Why are jews bad?

Redpill me on jews, for years I've seen them regarded as memes but I don't know if that's people just picking on a minority because we can and it's funny, or if there really is something there to hate. I'm a youngish white guy living in the US that politically identifies as neither liberal nor conservative, so my experience is probably very limited.

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well there butt ugly to begin with and lets not forget all the foreskin harvesting from western nation to feed there elders and higher ups, also they are perverts that are into sex with children .. not teens but actual fucking little kids

I treat it as a meme, while others, not so much.

Same here, OP. I just came with the conclusion that 1. They just do it cause it's funny and it triggers people, and 2. People like commies, nazis, or sjw tend to blame certain groups for the problems that just happens or they don't want to admit that it was their fault or something, that this happen.

Follow the money and you’ll get all your answers.

Unless OP says something, I'm going to treat this as a slide thread, as I do with all "Redpill on Jews" threads.

Neck yourself, Goldberg.

Rude. :P

Sup Forums is a board of peace. Also pic related

Yeah that's kinda how I thought the jew-hate worked as well, pretty much spot on


This is now a rare merchant thread.




They are the creators of cultural marxism and communism(Marx was a jew btw)

The shit that u see today on tv,music,movies,etc...are all part of their work.

Not all jews are bad,but the ones who got power and money are most likely to be involved in some shady business


I expected more visceral hate speech, this is pretty tame so far. So confirmed just triggerbait and funny, or just extremely misguided people?

They are disproportianately in controll of acedemia, the media, the financial sectors, and entertainment.
They act nepotisticly to promote their groups goals and actively work against the interest of the western (white) man.

Mein Kampf blamed jews for communism/marxism/socialist democrats. jews have been accused of forcing multiculturalism on non jewish nations only knowing it will harm them while wanting none for Israel. Henry Ford and the international jew explain their predatory international trade practices. USS liberty attack. Cutting off foreskin of baby boys and sucking the blood out knowing their in nerve endings in the forekin that improve sex. kosher animal slaughter is barbaric. federal reserve is jewish ran debt scam. Jews use hollywood today to push cultural marxism. It's not a meme. They are seriously evil people in many ways. But also powerful enough , and enough lies to cover their tracks put out there, where any mention of these truths about them is forbidden so the meme becomes a fun troll. But at the root of it is some serious, true, and highly intelligent accusations of evil the jew has committed on the goyim/gentile which is what they call non jews . Which is an insult because they claim god choose their race above all others. Then they claim anyone who disagrees is a supremacist when they are the semetic supremacists claiming to be chosen above all. Martin luther jews and their lies another good book. jews 100 facts, good article.

It's also maybe they blame other people instead of themselves for the mess.

109 countries kicked the jews out. And it wasn't because their hair was curly.


Definitely. The modern internet and sites like wiki are making in very difficult for the Jew to hide their stranglehold over us. I wish more folks were as autistic as me re: disproportionate Jew ownership.

anyone who thinks it's just because they are sooo smart, or the person is sooo racist, or they are blaming others for no reason , is soooo stupid and ignorant .


There are a lot of reasons people hate them. I dont inherently hate them, but i do think they need to be exposed and punished for their crimes
>theyre behind porn
>theyre behind hollywood and other mainstream media that is exposed to a different ethnicity to them, making them essentially able to 'control' the masses
>their religion is anti-goy
>they create shit in the middle east which drains america and other western nations of money
>They are heavily involved in pedo rings
>They have been extremely influential in undoing australias white australia policy and are pro immigration to europe while wanting an ethnostate for themselves.
>they have been kicked out of every place that allowed them in up until recently
I havent even touched conspiracy theories like the rothschilds, 9/11, or their involvement in communism which actually have a lot of decent evidence going for them.
>opportunity to explain to unaware anons why jews are bad
>slide thread

This is the shit I was looking for. Cultural marxism is essentially far left liberalism isn't it?


Yes cultural marxism is far left liberalism. Here is a quote from mein kampf. I had before me a teaching inspired by egoism and hatred, mathematically calculated to win its victory, but the triumph of which would be a mortal blow to humanity. Meanwhile I had discovered the relations existing between this destructive teaching and the specific character of a people, who up to that time had been to me almost unknown.
Knowledge of the Jews is the only key whereby one may understand the inner nature and therefore the real aims of Social Democracy. The man who has come to know this race has succeeded in removing from his eyes the veil through which he had seen the aims and meaning of his Party in a false light; and then, out of the murk and fog of social phrases rises the grimacing figure of Marxism.

