Is there a legitimate argument against gay marriage that fall into authoritarian ideals?

is there a legitimate argument against gay marriage that fall into authoritarian ideals?

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I’m pro lez cuz they’ll still have sex with dudes the gays gotta go tho

It's just an odd and gross thing to shill for desu.

How many times do we have to completely own you on this issue?

Faggots can't love each other like two people of the opposite sex can. It's physically impossible.

Gay people don't make children.
People who don't make children are fundamentally useless and harmful to society.
1. They are useless because they contribute nothing to the population and take up money while demanding the same benefits of good familiies
2. They teach others to leech and also not have children

I used to be against it, but then I realized, without gays(bisexual in this case) we would never have Billy

Fags are more likely to adopt, which increases the nigger population

No way these two don't fuck dudes.


Move out of the ghetto and stop hanging around niggers.

>gay people unable to work


God puts you in hell for it, for starters. Second, no "gay" women look like that. You can tell by the fact that it was posed for and posted that they are doing it for the attention of men.

What does your comment have to do with what I said? Are you fucking stupid?

Gay labor is essentially useless.
What kind of jobs do you on average see gays doing? Hairstylist, barista shit? Completely useless. Beyond this, who cares if they can work if the profit of that labor isn't investing in the nations future.

I think that cartoon is confusing critical thinking (a good thing) with critical theory (bad thing)

Definitely along these lines

With pragmatism

>same sex does not naturally reproduce. in a homogeneous, homosexual society, the human race would naturally become extinct (hurr test tubes). therefore, unnatural.
>homosexuals bathe in pure hedonism. They have no sense of community beyond their sexual identity.
>transsexuals have the highest suicide rate out of every other demographic, combined. This arguably due to a mental disorder.

Is there a legitimate argument that’s in favour of gay marriage that isn’t an appeal to emotions?

>Gay labor is essentially useless.
What kind of jobs do you on average see gays doing? Hairstylist, barista shit? Completely useless
by that logic americans cant do any labor too because all of the americans i have seen are fat fucks
>Beyond this, who cares if they can work if the profit of that labor isn't investing in the nations future
>implying any of the profit generated right now invested in the nations future

Is there a legitimate argument against necrophilia, bestiality and cannibalism that fall into authoritarian ideals?

These need to come back.

is there a legitimate argument against pedophilia that fall into authoritarian ideals?

look at their facial expressions

>atheist critical thinking
is what made me a traditionalist. critical theory is the problem and christ is not the solution.
>b-but muh dead jew is not actually jewish and jews hate him
That doesn't mean anything. Jews also hate Muhammad, who literally was not Jewish, so should we instead be Muslims?

it's gay

fuck real********************* lesbianism (with pretty girls) -- it's just a waste of pretty girls

>no profit would ever be generated if cock sucking aids infested faggots werent doing these jobs



Gay marriage doesn't serve a purpose on a societal level. It normalizes and promotes homosexuality.
Gay marriage comes with adoption rights in Finland and statistically speaking man and woman are the most succesful pair in parenting.

But marriage is a broken concept anyway. Anyone can just jump in and out of marriage and the oath doesn't matter at all.

Personally I don't care about homosexuals existing, I just wanted them out of media and politics. Do what you wanna do in the privacy of your bedroom curtains closed as long as it doesn't involve children and happens between consenting adults.


>being a godless commie
Hell is for ever!

>Fundamentally Useless

If we are talking about men filling female roles, there is a swath of evolutionary advantages. Even in ancient times, homosexual acts conferred a sense of camaraderie and closeness. Homosexuality is extremely useful for the group, and has evolutionarily played a role in human civilization.

I don't even understand why gays are so hung up on marriage. Marriage is an important social contract between a man and a woman whose primary purpose is to form the foundation of a family unit and ensure the continuation of a bloodline. It's much more a religious and cultural thing than it is about love. If you just want to shack up with another dude on a long-term basis out of love that's what civil unions are for, if you absolutely need to have some kind of official recognition. Gays who want to get married are pretty much just larping.

real lesbians are ugly as hell

>no profit would ever be generated if cock sucking aids infested faggots werent doing these jobs
>Homosexuality is extremely useful for the group, and has evolutionarily played a role in human civilization
Dumb and gay. Yes we are aware men have humped all varieties of things through history that doesn't mean it did anything useful.

>Even in ancient times, homosexual acts conferred a sense of camaraderie and closeness.
Homosexuality among soldiers in the Roman armies was punishable by death, most faggotry was done by Romans onto their slaves as it was considered a shameful emasculating acy to allow yourself to be fucked by a dude.

Gay are broken stock

Or Lies.
These retards deep down know they're wrong though.
Disagree? Debate me.

1. Men and women are complimentary both physically and psychologically.

2. Marriage is a public vow to join together in childbirth and raising a family.

3. Men and women, due to their differences, provide different benefits of equal importance to the child.


>be gay
>serving in the US Army, doing something for my country, making something of myself
What are you doing for your country user? Besides sitting on your ass browsing Sup Forums and reddit all day, what do you do that adds to the greatness of the country?

