Pro-lifers, if I combined a cup of flour and a cup of butter, I've got the structure of pie crust, but it's not pie crust until I bake it. You have to bake the zygote to make a person.
How is this?
If it's not a person, why scramble it? Just leave it there and it won't develop into a human according to your analogy.
>eggs and sperm = not a person
>zygote = person
I really don't get what's so hard about this. Obviously it's not quite a full person yet but this seems to be the ostensible origin of one's existence, at least in terms of their body. Sperm cells and egg cells alone don't become people, only zygotes do.
He put it into the oven but it's not cooked yet. If he leaves it there it will become a pie, but he can still take it out before it becomes a crust
I think this comparison is half baked
The analogy is dumb and I don't think it requires deep dissection.
let me nut on your eye then you will see,
It doesn't have a nervous system therefore it's okay to get rid of it.
you are a failed human pls report to dr coat hangers office for post term abortion.
No ones eating uncooked dough and calling it pie
The fucking truth is that abortion IS murder, but there's nothing wrong with it. People don't remember shit from when they were that young. Even though I would hate to have been aborted, the only reason I care is because of the life I've lived. So go ahead, whisk those babies.
Why is it so wrong to want to kill all niggers but protect babies?
I'm sure you mean a zygote and protozoa. Baking as you call it occurs at conception. If I mix all the ingredients together and start to bake a pizza, I still have a pizza regardless of the cooking time.
The point is there are forces at work that transform a thing into another thing.
The truth is a person as a whole does not exist. When does a sperm/egg become a person? I think the answer is whenever someone can look at it and recognize it as a 'person'. The idea of 'person' is like the idea of 'car'. When does a motor and frame and wheels, etc become a car? Whenever enough of it is there for people to think it's a car.
Is just wheels and motor a car? Does it need seats to be a car? A car isn't real, it's a made up idea in our heads. And so is the concept of people.
That argument can apply to language in general. It's all abstraction. But if we can't use abstraction to deduce meaningful points, what's the point of language?
It's story is already written. It's future set in stone. Killing it would be the same as ending any persons life. Disguisting.
Babies are human that is why it is wrong to kill them
>billions of humans
>caring this much about human life
why do normies do this?
First post, best post
It is human life you fucking retard. If you want to get anywhere in life start with the truth, if not to others to yourself.
What if it's future is to get vacuumed? What about kids that die of disease and shit as a baby? Or how about those little kids in the Dunblane massacre? Quite a story huh? Life isn't sacred. It's a cruel joke.
The equivalence point of your analogy is putting the pie together and putting in the oven to bake to do the rest on its own. You picked a pretty stupid analogy OP. Stop being encouraging people to be irresponsible get pregnant and then commit murder.
>caring this much about human life
What is the foundation for all human rights, morality, and ethics, Alex?
>It is human life you fucking retard
citation needed
You were once like that.
Are you a person?
Evola's involution theory
A human is not a pie tho. What number is to much when it comes to life
The DNA is different than both mother and father.
Op gets wet over this meme. Can't wait to make up some new Mental gymnastic's
i'm triyng to find the vid for pic related, anyone got the link?
oh (you)
Op getting under a water fall with this meme
How come people who are not pro-life always have trouble explaining their beliefs when you ask them this question.
Fantastic analogy and one I agree with because once the ingredients are mixed together and cooked you have a delicious pie crust which you can eat so therefore according to your analogy I am free to eat you since you are the moral equivalent to a fully cooked pie. Never did I think to see the day when someone who is pro-choice finally make the argument I always wanted so I could engage in some good old fashion cannibalism!
Thank you user for your absolutely brilliant and insightful analogy!
That is actually a great argument granted I'm sure people will come up with mental gymnastics to get around it. I.E. its not sentient life or some shit and neither is a zygote...yet
no one says its not "life"
they say its not a human
cell theory. kys ignorant, uneducated faggot.