Hahahahahahaaaaha. Holy shit. Never seen this. user, thanks for making my evening.

It’s not the average Jew. It’s the higher ups. They own everything; control everything. The Jew is shifty And is all about nepotism and usury. They also push for the cancer that is multiculturalism in every nation but their own. Time to bring back the ovens.

It is. Trying to make everybody the same, docile, and powerless.

I think I'm starting to understand, this does make me dislike them but not amount to hate quite yet. Any way us the common man can reject or put a stop to this?


Boycott Jewish shit. Expose them when you can. Be aware of the Jew. But also remember the average everyday Jew is likely okay. If you start hating them all, it becomes a toxic hatred and that’s not good either. Remember that most are just people like us.

The quick rundown is that jews want to keep everyone else down, control them or force them into their doom, because they think that either they are the "gods choosen people" and just have to rule or that all other cultures/religions/races would be a threat and immediately start to kill them, if they have the chance,
They keep each other on the top with nepotism and they have no ethics. Against goyim, everything is allowed. False flag attacks, betrayal, baiting, everything.

Jews are smart, but they are not able to use their intelligence for good things or to actually contribute to society. They use it to control the goyim and for their greed.
It is perfectly possible to be smart and at the same time a douchebag without moral standards that never actually contributes. And that's what jews are.

Jews don't win by being superior, they win by stabbing you in the back and betrayal.
And this is what happened at the end of WW1 in Russia and in Germany. They started "socialist revolutions" in the middle of a fucking world war, while the men were fighting on the battlefield.
Imagine being a soldier during a World War and then you have to stop fighting because your country just imploded because of people starting "revolutions" from within.... so you lose and your country has to pay reparations to the "winners" and half of your people end up homeless on the street and starve.

These cocksuckers get the ovens, though.


God damnit pol

>It's not the average Jew

Yes it is. The average Jew will sell his own mother for a nickel. Their shekel-seeking and subversive behaviors are ingrained and perhaps even genetic in nature.

I'm convinced that it's mostly genetic. This is a very important piece that many people don't understand. They can't fucking help it.

Zionist atheist leftist Jews are bad.

Orthodox religious Jews are fine. Their holy book forces them to follow the laws of any country they live in.

Adding on from this, Sup Forums is very silly and contradicts themselves often.

>Jews control others because their Bible tells them that are the chosen people
>oh no wait Weinsteins and the Bolsheviks are atheists never mind

>the Jewish bible was written due to genetic traits of the Jewish
>oh wait no the Jews of today don't have the same genetics as the Jew's of Babylon that wrote the Bible

If you want to hate the Jews, fine, just don't confuse the religion to the race. The religion itself is fine as are the true Jews who follow it and aren't atheists who use their lineage purely as some mark of identity pride.

At this point it is hard to say if it is in their nature or if they are just indoctrinated.
Imagine growing up with hearing that you have a right to rule over everyone because they owe you something for the holocaust and that everything is allowed against goyim because of the holocaust... of course you would grow up with messed-up moral standards.
Being the eternal victim, but at the same time "gods choosen people", is the very basic of their religion.
Before they had the Holocaus, they had their shitty temple in Jerusalem that got burned down by the Romans.
Hell, the one wall that survived is their most holy place! That's how focused on "being a victim" and "every goyim is bad" they are!
And even before they had their shitty temple, they were complaining about
>muh, we were the slaves of the Egyptians and we built the pyramids for them. Goyim was evil and he owes us his whole live!

Their whole religion is based on that shit since forever. It is one big
>you can be greedy and selfish and you don't have to care about morality or ethics, because goyim did something bad to you
While Christianity is about Jesus dying for the sins of his people and leading them to a better life (and the sins he forgave us were the greediness and immorality of the jews)... some people accepted Jesus, and the other people killed him and still stayed jewish.