Funny thing is they had a big lezbo kiss in the first episode to try and impress people with their edginess and the other characters didn't give a fuck.

Men humping men is not the point. Fluidity of gender roles is important, and if that confers a women wanting to get licked by a women, or a man wanting to have a cock up his ass, regardless - the ability for each sex to perform any role is important. It's a pretty simple concept.

Not just talking about Rome, you squib. Still, Augustus outlawed marriage for all soldiers at a point. Likewise, ancient Greece was pretty open to acts of homosexuality.

That's not really the point. The point is the transference of gender roles. If male population started to dwindle within a population, females would step up to do the work. Likewise, if females dwindled, males would step up to those roles. This is a HUGE group advantage.

>cumming in mens asses is a huge group advantage
gee thanks faggots for all you've done for us

They're actresses from Riverdale, they are both straight on the show and IRL.

Funny joke, but the point still stands. Homosexuality, in all likelihood, confers an advantage for survival.

AIDS increases survivability

>working a meaningless job existing solely to occupy your time which could easily be replaced by a machine to provide for your your roastie wife fucking around and your kid to be brainwashed by propaganda is a huge group advantage

>women will just cheat on you so let men lick aids into your asshole

From what I've read about the connection to birth order and female fertility, it would make sense that homosexuality is natural population control.

>spending your time arguing with anonymous people online

I can tell you right now that it does not matter which one of them, but i would have absolutely no problem in getting them wet for my cock. Fags of the female type are just attention whoring for the most time, fags with cock fetish i dont know tho

It is true that gay men don't make babies, but this is also true of 60% of straight men. Statistical analysis of modern DNA reveals that in most human societies women produce more offspring than men, usually in the ratio of about 60/40, although shortly after the invention of agriculture and the development of hierarchical societies in Europe after the ice age this ratio changed to 90/10 for about 3,000 years, with only 10% of men producing issue. Harems.

Gay men are only 2% of the population so we don't actually make much difference to population growth.

Would have never had*

foreigners correcting each others' english. beautiful

>Likewise, if females dwindled, males would step up to those roles.
In what case did this historically ever happen? With men it happened in war as war specifically targets them by far the most, what event targetted women?

>Gay men are only 2% of the population
This may have been true in an era where being a faggot was a stigma, sort of like the transexual percentages. Fact is, these numbers are getting far too high for normal by now and it's time culture corrects itself.

Marriage is a religious ritual, atheists, gays ecc can access to a private contract to rule their relationships (who of course, in case of gays, cant involve childrens)

>mental illness
>even more AIDS
>shit in your urethra giving you bladder infections

Faggots gtfo!

sick people who can't procreate
sick people who can't procreate
sick people who can't procreate

>being against gays and their rights
You are retarded. First, homos are the nicest people beacuse they try to compensate for their gayness by acting really good and friendly well at least in my experience. I have encountered some gay people in my life and they were more reasonable and genuinelu\y good people. And the more gays the more girls for me. I'm really glad homosexuals exist but I'm not okay with my countries politics about them

Ivan stop shitposting while drinking.

American who believes their disgusting English American is not a perversion of true estuary English.

English is the lingua franca because of American dominance.Pakistani English is irrelevant.

Homosexuality is the primary cause of homophobia.

Yes, mainly because there are no reason to marry if you're gay.
Marriage was created for three reasons:
>It's a holy sacrament, two people commit to be together in the eyes of God. God doesn't allow gay marriage therefore gays shouldn't seek getting married for religious reasons.
>It's a civil contract between the State and the citizens. The State needs population, therefore the people in charge to increase or preserve it gets financial help from the Goverment, as they're doing a service to the country. Gay couples shouldn't seek this financial help since they're not doing any service.
>It's a societal protection system. Biologically, the male is less attachted to the baby (see niggers) so civilized societies developed some form of contract to incentivate the male to stay and create a functional home. Gay couples have no biological kids nor they create these kinds of homes so they shouldn't seek for marriage.

You can argue some bullshit about any of these things changing (i.e. It's 2018 lmao) but those are the fruit of years of subversion, breaking the nuclear family and purposely ruining the institution of marriage as it is (making society itself dysfunctional as we see increased problems in mental health, violence and broken homes as well as abuses to children).
Gays shouldn't demand rights to have things created by heterosexual people for heterosexual people. If they want to have their own thing they can play their own games.
Also, it is quite clear that they don't really want marriage, but the destruction of it.

i didntk now Keira Knightley was lesbian

When marriage entails tax breaks and other perks then it is just detrimental to the state.
The state supports marriage for the expected children and not for the well-being of two people who live together in the same house.

>marriage is about love


Billy lives on in our hearts...

Kys, whores.

user steal the lesbian's vibrators, They'll fuck the first guy they see..

It's degenerate, disgusting and it has literally no positive outcome. Allowing oř even supporting it clearly displays that you are not opposed to it. This leads to faggots gaining in numbers and showing their faggotry publicly which afterwards causes people getting used to them.
We should just gas them all allongside with the whole LGBTQUTGJO degeneracy.

It’s not gay marriage that’s the problem, it’s gay families. Gays adopting, that’s the true afront

I miss you Aniki