Why does Trump keep insisting on trying to bring back coal?

Why does Trump keep insisting on trying to bring back coal?

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>meme flag

Because human made global warming is a myth. Worse then a myth, a made up religion trying to make the perfect anti-human citizen for the international oligarchs. Green energy has also become a incestuous subsidies fed donation base to liberal interests.


What a waste. Coal has more radioactivity than a nuclear plant. Do you know a coal miner? Anyone? Anyone in the last 30 years? We don't need that industry. We need high tech industry, nuclear power, etc. but Trump wanted to cut that and make the former Rust Belt (Now a tech hub) back into, well, a rusty belt.

Bringing back coal would just make us the new China making nuts and bolts for pennies.

Because it's wrong. Republicans are bound by their dark jewish god Jehovah to always do what is evil.


Coal is necessary for any heavy industry as coke from coal burning is needed for iron and steel production.

Cause clean coal works and it would make america energy independent.

>Be from West Virginia
>Hillary comes to the county

>Talks about renewable energy, solar, wind, etc
>Everybody is kind of interested because the coal bosses control the economy and they're incredibly corrupt assholes who skimp on safety and overwork their people, plus coal work is dangerous and rough
>Hillary then fucks it all up by refusing to control borders
>Everyone gets pissed because they know she plans to flood the US's whitest state with beaners who will take all these theoretical solar and wind jobs for less pay

>Trump comes to the county

>Talks about bringing coal back
>Everyone is kind of worried because even stubborn rednecks know coal is dying out plus foreign coal is cheap
>But then Trump talks Wall and tariffs
>Boomers perk right the fuck up because their jobs will at least be safe until retirement
>Boomers are still getting fucked sideways and still think they're getting a great deal

This state is always getting fucked. We just don't have shit that people want.

I mean, we have white children that are easy to kidnap but only the DC democrats want those

Because he's trying to buy a voting bloc with vague economic promises.

>Conflating old replaced technology with still-viable power sources

You guys have untapped beauty... that will be promptly bought by outsiders for pennies and resold to the natives for egregious prices when everyone realizes how nice West Virginia really is.

its cheap and easy to mine for

>What is clean coal technology ?
USA has the biggest coal reserve in the world. It makes no sense to sit on it and use other sources which aren’t as efficient or effective nor safe.
>co2 is bad
CO2 is captured and shipped to Canada to inject into the ground to help oil extraction from sand oil bitumen. Canada has the most sand oil in the world.
I don’t understand why we aren’t using more coal. It logically doesn’t make any sense. Cheap electricity leads to faster growth of industry.

>Why does Trump keep insisting on trying to bring back coal?
Because what the fuck do you think we're going to fire the crematoriums with?

Because the US has literally 300 years worth of coal even at peak usage. That's a lot of energy to be had from one resource.

Because the USA has a crapload of coal to burn?
Because as long as you catch the sulfur it doesn't pollute?
Because anthropogenic climate change is bogus claims?
Because "green" power literally cannot compete?
Because there is literally nothing wrong with coal?
>muh old tech
Would you replace every knife wit an electric knife because muh new and fancy?

>more radioactivity than a nuclear plant
doesnt matter because nuclear plants leak very little radiation anyway
your body contains radioactive carbon

>Trump wants to bring back fucking coal like this is the 1930s
>Meanwhile MIT have a design that will prove net fusion gain and can build a scale prototype for 250m
>Or a full size 200MW plant for 5B

Fucking based, gotta keep the old boys coal club running, who wants to fund innovation anyway? #MAGA

>The US has huge coal reserves.
>Because current technology allows you to produce power from coal more efficiently and cleanly than ever before.
>The plants are fairly easy to quickly setup, and the alternatives have either miles of red tape(nuclear) or don't work everywhere that coal does(hydro, wind, solar).

No one thinks coal is a perfect solution, just that in a lot of places in the US it's kind of what we need right now.

>who wants to fund innovation anyway?
how about the private sector?

Current fusion designs are actually built with the idea of being drop in for coal/gas plants. Being that they can just replace the existing furnace with the reactor, use existing water pipes and turbines. Building a new coal plant doesn't mean it will always be a coal plant, and it can likely be converted to fusion with minimal effort.

>Only the private sector should fund innovation
>The entity that legally steals trilions of dollars to bomb brown people shouldn't toss a crumb here and there for promising projects

Where I'm from, hardly anyone would care what Shillary has to say about anything. Everyone in West Virginia knows the Clintons hate the coal miners

Go to sleep, elon.

Anthracite coal is necessary for steel production.

That's a really fucking long way of saying "Rural and suburban white retards are so racist they care about race above every other issue, even to the point of self-destruction."


>Bring coal back
>Removing large taxes on coal that are driving up energy costs
Fixed that for you.

There are poor in the US that cannot afford AC in the summer or heat in the winter. Basically would you kill the planet just a little faster for the ability to keep your kids comfortable? I guess if you're a rich liberal twat it doesn't matter to you.

