>Giant strike on woman day in Spain for the 13% gap in salary between genders
>They are gonna force a "women quota" in many jobs and impose huge sanctions over companies that dont have a "gender department"
Nothing makes people love women like huge sanctions and forced hiring, right?
Giant strike on woman day in Spain for the 13% gap in salary between genders
Typical women, never happy
Meanwhile men are generally more depressed, more likely to drop out of college, be falsely accused of rape, have academic failure or commit suicide
But stating that would be SEXIST.
Remember boys, gender equality only works one way.
Barefoot pregnant and in the kitchen makes women happy
If they enforce a quote then become a transgendered woman how hard is this come on?
Wish I could have a harem of all those women.
All 20 million Iberian women for me.
You know why feminism is a thing in the West? Because of Salic law and Germanic way of handling men-women relations. In Poland for that matter, where there was no Salic law and women were very close in rights to men, the issue of feminism almost doesn't exist
Spot a white person in that crowd.
>Muh /tradcat/ mutts will save the west
So knowing how that stat is calculated and it still only being 13% more, that means all things being completely equal they make a lot more than men per time, yet they've still been brainwashed into this frenzy
and yet it does
salic law was hundreds of years ago
we jankie hegemon culture now
The 13% is per hour. Its way higher if you do the filthy tricky of comparing women's part time jobs to men's full time jobs.
funny how the sheepie never check their sources
"Na koniec warto zaznaczyć, że rozpatrywanie różnic w wynagrodzeniach kobiet i mężczyzn na poziomie ogólnym nie jest do końca precyzyjne. Aby poznać rzeczywiste dysproporcje między zarobkami obu płci, należy wziąć pod uwagę szereg cech takich jak: wykształcenie, doświadczenie na rynku pracy czy rodzaj wykonywanej pracy. Dopiero po ich uwzględnieniu możliwy jest bardziej precyzyjny pomiar luki w wynagrodzeniach."
not a word about this in whole article/tv report
>and yet it does
but it's mostly because modish people want to copy fashion from prestigious Western Europe. Generally women in Poland were very independent earlier than elsewhere
The day men find a sitting-down-alot job will be gone in our lifetimes.
All the jobs we had here that were for older guys nearing retirement or guys who were slightly physically impaired for various reasons had easier jobs reserved, guess which jobs all the women got when they were brought in the fill gender quotas..
>economy in the fucking toilet and women are doing stupid shit like this
I like you spain, why are you letting this happen
i hope the centrists win the elections next time. its the only hope for the economy probably, the conservative right is corrupt to the bone.
Ofc, today we will be forced to delays, strikes and more street bullshit.
I fucking hate these commies and cucks.
This seems like a play by the left to cripple the Spanish economy in an attempt to delegitimize the centre-right party by hindering Spain's moderate economic gains.
I would be very suspicious of any "movement" like this, just like Catalonia a lot of these protests wouldn't be happening if the center or far left had won the national elections.
This is all strategy and a way to "punish" Spain for not submitting to the EU's neoliberal economic policy.
As a Muslim I have to agree
He was talking about women not goats, Abdul
Post more Spanish cuties.
this isn’t /r/ you fucking nigger
women’s rights was a goddamn fuckup
Are they gonna force women in the building sector too? Cause i hardly see any of them. Isnt it sexist?
So thankful that I cannot be associated via being apart of a group with literal goat-fucking or any beastiality.
Good. I hope they do it. Corporations have sided with the left endlessly so they could virtue signal in hopes of gaining new market share. I hope every one of these (((corporations))) gets torn apart from the inside by these stupid cunts.
Typical western woman, you don't see that in the rest of the world
This. I absolutely no longer give a shit what women think at all. Thanks women, your incessant nagging has finally convinced me to ignore you.
Spain went from Fascist to degenerate in a few decades. Then tell me democracy is not a cancer.
We had a moring tea on every level of our build for 'Womens Day'. To discourage the discrimination against women in the workplace. I work for the department of education. 76% of teachers are women.
Liberalism is more the problem, valuing personal freedoms and cattering to every psycho demands more than working towards a better common good is a massive fucking mistake
To be fair, Spain was pioneering degeneracy way before Franco. He just stiffled all that pile of shit as long as he could, but after his dead it exploded.
women are idiots.