>Sup Forums is one person

When you take a long, hard look, it becomes pretty clear that yes, Jews actually do run just about everything. They also pull tactics like:

>divide and conquer
>strawman their opponets
>have controlled opposition, who feed the slightly smarter and more aware goys
>accuse your opponent of being a "crazy Anti-Semite", which could just mean that you've noticed these things
>pretend to both be white and Jewish at the same time. anytime you see "as a white person" post, that's a Jew
>funnel money into activist groups to pressure your agenda from afar
>play up the Holocaust as the worst event in human history. Who cares about the other 90 million who died? This card is especially powerful for getting your homeland back
>exploiting people out of their money with VERY careful language and lawyerly deliberation

So yeah, they tend to be slimeballs that always try to manipulate and trick others into their beliefs, cash or usually both.

Have you been raised as a Jew? Have you gone to synagogue for years and years? Have you studied their texts and interpretations?

Going on about this victim complex is a huge oversimplification and, frankly, not even true. Hell, many Jewish texts talk about how the enslavement in Egypt was the Jews' own fault.

I've always thought it was downplayed that while the Nazi's killed 6 million jews, I recall that they killed 11 million total people, so while jews were the priority targets, they also killed POWs, Slavs, polacks, and retards. I don't know why I never heard much about the other 5 million very often, I blame my educational system.

Well many Jews fucking hate Stalin and the Bolsheviks because communist Russia treated Jews like shit and many Jews today acknowledge that Stalin was probably worse than Hitler.

>many jews
i bet that you could even find some jew who say that the 6 million number is unrealistic.
But this doesn't change the fact that the holocaust is currently the most important thing in their religion. The holocaust is holy. Christianity is currently the most persecuted religion on the world. But this is not important, it is way more important to remember the holocaust forever and to let goyim die for Israel.
Every time you hear a jew talk in public about his religion, he will mention the holocaust.

>and, frankly, not even true
It isn't true that "Muh, Egyptians are evil" was the most important part of the jewish religion for a thousand years?
It isn't true that the one fucking temple that the Romans burned down was the most important thing for them for the next few hundred years?
It isn't true that the most holy place for jews is the wall that survived it?
It isn't true that those two things now got replaced by the Holocaust?

I am surprised that the jews didn't declare something in Ausschwitz as some holy place.
Just listen to a jew once and realize how it is always about how evil goyim is and how we owe him something.

Don't misquote me or strawman me, friendo. I'm not asking you to stop hating Jews, only that you debate properly.

The thing I said was not true was the victim complex the way you talk about it. Yes the enslavement in Egypt is a central aspect of the religion but it's not seen as some victim complex gateway like you paint to be. It's seen as its own event and I can tell you this from fact and personal experience after many many years.

The victim complex Jews have, while a separate matter, is completely justified. Sup Forums is a great example of that. There is nothing more sickening than being a good citizen all your life only to come here or listen to David Duke talk about how other Jews you never heard of are evil and therefore you are.

Because I can tell you with 100% certainty that I never heard of this new world order conspiracy bullshit until I came to this board.

Here is a list the of most their crimes, the best way to describe the joo and how they continually work in tandem to debase an enemy society and spread their moral relativism is that they are service to satanism their father, and are bringing about the new world order in where their messiach the anti Christ will reign....these talmudic joos consider themselves their own god's...

The - JQ: youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8WQiFaKQJ9s9ATNY_xI4haoSIodAtwHc

I don't strawman you. I just point out how
>but a few jews think different
is not a valid argument.
Even you have to see that "many jews think today" is a bullshit argument.
>The thing I said was not true was the victim complex the way you talk about it.
Then explain how it is not true.
Because i explained it very well and gave you examples about
> muh, goyim was evil, he owes us something
over multiple thousand years.
You just say "you are wrong", without any argument and without explaining how.
>The victim complex Jews have, while a separate matter, is completely justified
The victim complex about the Egyptians is completely bullshit, because today most scientists even think that most workers at the Pyramids weren't even slaves.
The victim complex about one burned down temple is even more bullshit. How many temples in the human history got burned down? And how many religions do you know that cry about it for multiple hundred years and make it to the most important event in the history of their religion?
And the holocaust.... if you believe the 6.000.000, ok... i won't debate this right now, because Holocaust redpills can be found every day on Sup Forums

>The victim complex Jews have, while a separate matter, is completely justified.
You know that kikes financed and led a communist revolution in Germany 15 years before Hitler came to power.. right? You act like kikes don't deserve far more than they've received.

