What do you think of India?

What do you think of India?

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I don't

they like Canada a lot




WTF does it matter to you ?


ust because there are always a few slowpokes in each thread who ask what the fuck...

Poo To The Loo is a real campaign, it exists independently of any and all internet memes, UNICEF created it.

In India, people shit in the streets and wherever, their government had programs to bring indoor plumbing to places in India without it, but they prefer to shit outside in the street.

This is not a joke, this is real, hundreds of millions of Indians are literally less sophisticated in their scat management then many other kinds of mammals that at least bury their waste...and it falls to foreigners to try to teach them how to not fill their streets with their own shit.



Trudeau's cosplay shenanigans pissed them off quite a bit



Yeah that basically sums up my trip to Banares lmao

I conquered India as Britain in an EU4 game. 10/10 would do again. Also


>puckered asshole on flag

I like visiting, been there three times to different regions. I have seen some of the most awesome things and some of the worst on my trips.

Big plus for me is getting to eat 'indian food' at every meal since I like all the different cuisines and dishes I've tried.

Plus Indians loved it when I told them I was American and not a faggot ass Brit. Bonded with many Indians joking about kicking the Brits out of our countries.


aye, it didnt stop them from coming here though


I like Subway.


Did you notice the fucking dogs

Like holy shit the fucking dogs


they need to learn discipline, morals, and proper hygiene

Yeah I like em. Interesting to see 'dogs in the wild' even if its just running around the cities.

>What do you think of India?
I think of excrement.

















We have better morals than you, you filthy mutt.


I can't imagine anyone wanting to visit this country. Hot, overcrowded, and filled with people who smell awful. I'd need bottled water and enough protein bars to last the length of my stay, because there's no way I'd eat or drink anything they'd provide.
If someone offered me a fully paid trip to India, I'd give it a hard pass without a second thought.

Elaborate on these morals my good fellow.

>superpower by 2020


Yeah a puppy started nuzzling my feet while I was pissing on the side of the road

Was cute

What wasn't cute was an Untouchable old lady and her granddaughter cleaning up after my extended family. Felt fucking awful watching a little girl smile at your while she's scrubbing the floor on her hands and knees.

India is horrible and wonderful

Poo to loo, Apu.
Not that hard.

i find them hilarious in any situation and sikhs are cool, am disgusted by them tho.




I mean, yeah, don't drink the water, your body will reject it and you'll spend a day sick to your bones. They warn you about this when you arrive.

The street food is fine, though.

I'm pretty sure the microorganism that finally wipes out humanity will originate in India.

>an Untouchable old lady and her granddaughter
that the lowest caste people?

also what do you guys think of indiachan.com ?

I post this image a lot, and it is true.

Yeah. My family in the country are Rajputs, so depending on where they are (Banares), they've got servants.

New Delhi was fine, though. Legit felt like I was in a western city.

Delete this right now




underrated af

why. indiachan is not your secret club desu

>when you see a clean street


This is as old as last time you got laid leaftard.


American mutt morals

We need it as a counterweight to China. I have issues with them, but they'll pass when they get out of extreme poverty.

>falling for the porcelain jew


That's 2011 you idiot.

I guess the best place to visit in India is the extreme northern tip.

Great place burgerland

Did you start the ‘what do you think of canada’ thread on indiachan?

Don’t doubt it happens in the region in general but that’s a Bangladesh guy

India should be far more competitive than it is. Everything about India from it's monolithic history to it's modern tech knowledge looks like on paper it should be a bigger global player but I don't give a fuck enough to check why.
Tell me India. What's holding you back?


indian slob ethics, which is why your country is basically an open sewer where all the resources have been squandered with nothing to show for it other than over population

China > Indian
You cant refute this.

California doesn't exist.

no. why?

Aren't you supposed to be genociding Muslims?

poo, most likely

>That's 2011 you idiot.
You've come a long way in 7 years POO.
Superpower by 2020!

Not even a contest the chinese are building ridiculous infrastructure india has goats and shit roaming the streets

Cause youre a leaf who started a ‘what do you think of india’ thread, mentioned indiachan, and when i looked seen the ‘what do you think of canada’ thread. Why else would i ask leaf

Cargo-cult mentality. Dravidian population that is actually quite primitive despite some being good at math. It's the same shit you see in every other non-white country: they emulate white culture and civilization but can never actually replicate it or invent.

This is why they shit on streets and worship cows instead of advancing their society into something that doesn't make Africa look good by comparison.

You want me to post the Canadian dogfucking stuff, Mutt? Cause it's essentially the same principle when you compare Bangladeshis and Poos

POO Meteorites in the fridge.

Earth truly does have an asshole.

these people are so filthy and so dumb

they should not be allowed to spread this filth to other countries

> be 'Murican
> goes on /pol
> See Pajeets posting
> instantly triggered by this must write with his fat 56% fingers "POO IN LOO"
> As he gets reply from Pajeets that how big of degenrate faggots Muricans are, start laughing
> He laughs so hard he starts
> Reaches to his underwear with his fingers to see if it's actually shart, as the layers of fat dampened the sharting sensation
> Not to mention that years of sitting numbed his arse nerves
> Take out the finger covered in ass sweat and shit
> Sniffs
> Laughs so hard that he falls off his chair
> His underwear turns over, covering him in runny shit from the McDonald's food he at every day the last week
> He can't stop laughing about the joke he made on Pajeets
> Laughs so hard that he can't keep up with breathing, he can't get up cuz the weight of fat is pushing the lungs to ground
> Amerifat dies on spot from oxygen shortage


This is how you must be feeling RN I guess

Some nice and intelligent people from there, but the need to sort their country out instead of moving to another one first chance they get.

naaah false flag. Something your RAW is trying to stir up. Current gonvt trying to build up hysteria because they lost the local elections,trying to divert attention.

Well what about the white Indians I see? Where are those guys at? Their ancestors are the likely builder of the monilithic structures

5-10% of my investment portfolio

>le ebin raw
We wouldn't let you fall to the Chinese if we had any real foreign policy

KEK holy shit

nice, thanks for the link ;)

They defeated the eternal substitute drama teacher. I think there's something to those streetshitters

9/10 pretty good

>What do you think of India?
Why would I think of India?

50% aryan goddess
50% streetshitter

>laughs so hard he starts. starts.
This is how we all know you are actually Indian

What are you trying to say? india has no real foreign policy?

>show bub

Nope neither any real diplomatic ability, if RAW was real or good we would be ruling the subcontinent

fucking pajeets

>monolithic history

amerimutt education

Indians have the potential to be Australian tier bants masters