What does Sup Forums think of this guy?

What does pol think of roger stone is he based and ourguy? Or is he just a literal cuck?

Im beginning to think that u glow in the dark or work for mueller, ur definitely not a bot u dont post it in a pattern u just do it every night.

He is /OurCuck/

>70 something year old marijuana smoking alcoholic degenerate bisexual who refuses to adhere to some modicum of modern fashion sensibilities in the way he dresses
There's a reason Trump fired his ass

>is prob a pedo faggot crypto jew desu

He caught the zika virus.

They tried killing him twice. He's a badass. Checkout The Stone Zone.

Awww FFS. you again.

Literally a cuckold

roger stone likes to cruise the streets of south beach with milo looking for young boipussy

A degenerate, self promoting liar.

Christ he looks like a Muppet..

Has he been smoking marijuana lately user? There's a possibility of immunity if you choose to cooperate and the government achieves it's desired judicial outcome in the matter.

Please, contact:
The Office of the Special Counsel of The United States of America
332438 Avenida de Roberto Mueller NW
Washington, DC

Down Syndrome Pence?

I liked him up until a few days ago. I have seen some things now to question that a little. Still on Infowars and the War room. Cant be too bad.

he does good work, he's prolly a pervert but he's /ourpervert/

the Sam Nunberg deal is suspicious. Seems like a Roger Stone OP start to finish

I hope he did work with the Russians & Wikileaks to get Trump elected because it would be halarious to watch the reaction from leftists when they figure out that it’s not a crime.



Nigga, why?

This is why Donald Trump fired Roger Stone.
The dumb motherfucker could have afforded a proper Brioni suit for Christ's sake. What was he thinking?

Same thread word for word, same pic, every damn day.

Stop replying

It kind of grew on me and has actually become one of my favorite bots at this point.

I know im up too late when i see these threads.

>They have to work this hard to get Roger Stone
And there are people who think Mueller will actually take down Trump.