, sad.

I was expecting the kid to look nothing like the mom.
and fuck you, by the way.

Fuck off you stupid cunt

Ves a la merda

>eating mcdonalds

your either over 50 or retarded, carls jr. is beyond every trashburger
protip! order a angus chiliburger with jalapenos and pickles bacon and tomato, fucking amazing

it´s her turn
also jacks in the box are a gender

I like their fries tho

rodeo king is pretty damn good desu senpai


Fucking cunt. And by that I mean all Catalonian posters I hope Spain beans you.

can we do this, please?
W e n d y ' s


>All these booty blasted edgelords denying their childhood.
Fuck off cunts Spongebob was funny 20 years ago before you were even born and it'll be funny long after you've rightly killed yourselves

Why is the statement, someokne gibe me a quick rundown?

>Because the M in Mcdonald's stood for Men

yes and now the W stands for white. simple really.

Coastalfags have no idea what they're missing. Please keep flying over us we don't want you here fucking up the comfy country.

>not even wymen's final form


step one: duckduckgo.com
step two: "McDonald's inverts arches"
step three: profit by knowledge

Isn't it obvious? They had the arches set to M for Misogyny and now they set it to W for Wagina.

You don't need my permission! We just gotta figure out how to pull it off.

They're changing the name to Wakdonalds.

Well thank you Australia you just cured me of chubby chasing and convinced me to lose weight all in one horrible picture.
>they don't even have to censor it's genitals because it's not even a human being a cows pussy looks more fuckable then this thing would if you lifted that whatever that is mons?

Fuck you

I knew it but I did it anyway. Ban it



I lol'd

WTF i love mickey dees now

It already happened when the account started shitposting and ended up posting a pepe.

Much like milk and the "ok" hand signal, there was a lot of buttmad and rage tears for a week or two then everyone forgot (clearly).


Anime is becoming real.

looks like droopy tits

>A statement SO POWERFUL, we can't even write it in the title!
>We majored in journalism!

What is it with you pathetic faggot that you think of all plattforms at /pol people are engaged in mainstream culture and follow every dumb thing that goes on with outlets people wouldn't even use to wipe their ass anymore you faggot.

So whats this? You wanna tell us you read cosmopolitan and while doing that you found something interesting? Or couldn't you just shut your dumb mouth you degenerate.


Charbroiled burgers are fucking terrible and I have never been to a Carls Jr that doesn’t broil them until they turn into a hockey puck

every press faggot that ever wrote clickbait in his life will be publicly punished on the day of the rope by getting his hands cut off and his tonge cut out.

I see a golden ballsack

welcome to wario burgur

i love you


Don't get my hopes up Hans.



Fuck my mom has the flu I can’t risk not replying



This a good idea!

What is the article even about if they aren't actually flipping the signs?
I mean of course they're not going to flips every sign in the country but I wouldn't put it past them to flip them in select locations.

>Spongebob was funny 20 years ago
Holy fuck it's been that long
