This nigger is redpilling blacks about the Jews but at the same time makes the Left look bad. He’s a gift from God

This nigger is redpilling blacks about the Jews but at the same time makes the Left look bad. He’s a gift from God.

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I want see him doing Blacked scene with Elsa Jean

Why do you consider Louie X on the Left....The NOI is really a conservative org at heart


Kill yourself.

Because he blames whites for the downfall of blacks instead of blaming it on their chimp africa ways.

>an infidel is a gift from god
That's... ironic.


He probably sports a tiny cock. I have a theory that the most angry/ambitious niggers do.


Whites need to stop pretending like they can teach niggers how to be redpilled create BASED blacks etc. There may be a few who rise above the rest and prove they are not apes but the vast majority are savage monkeys that need to be dealt with accordingly.

Sauce? What did he say or do? links please...idk who this fuck is

Is this the guy that morpheus was based on?

There has to be a path for an informal alliance with the hoteps, they want a seperate nation, so do we, the old school ones like Malcolm X and Ali were against miscegination, so are we. We need more reach like Tommy Metzger did

He's still a nigger, though. He will not be spared the rope.

>Hurrr based because he hates jews

Uhhh, no faggot. This uppity nigger can go fuck himself with a rusty railroad spike. Him and his “religion” might hate Jews, but they hate White people even more. And that’s not just a “vibe” that you get from them. I mean they literally hate White people. Watch a Nation of Islam preacher give a sermon on youtube (they’re all over the place). You’ll see very quick how much they despise the White race. I even saw one preacher basically advocating that some nigger going around some city shooting White people was a good thing. Fuck FaggotKhan and Fuck The Nation of Islam.

Kill yourself fucking nigger lover. You think its a joke. The reason we are in this situation is because of white liberals. Don't think I have any qualms about killing white liberals.

fuck off shill


you will see this week.

You're just mad that Hannity played a clip of Farrakhan saying Jews did 9/11 tonight.

awesome. What about all the goyim kids who go missing on your sabbath though?

I-is that a th-threat

Tell your agents to say bye bye to their kids and wife just in case
Oh and watch out for mines kek

censorship was so last week

come on over

Yeah, Sean Hannity played a clip of Farrakhan on his show and in it he says the Jews and Israel did 9/11

His speech from recently. Skip to halfway through for redpills



We need to get back to making the distinction between niggers and black people.

Farrakhan on fox, did we start a fire?


fuck you filthy subhuman, LET THE BROTHER PREACH, number one priority is the jewish question, GAS THE KIKES, who the fuck cares about niggers trying to incite other niggers to hate and kill Whites???? In fact, thats actually a great thing, RACE WAR NOW!

checked ;) great point.pic related. jimi hendrix, thomas sowell, george washington carver, ben carson, muhammed ali = black people

That doesn't mean we can't point their savage niggoty at a useful target.

>Sup Forums creates insane amount of value in the past 15 years
>shitskins are attracted to value like flys are to shit
>shitskins come here but get severely triggered by stuff white people talk about when there is no censorship imposed on them
>for a shitskin this must be the first time they get confronted by unfiltered white opinions
>the cognitive dissonance they experience is SEVERE
>sometimes they can’t sleep for days(I’ve spoken to several pol-shitskins)
>they get addicted to this place because all these things they hear make sense and explain many things in their lives
>they do not admit all of these things but become angry at white and thing that’s it’s just a game to make them feel bad
>they think the world only revolves around them and whites here do the things they do as a way to trigger them
>so they start to playing the game that they assume is being played here

>start posting things explicitly designed to trigger whites
>white purity spiral (causes division in the whites)
>white women hate (causes whites to hate their own kind)
>nigger dick posting (triggered white people’s sexual insecurities)
>attack representatives of white interest politicians&e-celebs

>gift from god
more like mistake of nature

He's hilarious

I love how leftists now have to choose whether to attack a black man or to defend antisemitism

exactly right, use the kikes own tricks against them, the jews were the real power behind the african slave trade, the jews were the ones who created and forced the ghetto, thug, gibs me dat, drug culture onto blacks. the jews created that nigger monster in order to unleash it onto White society and try to destroy it. nows it time to redirect the frankenstein nigger monster back onto the jew and destroy him with it, just like in terminator 2


all your points are super legit and very, very serious concerns, however, do you really think that the average nig monkey has the brains to wage a sophisticated psyop like that??? Even if they did have the smarts, they are too lazy to bother. No way its Tyrone doing that, more like Schlomo in blackface. Understand, the more you look and the deeper you dig, the more you realize, ITS ALWAYS THE JEW

The only people in those groups that hate Israel for the right reasons are Nazis and muslims, the only reason to ally with muslims would be to keep their countries habitable so that they fucking stay there.

If you’re going to try to troll at least be more subtle about it. Nobody is buying your larp. Plus it’s just cringy.

I admire his courage. He has to know they are going to assassinate him. There is significant precedent.


More of a pastor Manning fan

>This thread again
He's is batshit insane (Jakub, UFOs, Scientology practices in NOI). Fuck that mouthbreathing nigger ape - and fuck you too, OP