Yet people still eat raw cookie dough.
No sleep for me tonight I guess.
Read up on Embryology, Human Reproduction, Anatomy and Physiology.
Because savage pagans who would abort their fetuses would never have developed the technology to invade their women's uteruses like this and therefore it's abusive to let them do it. Like Star Trek's prime directive.
>not a person
Most other civilized countries in the world have far more restrictive access to abortion than the US does. Lefties don't like to admit this.
They don't say they're eating a cookie when they do that though do they?
Its a ridiculous comparison. You would have a point if you suggested carbon, water and a bunch of other minerals are not people as a collection. However human life is a hell of alot more complicated than the sum of its parts. Even that embryo is in fact alive, and contains a seperate gene structure from seperately its mother and father . It is by every definition a human life at a stage of development .
its not a "person" but its is technically human live. 1 cell is a living organism. and this cell is a human cell
By what standard ?
its genetics are exactly human
Is it sentience ? okay what about when you are asleep or unconscious
Is it pain ? same rule applies, or does just numbing someone before killing them make it okay ?
Well specifically thats not exactly true.
A skin cell is not a seperate life, it is a part of one. An embryo is genetically an entirely seperate and developing human life.
no citation needed
if you graduated high school, you will know that a single cell is alive. it is a life. and the cell is a human cell. ergo it is a human life. but i would not go as far to say its a person
Islam say the soul doesn’t enter the body until 120 days after birth
Only apply to others what you would apply to yourself. Would the world have been better if you'd been aborted? Would you prefer to have been aborted? Also, imagine being born in 2018. You won't even be old enough to fully comprehend the decline before your world falls apart. The only positive aspect of the collapse of western civilization will be denied to you, and you will experience only the suffering. Fuck that. F.
If you are pro abortion and concerned about human population start with aborting yourself.
Put your words in to action and lead the way.
Lets see how much you belive in your words.
only valid answer, it needs 3 week until the CNS is built
I'm gonna follow up here. If you were born today you wouldn't be what I'm going to call "politically sentient" till you were at least twelve, or 2030. Our odds of having a world that looks a single goddamn thing like our own twelve years from now are at best 50/50. Now, fast forward that shit another ten years and imagine being 22 in 2042. Jesus christ.
The only cureent and consistent marker for the presence of DNA unique to mother and father is comception. Every other 'milestone' for a child developing in the womb is inconsistent and arbitrary. Until there is a better indicator of when life begins, conception should be the point.
>muh viability
U of U's Labor and Delivery ward can make a baby viable even if it is very premature. A baby being born in west virginia may only be viable closer to 9 months because of inferior medicine.
>muh sentience
Until it can be proven that foetuses are self aware at a consistent point, this is a bullshit goalpost that moves in a stiff breeze.
>muh rape babies
Extreme cases (barely 1% of abortions performed are rape babies), extreme measures. What is so bad about making it a case by case thing?
>take wife to Gyn Ward for post C-section wound management (as if our two newborn girls staying briefly w/ grandpa isn't enough of a concern)
>go to a backroom where a 20-something good looking blonde is laying curled on a bed, her pink sneakers on the floor, her looking through the infirmary window with an empty look on her face
>mfw she's just had an abortion
>mfw the room next door sees hundreds, if not thousands of these performed each year
>mfw the doc won't let us exit through the baby killing room, leads us through the ward again instead
>mfw based eastern european womyn
>mfw i have no face
inb4 muslim; Deus Vult, mamojepci
It's not a person. It's the beginning of a person. If you destroy it you destroy a potential person's right to life.
And to do so is to claim dictatorial powers over the right to life of future human beings. It's a very dangerous precedent.
> ban guns they are killing our children!
> fuck you, let me kill my children!
This shit makes me laugh every time i think about when I take a shit.
That just shows it has the potential to be a person, not that it is a person, same could be said for that hot load of jizz on your face.
Stop the abortions.
