Sup Forums contact thread on /soc/

Head over to /soc/ if you guys are interested in meeting like-minded people. We're at around 500 replies in our current thread, and since most most polacks don't browse degenerate boards, we haven't had alot of success other than around a two or three dozen posts. Keep bumping it up so others can see.

Other urls found in this thread:

Bump for racist qt 3.14s

Problem is most people are asleep(US) or just getting up(EU) for this to work right now. Try again in like 12 hours

It's 10pm on the west coast.

Meet any of you? lol

"Like-minded people" do not exist. Fuck the world.

I'll be honest - you guys are fun to shitpost with but I would NEVER want to hang out with any of you in public

>Head over to /soc/ if you guys are interested in meeting FBI agents.

None of us are important enough for the FBI to care about.

Do you want to get spammed with dick pics? Because that's how you get spammed with dick pics.

shouldnt it be maximum children and not minimum children?

It's nearly impossible to meet like-minded people if you're in a blue state. That's really the only reason I made the thread myself.

I've never once gotten a dick pic. Only the occasional soyfag libshit or roastie whore comes on to passive-aggressively start shit.

There is no way that you guys aren't really left wing faggots in real life, so no way. I don't believe a fucking word of ANYTHING I read here, which is all satire anyway. And if you're telling the truth, suck it up and kill yourself with alcohol like a man.

Seriously, give up on meeting like-minded people in real life. Ever.

I joined Identity Evropa recently, people like us are all around. It's not that hard not to feel like shit, you just have to be proactive. Be a man, suck it up and do some shit

I am! Drinking fast is hard work!

Seriously, though:

What do trolls like you exist for besides death?
You'll never meet your maker, that's for sure.
But plenty are surely willing to send you there.

Shut up, faggonigjewtron.0

Real conservatives don't shitpost all day. We're all frauds. I uniroincally think that this whole board is full of shit, but right on the money and hilarious, so it's sad that most don't mean what they say. I guess. Satire is hard.

Good work brother, take a bump.

Alot of what's on this board is legitimate in itself. You just have to look in the right places, mainly off of Sup Forums

I lack a time machine, so again, no like-minded people. I have never been disappointed in people's ability to disappoint me. Most of you probably litter and watch TV constantly. No thanks. I'll be living the hermit lifestyle for a while. Did I mention fuck everyone else?

There are plenty of hard-working people who share the general beliefs of Sup Forums. Personally, I'm currently a dental hygiene student in my first few semesters with a part-time job.

Sheiiit mane. I'm only in high school still. Jobs are too much. I can only work in the summer part-time and still keep my sanity.

Yeah, I had a tough time with developing a good work-ethic in high school, too. Things get much better when you graduate, believe me.

I'm sure there are some, which feels good, but you don't know me, you think I'm some emo punk or something when I'm just a middle-aged guy who is playing catch up on life. I know it's chasing a dragon, but I have to keep on, you know?

Just remember all of you, you never know the journey someone had to take to become whoever they are, and the thing that kills me inside is that EVERYONE assumes I've lived some charmed life. I'm jaded and hurt, guys!

cliff of that thread :

See? I'd attend a meeting in a mask for funsies maybe at a later date. Probably not, though. I hate dealing with the consequences of how to look vs how I think and feel.

you sound like a fag

So predictable. And yeah, I guess I do a this point, so there is no point in meeting people anymore. I'm like "Notsure" from Idiocracy.

I made a much better cliff of the posts much more recently. I'm phone posting rn, so I can't grab it. Do you think you could find it for me. I made it relatively recently, maybe a day ago.

God, end the world soon, please.

This is pathetic
Go out and stand up in your communities


How are you getting a racist vibe? Is it the stunning lack of "multicultural" cock in her mouth? Seriously not being a prick. Really would like to know.

Yeah, I was told to sit down, usually because it's "her" turn. No one around me gives a damn about anything that isn't TV, movies, or some far left virtue signaling. I'm focused on making my life better; everyone else can go fuck themselves. Let me know if Hitler comes back because then I'll be ready to sacrifice for the greater good, but until then, bye society, it's been shitty.

