What books can pol recommend me to read about jews?

What books can pol recommend me to read about jews?

the bible

>According to the New Testament, Jesus was brought to Pilate by the Sanhedrin, who had arrested Jesus and questioned him themselves. The Sanhedrin had, according to the Gospels, only been given answers by Jesus that they considered blasphemous pursuant to Mosaic law, which was unlikely to be deemed a capital offense by Pilate interpreting Roman law.

>Pilate's reluctance to execute Jesus in the gospels has been seen by Anchor Bible Dictionary and critical scholars as reflecting the authors' agenda. It has thus been argued that gospel accounts place the blame on the Jews, not on Rome, in line with the authors' alleged goal of making peace with the Roman Empire and vilifying the Jews.

> 21 Then said the chief priests of the Jews to Pilate, Write not, The King of the Jews; but that he said, I am King of the Jews.

>22 Pilate answered, What I have written I have written.

Came here to post this

Culture of Critique


Mein Kampf

First, read "The Art of War" for perspective. You must know your enemy to think like your enemy, in order to conquer your enemy.
Second, dive into the Talmud. Everything you need to discover is in that filthy collection of writings.


Oi vey! The Torah and the Talmud.


Jews (not Hebrews; not Christians) hate the bible. There's a reason why one faith is called Judaism and the other is called Christianity. Jews wrote a whole series of books trying to poke holes in it.

There is no such thing as "Judeo-Christianity" as we are led to believe. You cannot be a practicing Jew (of faith) and be a Christian. When the bible references "Jew" it is referring to the Hebrews, whom of which descended from Abraham.

Judeo-Christianity represents Christians who are descendants of Abraham; Gentile-Christians are Christians who are not descendants of Abraham. Regardless of this, both are saved as long as they believe in the word of the God. Judaism is a "chosen people" cult that pays people to violate the Sabbath for them.

John 19

>13 When Pilate therefore heard that saying, he brought Jesus forth, and sat down in the judgment seat in a place that is called the Pavement, but in the Hebrew, Gabbatha.

>14 And it was the preparation of the passover, and about the sixth hour: and he saith unto the Jews, Behold your King!

>15 But they cried out, Away with him, away with him, crucify him. Pilate saith unto them, Shall I crucify your King? The chief priests answered, We have no king but Caesar.

Animal Farm

OP asked about kikes, not Hebrews. I get it dude. I'm just saying, as a Gentile, I know who my enemy is. That yeasty adversary of ours...

It's good that you get it because it's an important distinction to make for everyone. Correct me if I am wrong.

>pol recommend
wew lad

It's critical to know the difference, so many "Christians" (if you can call them that) don't have a personal understanding of the Bible. It just takes eyes to see and willingness to discover, but I feel as though it's clear as day who the Synagogue of Satan is. We were warned of the Beast that is to be and was, so there's that going for us. Just wish more Christians would understand that modern Jewishness is just khazarian demon worship and they will never be God's chosen people until they accept the Messiah.

Animal Farm was a final jeopardy answer this week. Perhaps Alex is an old fag?

The American constitution.

Read Siege by James Mason.

March of the titans
Mein kamf

You are wrong.
First it totally is possible to be a Jew and a Christian, all the disciples were jews, all the people Jesus preached to were jews, all the Christians for the first few hundred years were jews.

Hebrew is the language, and call people Hebrew, technically speaking, is referring to hebrew speaking 'Jews'.
The most correct term would be Israelite best Jew originally meant people of Judea which was a state or tribal people who practiced 'Judaism' .
Jews are not 1 thing.
If your mother is a Jew, you are automatically a Jew, regardless of race.
There are people with genes associated with juduism like Mizrahim,Ashkenazim etc and they may or may not be considered Jew or read torah/pray/go to synagogue etc. , there are people who believe the faith but have no or only some Jewish associated genetics.

My grammar is all fucked up in this, I was speaking another language to someone while typing.

Horse shit. The vast majority of people who consider themselves Jews come from a similar ethnic background.

>First it totally is possible to be a Jew and a Christian, all the disciples were jews
Read what I said, they were Hebrews; Jews by blood, not by faith. Were they not?

>all the people Jesus preached to were jews
And I believe those were Jews by faith, whom of which claimed either Abraham to be their king or otherwise.

>If your mother is a Jew, you are automatically a Jew
You are not making any distinction here

>Read what I said, they were Hebrews; Jews by blood, not by faith. Were they not?
Also, they had converted from the faith to Christianity.

You wanna google it?
Your statement might be true if you are speaking about a specific country or region/city for example, but for Judaism/Jews in general it is not as much the case.
Like NYC for example, is very much in line with your statement but it is not a generalization that can't accurately be made of a larger overall sample.
Sure there are a of Ashkenazim, but there are like 10+ Semitic ethnic groups associated with Judiasm, plus region Specific Jews like for example, Ethiopian Jews or Minority Jews from India etc.
True many groups a have at least an okay size portion with some ancestors that were Ashkenazim, Mizrahi or Sephardi

1 Not all Jews spoke/speak Hebrew, HEBREWS are specifically Hebrew speaking, like how a black person that is HISPANIC would by definition be a Spanish speaker.
The people you are referring to, worshipped the same God, still did circumcision, celebrated Jewish holidays etc the just aded Jesus and Apostolic teaching into their mythos/pantheon/ideology but did not stop any of the Jew practices or behaviors.
There are Jewish sects still today that believe Jesus was the Messiah.

2 Well back in the day atheism wasn't as big so they were Jews or worshiped Pagan/Roman/Zoroastrian the marketplace of ideas only had a few choices at that time, but he preached to Jews of faith and just Jews of lineage.

3 Yes, Yes I am.
If your mother is considered a Jew by Jews, as in: her mother was considered a Jew or she converted to the religion.
For example, If a woman regardless of race/ethnicity Converts to Orthodox, any children she has will be automatically considered Jews by Jews.
If you convert to Orthodox, you will be accepted as a Jew, regardless of race ethnicity etc.

Yes and No. Christianity as it is known today didn't exist. Think of Christianity as a DLC or Expansion pack to Christianity and you have an okay idea of how the early Christians practiced.
Lol did you think the celebrated Christmas and Easter lol?


I meant to add a qualifier after the black Hispanic point.

" black person that is HISPANIC would by definition be a Spanish speaker." OR having Spanish speaking roots such as Dominican parents etc.