America, your president is fucking retarded

America, your president is fucking retarded.

I learnt about the mutual benefits of free trade in literally my first economics lecture at university.

This is a major shot in the foot for the USA, and it degrades the global economy.

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i know the person who owns that bmw in pic related also sage faggot

He's internalizing production because he's gearing up for a final showdown war. You heard it here first.

literally the only reason I can see

>degrades global economy
thats kind of the point now innit?

Trade isn't exactly free with the EU, they highly regulate, tax and tarriff everything imported to them. Meanwhile they expect the US not to do the same to them because it will hurt their economy.

I get it, the US economy is so impressive that no one wants to play fair with it, however playing fair is exactly what Americans should want.

Fuck the EU you SJW faggot

Fuck the global economy, fucking globalized Asian bullshit anyway

All that this does is makes everything more expensive for everyone.


good. we're crashing the global economy with no survivors.

the global economy is what we're trying to break. Once we barr outsourced companies from trade we can regain control over our national economies and re-start our production and industries.
Yes we want to work, that is kind of the Fucking point

>I learnt about the mutual benefits of free trade in literally my first economics lecture at university.
So it must be true eh? There's no benefits of free trade when you are able to supply yourself.

its worthless anyway

(((((((((((((((((((( economics lecture at university. )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Fuck the global economy and fuck free trade

BMWs and VW are shitty cars people should not have bought in the forst place.

>free trade
>massive tariffs on American goods
>no tariffs on european goods
fuck right off nigger, you can't steal from us anymore.

Bunch of collectivist faggots here.

We'll make their investments worthless, i hope your not internationally invested / traitor

Doing it this way reduces jobs.
It makes everyone net poorer, jobs will be lost in greater numbers elsewhere.

this isnt just about cars. trump also mentioned stuff about tarrifs on steal and how america cant function without producing its own steal and its dumb to be dependent on other countries for steal

am I european?

with who?

ummm.... yes there are. That's the whole idea.

there is always a comparative advantage in production on both sides. This means that the total value of production is always greater with trade.

collectivist ? WTF
globalism is not collectivist?

Global economy, global fucking market with centralized control?

are you retarded?

I think it is because you hold the global reserve currency. You can print money without really affecting you that much.

Individualism is treason.

>Doing it this way reduces jobs.

reduce to what?
What have we got to loose?

>first economics lecture at (((university))).
I bet that was right after the chapter about open borders, wasn't it?

No one cares what you think, shill.

It's in Europe's best interest to keep the market going. Who will pay for all the gibs?


america can only not function without foreign steel if it plans on going to war with the countries it imports from.

Whomever the fuck he wants.

Yur mum innit

In the short term. America actually has declined significantly from Nixon opening up China from isolation. Trade doesn't always work as well as we think it does.

Russia, China, Iran, NK and whoever else is siding with them. We're all going to die apart from the elite of the world who will go underground.

>only reason to internalize production is final showdown war...

The true economic power of the country comes from the production of material goods and raw materials...

Cham could only think of one reason to produce goods, truly sad.

It's almost like Trump wants America's economy to grow and doesn't really care about other countries. An America first policy. Really makes you think.


>Americans can't produce good cars
>POTUS decides to punish Americans by making good cars more expensive
What is this retardation?

Just one more time, you think GLOBALISM is not collectivist?
And the opposition to a (((((((((((((((global market))))))))))))) is collectivism?

even though I CLEARLY stated i wanted Nationalism, which is compatible with individualism

This kiwi is 90% likely to be a chink. Disregard this post.

Restricting and taxing free trade is collectivist bullshit, no one has the right to restrict free trade and harm the world economy.

Kill yourself commie

The White privilege theory of economics.

US has no benefit of having anything produced in Mexico or China instead of domestically.

Maybe your country should do something to stop us-
Oh wait you can't. Nevermind.

We have the ability to domestically manufacture it no problem. The problem is that China has been artificially devaluing its currency to ours which makes our goods noncompetitive. China has been waging a trade war since the 90s.

I dont want it taxed, although its a good start.
I want TRADE EMBARGO of Asia and Africa and the Middle East.

economists are literally the high priest yes men of the neoliberal order and are completely off the mark 75% of the time, you can disregard everything an economist says outside of micro economics and very very basic supply and demand stuff. a lot of times economists are also just crypto shills for whatever Jewish owned transnational corporation commissions them to d a study

the one thing commies have right is economists are half jokes and half liars

Kill yourself globalist kike.

everything you own is cheap shit made in china
even a holden isnt a holden anymore
if you think you are smarter then trump on economics you arent
thats why hes smart and rich and youre stupid and poor

I'm fairly certain European nations put tariffs on goods from America.

China does it all the time as well as the EU and practically every other country....

>no one has the right to restrict free trade and harm the world economy
who's the collectivist now you jew faggot!?


Not just for war. But during economic crisis having internal production capabilities keep things running when other factories in other places shut down.

