Daily reminder there are people on this board who actually fucking believe Hillary will be sent to prison

Daily reminder there are people on this board who actually fucking believe Hillary will be sent to prison.


If she isn't we will just hang her daughter and sell her grandkid to china for parts and pizza


>there are people on this board that actually believe fan fiction written about Donald Trump in a """Russian dossier""" where he pissed on hookers in a bed that Obama once slept in is real


there are people who believe she is not actually a maggot slurping demon dropped right out from lucifer's rancid cunt

Shockingly, this. You got to be the dumbest motherfucker in the history of the planet to actually like her

I feel that at least one of those listed deserves an apology for being lumped in with her. She could murder children on live TV and not go to prison, people.

Evola's involution theory

It was and still is her turn, faggot.

t. rural and suburban retard

I don't think she will go to prison, but I do think she is the most corrupt politician of our time. Hillary with the Obama administration, politicized the FBI, rigged a primary, used a propaganda machine that they call the media to brainwash normies, and created a ridiculous salacious fake dossier so they could unlawfully spied on a presidential incumbent, and started a new cold war, all because they lost the election. The Democratic party thanks to Hillary and Obama is rotten to its core and needs to be dismantled and destroyed so a new less corrupt new liberal party that actually repents the working people of the United States can rise up.


With qualities like that she should come to Italy. She has all the pre requisistes to succeed.

better chance now than 2 years ago, but i ain't holding my breath

It is my dream that before Hillary slips into the abyss she sees the first female president denounce her.

i hope she chokes on her fucking green loogies, would be poetic justice



lel...now THAT would be some social justice

The Sicilian flu saves her.


:( it gets harder and harder to keep faith everyday, but I believe in Trump and I believe in Justice. Mark my words, though, if she's not in prison by 2020 Trump lost my vote

worse than that
there are people who believe trump was serious when he said he'd put her in prison

hillary best girl desu

>Daily reminder there are people on this board who actually fucking believe Hillary will be sent to prison.

doesn't she still owe Saudi Arabia something like 1.3 billion dollars?