Feminism is a self destructive source and I unironically support their stupid agenda because it'll just end sooner.
>when you realise that spanish look like octaroons
Sure we got your lazy genes Spaniard, but not this women rant shit.
Spain is a lost cause. It's reaching Greece levels.
>>They are gonna force a "women quota"
You mean they're going to discriminate against men.
Fucking American History X has already admitted positive discrimination is discrimination.
Liberal's can't deny this - yet the media never goes after them when they do this shit.
Unfortunately. In Australia we have a "left of center" (i.e. it doesn't use as many inflationary subsidies) and a fully left wing party.
OP is not giving the sauce. Let me tell you that I haven't heard about the "women quota" OP is talking. We want equal rights not the a matriarchy fantasy. Stop being so unpolite.
Typical dumb Anglos, aren't they? I bet you are 19 yo.
We already have racial quotas here. A gender quota doesn't seem that unlikely for highly paying positions.
>We want equal rights
No. YOU want equal rights. Women want to be payed more for doing less, even if it's undeserved.
Remember women are a lot more likely to be raped.And so there are waaay more men rapist than women, men get raped in prison because there are no women around. Remember that the reasons that there are more men with depression may be due to the fact that men are raised to be "masculine" and that masculinity involves pretending to be strong. And whereas we women are attached our mental illnesis because our "bIoLoGy" you won't see that depression is atached to men because genetics. I don't know if the statement about more men with depression is true either.
You despise gender equality because you despise women, and also claim that you are the victim. Your points are stupid and you make all spanish look dumb in this website.
No, we want equal rights, we want to be payed the same if we do the same work, and we can do it! There are bad teachers. bad doctors , bad everything out there, but they are not bad professionals because their gender.
Sorry, I explained bad the part of depression. I wanted to mean that that kind of masculinity is toxic. And by strong " i wanted to mean that they don't embrace their feelings and try to aproach them in a healthy way. Being strong is a good characteristic in both men and women.
You are already, dumb cunt. That gender gap comes from comparing salaries of chief engineers to nursing assistants: that's why it is a misleading statistic.
>>They are gonna force a "women quota" in many jobs and impose huge sanctions over companies that dont have a "gender department"
So they'll get rid of all those women that are overrepresented in judge, education and sitting in office jobs?
And we'll get more women construction workers?
>believing the wage gap is caused by discrimination
I am getting really tired of this propaganda, we had a retarded strike here too. It only makes me despise women even more, that's the only result it achieves
delet this
You already have equal rights, and no, you never deserved them.
The wage gap is the natural result of the way men and women approach working
>spain just got even poorer
sorry bros, perhaps shouldn't have expelled the moslems, no women allowed in the workforce in sharia masallah
You going to need a gun for control so many women.
Hmmm I see your master plan now
I'm sure it'll come to you. Just wait.
You are really THIS retard. Check art. 14, 35 of our Constitution and 28 from Workers Statute.
Equality is here, but leftists are retarded to the point they want a quote and to have the same amount of women and men just for the statistics.
Fuck off.
What's crackin! You guys should come check out my twitch stream!
twitch tv/fishrocks9
do we have any centrist party? what we have is a united right while the left keeps splitting themselves
>Do not say ciudadadanos is centrist
There is no pay gap, men & women doing the same job get paid the same money, why are women too dumb to get this ?
>woman day in Spain
>more than one woman
Femanon is right, feminism defends equality. There are a bunch of misandrics that dont understand this. However they are not that much-
>You know why feminism is a thing in the West? Because of Salic law and Germanic way of handling men-women relations.
This might be the most retarded non-conspiracy related statement I have ever read on this website.
Feminism defends female privileges.
And even if it was just "pro-equality" it would still be extremely harmful. Women's rights are destroying our civilization.
>women go on strike
>productivity improves
no, feminism doesn't.
pro-equility movement are never harmful, this just lead the progress
Feminism is just populism for women.
>pro-equility movement are never harmful, this just lead the progress
>low birthrates
>women vote for more and more immigration
>low birthrates mixed to more immigration means whites will become a minority in Europe in the next century
Que carallo fai unha muller en Sup Forums ou? Veña vai a túa puta folga feminista a chorar por cousas que xa tes, merdenta.