Oh yes, look at those benefits.
Avg price of house around 1998 before white-genocide and open-borders went full swing
>$180k in NYC (boros)
>$170k in SF
>$150k in LA
>$120k in DC
>$140k in Sydney
>$120k in Melbourne
>$140k in Toronto
>$130k in Vancouver
>£50k in London

Avg price of house after 2004 massive open-borders
>$800k in NYC (boros)
>$1m in SF
>$600k in LA
>$500k in DC
>$900k in Sydney
>$700k in Melbourne
>$600k in Toronto
>$1m in Vancouver
>£1m in London
before free trade:
>domestic production of goods
>goods were affordable and of high quality
>lowest cost of living
>affordable housing (house costs only 2 times the annual salary)
>90% white

after free trade:
>homeless/opiod/suicide epidemic/white genocide
>highest cost of living
>unaffordable housing (10-20 times the annual salary)
>plummeting life expectance
>shit quality products that kill you
>millions of illegal shitskin locusts invading and killing whites

nah, she'll be alreet
maybe the southern hemisphere anyway

And those countries are authoritarian shitholes.

economics at a (((university)))

your prime minister literally got pregnant in office. how much more of a retard can you be

>Eurofags put tariff on American cars in their country
>Trump says he's going to match the tariffs
>Eurofags and brain dead NZ poster ask why Trump hates free trade
If they didn't want to hurt the "global economy" then why did these "retarded" politicians put tariffs on American goods first? Weren't they starting a trade war when they put up the tariffs? Or is it only okay for them to do it and not us because DRUMPF?
Let's hear some actual arguments.

by reducing imports, you reduce the exports of your country. it is a net loss of power.

>I learnt about the mutual benefits of free trade

Feel free to tell the EU to drop their tariff barriers, then.

Free trade is for kikes you fucking globalist shill faggit. It benefits literally everyone BUT America.

it reduces america's economy.

A self sufficient economy is actually impossible to crash due to external factors.

Just for that the tariffs just got 10% higher.

Have you ever seen The Decent? Humanity will become those cave creatures over the course of about 200 years underground.

>da joos

You, since you want the government to interfere in free trade between private companies.

>All that this does is makes everything more expensive for everyone.
Don't worry about money so much, value is subjective anyways and fiat currency isn't even real. Why shackle your people and their destiny to abstract Jewish bugaboos like economic worth?

>American education

>Feel free to tell the EU to drop their tariff barriers, then.

EU wont be around for too long, its a regressive shit union, and its only goal is to keep migration flowing and to keep the rich merkel- sjw elite and their international companies in power and showered with money.

more chicken taxes?

then why does it have to resort to tariffs in order to force production in the US?

It reduces mega corporations from buying cheap shit and profiting off the backs of your people while supporting third world slave factories.

>after 2004 massive open-borders
>after free trade
What you doing, rabbi?

What do you think TTIP and TPP is a about? "Free trade" benefits the globalist capitalists and harms the people.

Who gives a shit, easy living just means hordes of niggers come for a free ride


but the petrodollar will lose its status as the sole global reserve currency soon, so they need to prepare for it now

Lmao dude Protectionism was literally a very common concept since the beginning of industrialization. In fact large manufacturers try their hardest to lower their currency value to raise the cost of imports and give exports a competitive advantage.

No it doesn't. Unless you mean putting money into the money changers hands.

>USA sells twelve cars in Europe get's taxed
>Europe sells millions of cars in the US riding the freeride gravy train
>Europoors think they have a hand to bargain with...

implying I voted for her


Trade is political you dumb fuck, who do you think controls the fucking world bank, and all countries have tariffs and taxes currently. So why isnt everyone a fucking collectivist.

I'm suddenly a collectivist when i say stop trade with faggot nations

you just showed youre a fucking african-loving globalist kike you fucking hypocrite

There are still large amounts of mass production American made cars from the 70s 80s and early 90s on our roads that are rock solid, your chitty chitty putt putts rot out from under the owners if they actually put over anything over 30,000 miles on them.
Put the Rust Belt to Work Again

In the Short, Protectionism in the long term can allow for domestic industries to grow and eventually become dominate.

>the global market is basic supply and demand
Fuck off Chang, I'm so tired of your bullshit

>Restricting and taxing free trade is collectivist bullshit, no one has the right to restrict free trade and harm the world economy.
Sorry, individual, all you can do is whine about your gay ass principles while being too much of a pussy to violate the NAP, meanwhile we collectives will march over you and remake the world.

Because China and Mexico is cheaper. There's no benefit in letting them compete on lower wages and standards or even efficiency.

I've not
But even in the case of large scale thermo-nuclear war, surely we won't ALL die. Just those in the effected population centres.

then why did you make this post when not everyone voted for the President of the United States

eat a dick faggot the jews own trump and every other fucking rich asshole and politician

All chicken taxes have been released apart from the US's 25% tax on utility vehicle imports.

Same shit with dude weed man. Canada imports Chinese steel and exports to the US via NAFTA.

Its not supply and demand retard
The market is fixed and monopolized
its political and forced

its not free, it is (((free)))

>Nazi Autist

The only place you'll march to is your local Burger King lol

>There's no benefits of free trade when you are able to supply yourself.
You obviously haven't taken an economics class

I never said you were a retard, I said your president was. That's the difference.