Kike NKVD head Yagoda, kike Kaganovich, and kike-married Molotov famined 6,000,000+ Slavs around the Black Sea in the 1930's. I wonder why the kike press doesn't talk about this. Solz knew why.

How do you justify your treachery in Canada and America? Americans treated you rats infinitely better than you treat others, and probably even better than you treat your own, yet you still turned on them.

America proved your tribe won't be satisfied until we're either exterminated or enslaved. That's what the "chosen race" believes they were promised by god, after all.

Read my earlier post, retard.

Atheist kikes > religious kikes

Again I won't argue with someone who believes people like the Bolsheviks represent Jews.


“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel,” he said during a public discussion of what kind of work non-Jews are allowed to perform on Shabbat. "Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat," he said to some laughter.

Yosef, the spiritual leader of the Shas Party and the former chief Sephardi rabbi of Israel, also said that the lives of non-Jews are protected in order to prevent financial loss to Jews. "With gentiles, it will be like any person: They need to die, but God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew”.

You won't argue because i'll blow you the fuck out and redpill everyone else tuning in. Lets do this shlomo.

Religious Orthodox everyday Jews in America do fine. Except the ones who molest little boys and try to escape to Israel. Those guys are scum.

Jew is a blood more than belief. Israeli solicits atheist immigration yet bars converts for example. Lets talk about atheist Jewish communists and how many tens of millions of Europeans they exterminated in the 20th century.


Why did Hitler hate Jews? Rabbi Yosef Tzvi ben Porat will explain to you.

what an autistic post.. mb

The most scary thing is that the most common bible interpretation in America is the
>jews are gods choosen people
bullshit and this is actually what they teach their kids.

Here they just teach you that the jews today are the people who didn't accept jesus, but we shouldn't be mad at them because cucked turn the other cheek things.

10% of Americans are Orthodox. The overwhelmingly majority of evil nation destroying kikes in the west are atheists or reform.


>Why are jews bad?
Because of their controversial religious doctrine

Judaism, like Islam, but also I suppose like generally most of Eastern religions, is a religion of deceit, which makes people wonder, whether you should trust the jews/muslims, or whether they're being disingenuous

One standard for the goyim/kuffar, the other for jews/muslims

In my view any potential problem of jewish influence though, is not an issue only of the jews, but also of the powerful elite, who cooperate with them and want money from them. As long as you don't live with excessive debt, there's nothing to be concerned about, as long as there's supervision for financial markets and law is being executed, then everything will be fine

I don't mind that they believe it in Israel. I just hate that Jewish supremacists in the west constantly shit on whitey and lobby for our economic/social/demographic replacement. Jewish supremacism is off the charts.

I already BTFO'd your entire argument when I revealed to you, and everyone else, that atheist Jews aren't the same as Orthodox ones. Because that's the entire premise of your argument, to keep them the same. You lost already.

I don't want those guys representing me. I know just as many rabbis who bless goys. What now, faggot.

>Jew is a blood more than belief

Oh boy, don't change the topic. Even if the Egypt thing was a fabricated tale, it doesn't change the fact that you're wrong. Go to ANY religious Jewish school and start learning about the exodus. It's not seen as some "WE WUZ VICTIMS AND SHIET" gateway, but is instead a specific event to be studied on its own.

I know. That's what I'm saying. That's my whole point. Hate THOSE Jews if you want, just don't lump all Jews into one category.

Well, they're not. Now why don't you go do your homework and give the laptop back to your mother?

Honestly, i don't care if jews are scum because they are indoctrinated, because they are religious extremists or because it is just a trait of their race.

I am pretty sure that everyone who is born into this eternal-victim but gods-choosen-people religion will have a fucked up morality if he takes his religion seriously.
But i also think that it is a race issue.
Of course a race issue will also be projected into the religion this race creates, so it is perfectly reasonable to say that it is a little bit of both.

OP,most here just treat it as a joke,but there are always retards who seriously believe that shit.