False equivalence.

Coal is still the cheapest most reliable source of power, it isn't dying out because it was made redundant (like VHS), it's dying because it is being strangled - to the dismay of anyone who's ever payed an electricity bill.

Fuck you and fuck this trash comic.

Steel isnt obsolete technology and neither is coal.

>The entity that legally steals trilions of dollars to bomb brown people
lower the taxes?


Ah yes, fusion power reactors. Something which has been just around the corner for 60 some years now. How about this, when they actually have a working prototype they are willing to show to the public, or at least any prospective, wealthy investors, I might actually take it seriously. Of course, if they have a working prototype, they won't have any problems getting investors. So far, they seem to only have some sketches, ideas, and a few half-finished equations.

Yeah desu fuck coal miners. They celebrate being dumb soot faced slaves working in back breaking labour so some Chad who owns the cave gets money to fuck hot Stacey's while he goes home to fat Sally. This is what the working class celebrate and live like. Fuck that.

They'll really shit bricks when they get a prototype running and it takes off and rips a huge hole in the roof and they realize what they've actually invented is a gyroscopic spacecraft engine.

Fuck you fuckin retards - Hows he supposed to bring back steel jobs without coal you fucks ? You NEED THE COAL TO MAKE THE STEEL . Proofs - " How is Steel Produced?
Global steel production is dependent on coal. 74% of the steel produced today uses coal. Metallurgical coal – or coking coal – is a vital ingredient in the steel making process. World crude steel production was 1.6 billion tonnes in 2017. " - worldcoal.org/coal/uses-coal/how-steel-produced . Geezus , what a bunch of retards .

Evola's involution theory

>t. urban "intellectual" who isn't allowed a spoon

>Place race above every other issue
Nigger I wish boomers did that, they care about their jobs and how much they can squeeze out of social security before they die. If flooding their entire country with spics meant 10 more years of comfy living for them, they'd do it.

hey it's an argentine jew shilling for coal

cassete tapes for music are all the rage these days for metal, hipster music and other underground shit

because america is a big producer of coal

that's because race is the main issue you clown

can someone help me find this vid

Coal is plentiful and we have lots of it. If global warming is bullshit then we might as well use it.

Literally poor Spanish immigrants want their energy costs lower as well. He's getting huge swaths of legal latinos.

>comparing coal to VHS


>believing that people would bother to look up the facts of a situation before whining about it

hey, it's a canadian (aka chinese) shilling for de-industrialization of the west


Kys nigger

yeah like the US deserves to be called part of the west anymore

The thing is that with new superconductors and a bit of thought in how you put the thing together, it IS just around the corner. Watch this video, they cover absolutely everything in detail. Feel free to reply if you have any legitimate criticisms to make, which I'm sure you won't because you don't have the mental capacity to understand half the video and just repeat stale memes.


Coal generates 30 percent of the total power the US uses. Advances in coal power has made coal very clean and has maximized it's efficiency.

Coal generates 37 percent of the worlds total power and climbing. Which means if we do magically replace coal power in the US with an actual viable replacement, that the US could theoretically sell it's coal resources to those countries around the world and make a tidy profit.

Either way, the cartoon you posted is a false equivalency and the artist should choke to death on all the dicks.

I support this - BRING BACK VHS !

>Why does Trump keep insisting on trying to bring back coal?
Coal is still extremely useful, you retard. Nothing is stopping people from making VHS tapes, but almost nobody wants to buy them. Whereas coal absolutely will be bought if you aren't punished by the government for it.

>the left is trying to meme again

Because he is still trying to bluff the "old coal mining" states.


Natural gas is a good alternative.

Um... "plans to flood"? Plans to? And how, pray tell, would that have been achieved?

And what extra cost does the 'capture and storage' part of 'clean coal' add to the price of electricity? Is a gas-fired power plant then cheaper?

>says chinada

Well, no; they have small units that can sustain fusion for short periods (getting longer with study) BUT these use more juice than they could generate.

do you have it?
could you sell me some?

Beats losing your manufacturing job to someone overseas while you pay the highest prices in the world for energy in your home and all the government wants to do about it is build some meme battery.

Would you not build new technology like solar thermal or nuclear WHILE you have good cheap power supply? Why the fuck strangle and demolish it and then try to fix the problem caused? Politicians can't think more than 3 minutes ahead it seems, and the people are their last concern,they see you only as a replaceable cog.

Like he said, money speaks, bullshit whispers. Once I start seeing investors line up or the military dicking around with it then maybe it's viable alternative, but hey let's have ridiculous energy costs because this one guy said fusion is coming cause of x reasons. Retard

So you didn't watch the video or debunk and science behind it, well done.

the only proof that something works is to see it working
does the video show the reactor working, or is it just another promise of "real soon"?

