
Whats worse

12. twelb
13. turtine
14. fo'teen
15. fiteen

>implying they can count that high

Nah, I can even get into the twenties on a good day

Uhh its
>7 seben
>9 nigh-ehn

Not that it matters. Most white people say “wadder” instead of “watter”

16. Siteen
17. selmteen
18. Time for prison

wothout jews we wouldnt be dealing with this nigger bullshit.

12. twail
13. thurdeen
14. fuddeen
15. fideen
16. six-tayn
17. seddeen
18. aydeen
19. nineen
20. twenuh
21. twenuh'n
22. twent too

...and so on.

Mods, you gonna do something about this bullshit?

Kek. I read em out loud.

>Most white people say “wadder”

Nigger jews

Okay: southern accented people tend to say wadder. Listen for it and youll never stop noticing it

>not sebm

those are two entirely different things
thats like comparing mosquitoes to gods that make mosquitoes
if there was no jews thered be no nogs
no rap or hollywood shit

Gold all in my chain
gold all in my rang
Gold all in my watch
Don't believe me, just watch
Nigga nigga nigga

Lawful evil vs... Neutral evil?


Congolese can't count past vijftien.

better than dre

>16. six-tayn



Jews are a highly capable enemy, niggers are not.



Niggers are more like chaotic evil
Muzzies at least have shariah

as someone who shadowed trained a cashier its much worse then ops pic
1. wo
2. too
3. tee they dont even use the r
4. fo as in fee fi fo dinus cant count
5. fie
6. sic almost like sick
7. seyen or saen
8. A as in capital A
9. nye like the cuck bill nye
10. tehn

I would argue that when left to their own devices nigs just sit around and do nothing to advance their civilization while they wait for the planet to become their tomb.

The joos on the other hand... well, we can all see what THEY'RE up to...

Hahahaha so good

Always kill the traitor before the invader

I'd rather interact with Mexicans than with chinks and gooks.

Niggers destroy communities, but Jews destroy countries.