>blah blah you lost already.
You're a neurotic little kike eh? My argument is that Jewish influence on the whole is overwhelmingly negative, if not genocidal. Quoting chief Orthodox Rabbis claiming every goy should be enslaved and then pointing to atheist kikes in the media/porn industries doesn't nullify each other. Reread my assertion.

>I don't want those guys representing me.

Lets talk about the percentage of immigrants to Israel that are atheist immigrant Jews and compare it to the amount of Jewish converts they let in. Jews don't give a shit about what their tribesmen believe and in modern Israel largely look down on those that keep the true traditions. You know this. Jew is far more about (supposed) bloodlines than belief.

>Hate THOSE Jews

>Literally Satan’s spawn
>Own vast majority of banks
>Own vast majority of media
>Create disgusting political structures such as communism and Marxism
>Partly responsible for enslavement of blacks
>Responsible for genocide of Palestinians
>Responsible for white genocide
>Betrayed Jesus



Sup Forums asserts that Jewish influence is overwhelmingly negative, if not genocidal. We establish patterns of behaviour over centuries to reinforce our claim that this problem must be addressed.


Did you know that Jews in America favour Muslims over Evangelical Christians? Can you believe it?


>Jews don't win by being superior, they win by stabbing you in the back and betrayal.
And this is what happened at the end of WW1 in Russia and in Germany. They started "socialist revolutions" in the middle of a fucking world war, while the men were fighting on the battlefield.
Imagine being a soldier during a World War and then you have to stop fighting because your country just imploded because of people starting "revolutions" from within.... so you lose and your country has to pay reparations to the "winners" and half of your people end up homeless on the street and starve.

This is now a rage thread.

It sure puts this into perspective doesn't it.

Very few people seem to know that Jews financed and led a communist revolution in Germany.


en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Liebknecht (goy)
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_Pieck (goy)
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emil_Eichhorn (goy)

This American Jew back in 1961 laid out how Jews turned on Germany during WWI and the interwar years. It's 50 years old but it's still a must listen.


>Oh boy, don't change the topic
Never changed the topic, it was always about the same thing.
>it doesn't change the fact that you're wrong
I gave you multiple examples and a solid reasoning about why what i say is true. Everything you do is saying that i am wrong, without providing every evidence yourself.
And i already pointed this out 3 posts above!
How long do you want to continue this? Will you answer again with just "b-b-but but you are wrong"?
>but is instead a specific event to be studied on its own
Because it's old and the hot shit right now is the holocaust — and it will stay the very essence of the jewish religion for the next few hundred years, till they find something new to complain about.
The burned down temple isn't as important now as it was 80 years ago to jews either.

And i want to point out that you didn't say anything about the temple shit.
What do you think about the jews being the only religion that complains about a simple burned down temple for multiple hundred years and making the remaining wall to their most holy place, so that they will remember that they are victims for all eternity?
Every religion has some temples that got destroyed. But the jews are the only people who cry about something like this for a few hundred years.

The similarities to modern America are.. incredible.


I can’t wait until the Palestinians invade Israel.

I was told it was a bible prophecy

Every meme is only a bit a meme. the rest is truth

I'm indifferent. Jews are rather intelligent and could turn that barren wasteland into something half decent.

My issue isn't with kikes existing it's with kikes existing in our countries. They have their ethnostate and it's time the chosen people to go to their chosen land. No exceptions. They can take back Sinai and grab Mecca and Medina afterwords for all I care. It would make for some good happening threads.

>it's an Israel represents Judaism episode
Modern Israel is the furthest thing away from a religious Israel.

Thread's speed is killing me, I'm doing my best here.

>was always about the same thing
Wrong. It was about you insinuating that Jews' religion pushes Jews to have a victim complex. I said it's not. My evidence was JEWISH TEXTS THEMSELVES. Yours was literally just "a Jew said this." I can tell you from experience and from learning about the religion that the victim complex bullshit is not ingrained anywhere, but born PURELY as a result of Jews' constant persecution (eg. nazi Germany, communist Russia, etc.).

>regarding the temple shit
Ehh I mean it's a sacred site they pray about. What exactly do you want? Why is that bad? All they do is pray to it.

This. It's a meme, it's funny, it's antisemitic, and there's a coincidence. Let me explain the coincidence.