The promises of 'real soon' have never been backed up by existing technology, just that it might be developed in the future. Guess what? Surprisingly it has been developed and the math and engineering has been done. Someone just needs to put it together. Like I said, if you can debunk any of that video I would love to hear the objections. But I rather suspect that you lack the mental faculties to follow what the presenter is saying. The very fact you won't watch a video which could be kickstarting the fusion age is indicitive of a brainlet who can't think ahead. In the video they put together a scale version of the magnets for the proposed reactor in their workshop which MEET AND EXCEED the requirements for generating copious excess fusion power.

>Politicians can't think more than 3 minutes ahead it seems
While this is true, it's not why things are the way they are. The situation with coal is part of a decades-long concerted effort by people in both parties, Obama was even telling miners to their fucking faces that he was out to kill their jobs. I don't think we're ever going to truly be able to wrap our heads around just how bad we fucked the American elite by electing Trump, the mere act of putting Scott Pruitt in charge of the EPA, a man who has spent much of his career suing it, is unraveling decades of statecraft and pointed economic strangulation.

>Someone just needs to put it together.
call me when it's done

Because the only reason coal is demonized is because a FUD campaign to get the shares of all companies down, so that the DNC and their donors can buy all of them for cheap (they got caught planning doing this in leaked mails). Germany actually burns more coal now than before pushing green energy, and recently destroyed a Christian church to open a new coal mine.
Same reason why now every country that can is building new nuclear reactors, despite being painting them as the devil for decades.
Leftists always get played hard because they are morons, and you can make tons of money from morons. Much harder to do so from people that use facts and logic, and are wary from politicians.

You retards its about keeping the rustbelt red. jfc no wonder i left this board.

>the last claims of fusion totally working in a year weren't REAL science

You faggots are worse than communists

see you tomorrow



Creating jobs, and keeping energy costs low. This would boost the economy, plus it would lower our dependence on foreign energy sources. Coal = America first

The market got rid of coal you retard. Gas is so much cheaper. If switching power plants over to gas was free, coal would disappear instantly.

Coal mining jobs are some of the worst fucking jobs on the planet. West Virginia is fucking above and beyond the rest of the planet when it comes to opiate addiction.

>Also be from West Virginia

>Agree with most of what you say until
>"Everyone is kind of worried because even stubborn rednecks know coal is dying out plus foreign coal is cheap"

c'mon man, seriously? there's enough coal in West Virginia alone to self-sustain the state for another 100 years.

Coal is not dying. Anyone who works in the relative industry still wants their 80k+ paychecks for their massive trucks and plots of land. And there's just as many kin to the trade that are excited to "live the culture" and be in the coal miner lifestyle.

Coal jobs are the fucking worst jobs, there are cheaper ways to get power than coal, and even as coal is dying, America has never been more energy independent as it has been right now

>And what extra cost does the 'capture and storage' part of 'clean coal' add to the price of electricity?

>Sold to canada
>What extra cost

fucking retard

>Coal = America first


This. People need to realize that green is still mostly subsidies.
>clean coal
Pumping CO2 into caves isn't a long-term solution.
>market got rid of coal
>if switching over was free

>he doesn't know about gas

Why do meme flags keep insisting their opinions mean anything?

Do you have any idea how long it has taken every single technology you use today, to be reach the current perfected form that you take for granted? How long people had been working on aircraft before the wright brothers? How long people had been working on internal combustion before Diesel made his engine? Fusion power will be, by far, the greatest thing humanity has ever accomplished. And it will be done in spite of retards like you, holding us back with your massive aura of retardation.

>Pumping CO2 into caves isn't a long-term solution

You're right. we should be dumping radioactive waste into the Pacific like our eco-friendly neighbors in Japan!

yeah and when the coal power plants need to be replaced, no one is gonna replace them with more coal. It's gonna be gas because it's way cheaper and way easier to transport.

>hurr CO2, the gas that comes from our breath and plants need to live is gonna murder the entire planet
>durr muh climate change, what is the ice age

You can make chemicals out of coal.
Coal has a lot more uses than just burning.

>I breath it so the entire atmosphere should be it
glad to see how deep the Argentinian mind can go

Just dump CO2 into the air, you fag. That's what everybody else does.
This is actually a trend in developed nations. Coal plants are slowly shutting down due to market pressure.

>oh noes, concentration of CO2 has risen a few ppms over a century, shut down all the factories!!!
>if we keep burning coal the entire atmosphere will be CO2! what is combustion

the planet came equipped with a regulation system for CO2 and oxygen, wow, could that be the reason it lasted hundreds of millions of years despite supervolcanoes, asteroids and whatever?
but some factories will definitely kill everything

You do know what happened after the super volcanoes, asteroids and "whatever"... right? do they teach you that down there?

You'd think that since you're a Chinese colony that you folk would have a better understanding of coal.

Just thought you guys might be interested in checking out my twitch stream:

twitch tv/puj33

yes, mammals survived those things
do you think the gradual release of CO2 from industries even compares to instantaneous releases of craploads of sun blocking dust and smoke?

>not having excessive restrictions is a waste

this honestly

Beacause it's powering your keyboard Brocklette.