>ciudadadanos is centrist
Ciudadanos now is just a liberal party, they have less corruption and I think will replace PP in the next elections, PP, PSOE and C's are centrist maybe even Vox
nice bait faggot, have a (you) Manolo
>Women not working
>The day is the same as always
Imagine my shock, they should stop working more often then.
there is no one single right wing party in spain, and that is a fact
>Que carallo fai unha muller en Sup Forums ou? Veña vai a túa puta folga feminista a chorar por cousas que xa tes, merdenta.
Saúdos galego!
working in spain is already basically a meme, more meme games about it will just accelerate the absolute demise
Based hueposter
I'm glad to live in a small town where nobody gives a flying fuck about feminism.
I´m not brazilian ya fokin twat.
From my dealings with opioid addicts and other societal ghosts, the real issue is a lack of masculinity growing up. Single moms push their dysfunctional babbies into the world which they have no tools to deal with.
Equality is not something you can write down on a paper. Meninism is not a law is a social problem that"s why the change has to be mainly social, I think
Sry its been too long since I have been on galicia
Meu galego esta oxidado
Ta foder zuca de merda.
>Equality is not something you can write down on a paper.
It's actually something that you can ONLY write down on a paper. Want to know why?
Because the real world isn't equal. People aren't equal, we are all different. The fact that you need to be told this obvious fact is proof of how brainwashed you are-
>Meninism is not a law is a social problem that"s why the change has to be mainly social, I think
Pure insanity, kill yourself or cure yourself
It is always the same. The Incas, Babylonia, Egypt, Greece, Rome.. The moment woymen get any position of power and get handed over the power over their reproductive abilities, societies go to shit. Mouse Utopia is real. Women deserve nothing less than being locked up and only be able to move and speak if a man allows it.
Kill equal rights, minority protection (btw cunts are no minority) and ban women from education and work.
>Not something you can write down on a paper
So, what is the Constitution good for? It says we are equal and you demand it. Go on a court if you see inequality, dont go around shouting like a mong.
this just happened at my university, feminists trying to drag out girls who came to class
Except there's a huge raise of women abusing boys in schools.
And men always get the shortest straw on divorces, being the female always favoured when she gets the house, the kids and half of the money (and if the man doesn't pay a man with a gun comes to his house to take him to court and maybe to prison).
Maybe there's a disproportionate number of women shelters compared to the few men shelters. Maybe anything of the forementioned contributes to male depression, not "toxic masculinity".
Remember that sentences for women are always lighter than for men for the same crime, it's OK for a woman to slap a man but a man can't put a finger on a woman even if she's punching him in the face. Women have lower requirements for ANY job (that's what quotas are for, even if women are underqualified you need to have X amount of them).
Women demand jobs in confortable and profitable positions. They demand quotas and representation as CEOs, high paid white collar jobs and such. In the meantime sewer and garbage workers are 99,9% men and the 0,1% is just rumours (and guess what, some of those are actually well paid but girls won't do them because it's dirty and hard).
After you wake up from your next nap and you've processed all this, look into the mirror and try to see yourself as the piece of shit you are and repeat three times "I am a hypocrital Beetlejuice".
Ok then, apologies accepted.
I can smell the overcooked paella from here already.
The wage gap as a product of discrimination is a myth.
There are several multivaried researches that prove the wage gap is between 5% and 10%. And guess what? You can't prove it's caused by discrimination because no stats can prove that. You are choosing to believe it's discrimation that does it and not, for example, personality traits.
Believing the wage gap is caused by discrimination is an act of faith.
SOURCE: Google + "multivaried wage gap"
Not for the same jobs, hours or qualification levels
I don't think she wanted to be a single mum. Her partner abandoned/left her and you are blaming her for staying with here child. What altered the growth of the prisoner wasn't the figure of the mother but the lack of a father figure. Do you realise you are blaming her instead of him ? And we are forgetting important points that would affected the child behaviour. Being a single parent must be terrible.
>everyone speaks spanish in Italy
Are you a woman? This type of self centered ego is woman tier
Shoo, shoo rosbif whore.
all this filth is starting to spread in the eastern hemisphere tho....