>jews own the media
>jews push degeneracy
>jews are part of the bildegberg/NWO
>jews own hollywood

Some of that is true, right? Look at who owns media corporations, look who finances movies, look who are into banking. Jews, but it's nothing more than coincidence.

Anyone suggesting it's more than coincidence is a literal conspiracy theorist. I've asked this question a hundred times at different places and the whole JQ debate comes up, youtube links to dudes talking about jewish holocaust denial and other conspiratorial shit.

The idea that jews are controlling everything and want to see the world turn to chaos and try to replace you is retarded

it's a meme.

One time a guy actually posted something halfway credible, it was a .pdf written by some american industry guy (like rockefeller? can't remember) who talked about why the jews sucked at business. but again, just bullshit. no real material.

The Nazis knew.
The people in the Weimar Republic knew it too.
And i learned about this from my grandfather.
In the school nobody ever mentioned this.

Even if /commieniggerpol/ and JIDF disagree on the historical facts it's clear as day to any impartial observer that the organized supremacist Jewish community throw their entire collective weight against any white man that tries to push back on their genocidal agenda. That is the main cause of anti-semitism on this board. Very few people know that Donmeh crypto-kikes in the Ottoman Empire funded/facilitated/led the Young Turk movement that deathmarched millions of European Christians and later sold land to kikes for pennies on the lira, for example.

>> 163154566
>I've seen them regarded as memes

Have you seen the regarded as an info graphic?

>Modern Israel is the furthest thing away from a religious Israel.
The Rabbinate still is the sole officiator of marriages for Jews in Israel.. no? What's your point by the way?

My point is that you can't use Israel's actions as a representation of religious Orthodox Jews, aka. the only real representers of Jews.

>Very few people seem to know that Jews financed and led a communist revolution in Germany.
We had something similar during Polish-Bolshevik war, but most were Goys


Used to know an older Jewish guy, retired doctor. His retirement hobby was suing people.

That's what did - for fun - find creative ways to sue people. Ruining somebody's life with debt was what he enjoyed. And he explained that with a Jewish district attorney, Jewish lawyer, Jewish judges, and Jews all through the justice system, he could get away with a lot.

Really made me think there might be something to this whole Jewish conspiracy stuff, the guy admitted to what we allready know, it doesn't take many of them to rig the whole system.

I was talking about Jewish supremacy. Quoting what the former head sephardim Rabbi of Israel said in 2010 was relevant.

Was it the image that triggered you?

>It was about you insinuating that Jews' religion pushes Jews to have a victim complex
And it is still about that, so where did the topic change.
Where did you post evidence? Where is your jewish text?
>Yours was literally just "a Jew said this."
No, you are projecting now, that is what you said right here: and here with "many jews" and here with "I can tell you from experience" (so it's like you say because you say that it is like that?)
And here i point out that those things are no arguments and that you are doing this.
>I mean it's a sacred site they pray about.
Yeah... thats what a temple is about... and they get burned down if an army of an enemy conqueres it. Nothing unusual.
But where are the other religions that cry about it for a few hundred years? Why is it just an exclusively jewish thing to point such a thing out again and again to make yourself the victim and the justify your immorality against everyone?

What's your point?

It's never been about one person. It's about establishing patterns of behaviour over many individuals and many generations.

I don't know why crying about a temple is some sort of evidence for Jewish supremacy you keep going on about.

You want me to link you Jewish texts that talk about the exodus as its own case study instead of a victim complex? If I do that will you admit you were wrong about this victim complex bullshit stemming from the religion itself?

Does it matter where the victim complex comes from? I'm sure you're both right. It's a combination of genetics, culture and religion. Perhaps we need to start making Jews aware of what their tribesmen were up to in the 20th century and eliminate the cultural aspect from the equation.

Perhaps we need to talk more about Yagoda in Ukraine. Trotsky in Russia. Morel in Poland. Kun in Hungary. Mandel in Belgium. Adler in Austria. Herzog in Brazil. Lukanov in Bulgaria. Epstein in China. Slansky in the Czech Republic. Jakobson in Estonia. Brandes in Denmark. Roitman in Romania. Slovo in South Africa.

etc. etc.

simply put they're the fat cats who own everything. their private banks operate in nearly every country. they basically own the world's economy. also they're trying to destroy the white race with immigration and normalizing degeneracy