Mexico threatens to release tape of Trump fucking blonde mexican lolis

Apparently Kushner is the messenger between Trump and the blackmailing mexican government.

Everyone already knows Nieto a loli fiddler and wife murderer so he has nothing to lose from releasing the tapes. Just look at the smug son of a bitch as Kushner listens to him like a baby in a preschool classroom.

>“It was really good, thank you,” Trump can be heard saying on the video, when asked by a Mexican official about his trip.

>Mexican govt
>all white skinned
It’s a sign

Really? They've had these all this time and didn't even try to use them to derail his campaign?


what a crock of shit

>just surfacing now
Seems legit.

>They've had these all this time and didn't even try to use them to derail his campaign?

Why would they want Hillary to win? She would have pushed more SJW and anti-corruption bullshit down their throats.

With Trump the Golden Age of Corruption has begun.

Sadly, even in the science fiction world where such a tape exists Mexico would still be only marginally relevant.

Are we a super power now?

I love the trolling, quality bait ancap friend

when will u fags realize this is all theater, and trump vs hilary was just a game show contest

someone just nuke us please

Release it. I'd still support Trump. Fuck mexicans.

Everybody who matters either goes to the loli sex island in Mexico, or they fuck little boys at Bohemian Grove. Or both. That's just how it is.


There is something very wrong with Kushner.

kek, this
and all these suckers fell for it

They will get called out. Release the tapes Pedro. Better show proof of their age and that Trump is not obscured or you'll be laughed at endlessly as we build the wall

you would look like that too if you had a 1.5 billion $ mortgage and russian mafia to worry about

this might really be the end of le drumpf

I'm sure this will surely work

>giving a fuck


Damn that's hot hope they release it on liveleak or theync or something.

>wife murderer
Woah we are really going back to the patriarchy with this one!

pena nieto is as brown as my mestizo dad mane.

Jesus Christ, gullible, desperate liberals will believe anything these days so long as there is a vague promise to somehow get rid of Trump. There has to be a way to make money off of this.


Nieto has like 4 months left and destroyed the reputation of a party that had total control over mexico for the entire 20th century.
who gives a fuck what he thinks. AMLO will have a completely different cabinet in 5 months

I cannot imagine being this butt hurt over an election result. Absolutely retard. sage