Aww... Well fuck... guess I'll have to make do with the SPLC.

you aren't going to get anywhere

What are you doing goyim!!!???! China will manufacture and produce everything for you... for cheap!! STOP!!!

Oh really? I disagree. This week I'm paying off my student loans and another huge debt. Feels great, man.

you aren't going to find anyone to live peacefully with in this mess, you have to fight it, not accept it because 'it's what you're told"

Good Soyim.

Conflicting ideas buddy. You can't preach individualism and then expect people not to care for themselves above all.

And your ID is STD... you are literally AIDS.

checked and lol'd hard

lmao that thread is so autistic. I feel so bad for you lol.

I'm not preaching individualism you retarded leaf
just because you live in it and everyone around you buys into it doesn't mean you have to be a little bitch and shut your mouth and hide

>I have never been disappointed in people's ability to disappoint me.
This made me laugh the tranny cock right out of my mouth.

yeah same lmao there's a lot of cringelords in that thread holy fuck

Good lord your thread is hilarious. I even found proofs that nords are actual faggots
>I'm a proud power bottom
Top kek. Hey nordfags, is it true that most males in your countries are like him?

Life chances. Repeat that phrase. Learn it. Live it. Life isn't fair, but you think it is still. Some people are just fucked right out of the gate.

>when god where me he was shern shoe


It's funny because it's true! My quote, I mean..

Why can’t anyone give a proper salute any more? She looks slow.
Where’s the super spazzy Reich salute I know and love

What the fuck does it say?

lame excuses for a pathetic loser

Evola's involution theory

We really need to start colonizing other boards.

fuck off shill

i'm triyng to find the vid for pic related, anyone got the link?

You try not doing something for 80 years and see how good you are at it

You're not a coach, you're not a ninja master, and you don't know the man you're talking to at all.

Exactly. Raise white children-END. No need for meet ups that will end in harassment.


youre ok dude? you seem weirdly invested into this

go back to Sup Forums faggot

Of course I'm OK. Just weary of bullshit. I'm feeling the whole warm "I'm cool, fuck the world vibe" buzz going on. I'm waiting for a time when people will naturally like me more and I think I can wait a while longer. It feels soooo close. And if I'm wrong and things get worse, I'll still be better off.

Nothing you just said makes any sense faggot.

You have to be at least 18 to be on this website.

sauce on pic related pls

And why would anyone want to meet people like the ones in this thread? People would probably pay money not to be around people like me these days. What you mistake for poutiness is fully actualized confidence in a concept. These days I see no one else who has spoken my language, so I'm not going to bother unless a new player appears.

Honestly I wouldnt mind a (female) friend who has far right views. I don't care if shes very religious, a nazi, an identitarian, a monarchist, a fascist or just a traditionalist as long as she's somewhere on the far-right.

I don't know anybody on the far right and I'd like to change that...maybe. It sounds cool... in theory at least. Female because I've always been more confortable with women I don't really like hanging out with men.

>21st century women

Yeah, I want a billion dollars too. My eyes are open and all I see is a big desert, dude. Some of us are destined to die alone.

>21st century women
do you hold this meme opinion for real or youre just larping

>Actually meeting up with these faggots


saw this video posted somewhere, anyone got the link?

are these people bots?

nvm theyre clearly bots

The overwhelming majority of women, are idiots, same as men.

Thanks brother.

Easy access for everyone to contact if you want someone to talk to

Colonizing /soc/ is the first step in establishing an interacting community for alt-right politics. After that we can much more easily communicate colonizations of other boards to spread our ideas for the betterment of the world. If we don't wake more people up soon out of their CNN induced stupor, our society is as good as fucked. Idc if I'm cringeworthy for sounding delusional, we seriously need to take action against centrist and leftist politics and train of thought.

Are you high or something rn?

No, I'm just seeing reality for how it is. I'm going to have fun, but making friends? Cute.

None of you are real and it's all cringey,