is SIEGE worth reading?
Is SIEGE worth reading?
What's it about
OP is a JIDF shill.
James (((Mason)))
Yes but read it with a grain of salt.
>James Mason’s outrageous and highly readable Siege was drawn from a newsletter that he published from 1980 to 1986. It consists, therefore, of short articles and essays that you can easily read just about anywhere. There is a “big picture” here, but it is like a photo-mosaic created from many overlapping little pictures.
i don't know. apparently james mason was some neo-nazi protege of george lincoln rockwell. spergs love siege
it's a French book about seats
Can you guys recommend any good places to Buy books? I've been reading on a (((kindle))) but I'd like to start amassing a physical library.
Oh, you shouldn't read it then. The last time the anglosphere listened to the French about seats, we got the chaise.
go to a second hand bookstore if you have one locally
Basically Mason wants people to stop doing marches and trying to work through the system and instead go underground revolutionary like the Khmer Rogue. Also he thinks Charles Manson is a revolutionary and tries to mesh his ATWA philosophy with National Socialism.
The local bookstores would probably burn the books in interested in
It's basically antifa-tier retardation but applied to right-wingtardation
Fuck off O9A shill your kind be against the wall when the day comes
Yes, I found it interesting.
I hear people are reading 'Culture of Critique' though.
What a bunch of fucking faggots lmfao. Besides being gay little meth smoking butt fucking satanists, AWD also promotes joining ISIS and they work with FBI
Yes it is, don't be autistic and say its for LARPers there's slot of good stuff in it
Anders Brevik's manifesto is a much more solid piece than a random assortment of some boomer's essays.
where the fuck can i get a hard copy of this i cant find anywhere to buy it
t. Mundane
Read about 1/3, got bored. He’s basically saying there’s no use playing by their rules. Advocates for lone wolf terrorism and the like, it’s pretty spergy.
lol, I remember when we used to be flooded by SIEGE posters.
I just figured they were FBIanons or CIA niggers trying to convince us to commit illegal acts on this heavily monitored and controversial image board.