Infanticide of non-white little shit is much cheaper than aborting it.
And white women with children should be allowed to live on the tax money of nonwhjtes
If you take the pie out of the oven before its done cooking, you ruin the pie.
Stupid leaf
Strawman. At this stage,no woman would even know she is pregnant so it is irrelevant.
Pic related is what gets aborted.
>mental gymnastics to get around it. I.E. its not sentient life or some shit
It's ironic because of the mental gymnastics required to think that's a bad argument
what makes people humans is consciousness, until a baby becomes self aware and can form memories and think it isn't fully a person,
this is why children have no rights
a human mind is complex and takes many years to develop
therefor it is okay to abort a 1 year old baby, because it isn't yet conscious, its no worse than putting down an animal,
100s of dogs are killed every day in shelters
dogs are just as human as a 1 year old child
>nether a dog or child are capable of conscious thinking
>both experience emotions
why is killing your one year old infant illegal?
Mr. Socko endorses this post.
the last thing white american DNA sees...
This is the lie that modern shitheads want to believe; so they can justify their evil doings.
we have IDs, retard
It's not up for debate you fucking retarded, it's a human being as soon as conception. It's in a particular developmental stage. Organisms don't translate into food, pie doesn't have fucking DNA. Abort yourself.
If a man and a woman do some barrel rolls together the wife will not give birth to a rocking chair.
But nice try Shlomo.
I just use the inverse definition of what medically recognized death is. A person is considered dead when their heart stops beating. A person is considered living when they get their first heartbeats.
Of course, there are exceptions to this, which FPBP (and chekt) here describes in a picture far better than with words.
>barrel rolls
Not a fighter jet? Also chekt.
>2 posts by this ID
Casual sex ruined the West
Is it murder if I pull out a hair or wank off into the street?
>It's not a person. It's the beginning of a person. If you destroy it you destroy a potential person's right to life.
>And to do so is to claim dictatorial powers over the right to life of future human beings. It's a very dangerous precedent.
I guess mastrubation is genocide then.
Where would you draw the line between “just cells” and life? And why?
So the cut off for abortion should be what, about the end of the first week judging by your photo? OK, we can compromise with that.
U guys are retarted the point is that its gonna be a human.. if nothing is done that will turn into a human the only thing stopping that is people murdering it before it gets the chance
It depends on how you define "person".
Personhood is a loaded term and few agree on an exact definition. However, at conception human life is created. That is simply an unarguable, biological fact.
It takes sperm and an egg u fucking mong try and atleast read what people are saying
how is it not a person?
and your strawman is braindead
no abortions ever.....
i define those such a OP as not-persons due to their being psychopaths
therefore, it is OK to kill them
see how that works?
You are asking the wrong question.
Obviously abortions are a hard decision. But we should focus on the question why do women find themselfes in this position in the first place? Woman today lack values. The husband and wife formula is dead and we dont know what to do.
In israel if someone wants to have an abortion they go through a committee of approval first
this is one arguments that usually breaks prolifers
In one room there's a little girl, and in another there are 50 embryos. The building they are in is on fire and you can save one. What do you do?
it's white
Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night.
>abortion is fine, it's not a baby anyway
>What? She was hit and killed on her way to the clinic by a drunk driver?! DOUBLE MANSLAUGHTER! THROW THE BOOK AT HIM!
Its not a person and no one ever suggested it was. The question is one of humanity, not personhood.
How is it not human?
>ooga booga am i kawaii uuga?
the only reason you want to kill it is because you know it will become a person if you don't.
How is this not a person?
Depends on what race the girl is, and what race the embryos are.
I don’t care whatever point you are trying to make but this picture reminds me of my sons. We did IVF to get them and we have 7 more frozen. They are definitely living they just look weird to you. Pic related, it’s the first 3 days of their life.
Well I guess I can’t post a fucking gif from my phone. Thanks Sup Forums.