Why do hapas look so strange?

Most I see aren't really ugly, but just weird looking. Some look white when you first see them, but something about them looks off. Then you find out they're mixed and you're ooohh....that's why you look weird.

The only non-weird looking mixed are mestizo's. Since they're been breeding out weird features for two or three centuries they look normal.

Obviously, mutatto's are the most hideous of the racially mixed, almost uglier than full blooded negro's.

They have the facial structure of whites with the facial features of Asians. Resulting in an ultra mutt visage

I work with a hapa who is pretty good looking and has a decent white girlfriend. He's a chew though.

Elliot was better looking than most on here

I'm glad I'm full blooded

His aim really sucked though. He was a failure in life and death and should be learned from.

wtf are chinese doing in ireland?

trying a new hairstyle, how do I look, dad?

I'm going to ask a girl out

desu they look even worse than mutts

They become ayylmaos in the future and come back to try and stop it.


They have seen the pathetic White male asian female future Sup Forums has been tricked into following and they have to stop it before it is too late.

They don’t, it’s like with any other person either you are born beautiful with good genetics or you are ugly with bad ones. As user said Elliot looks better than most people here just go to the /bybs/ and take a look at the people’s faces there.

It depends on parents, ugly parents, ugly child.

I am hapa and I look like kpop star who took plastic surgeon to look white.
Thanks to koreans and japs with their media I can get laid easily.All girls who wear alt fashion like kneesocks, chokers, tight shirt with mini skirt and pantyhouse wants my dick.

Cons is a lot of faggots wants relationship with me.

Meh. I don't mind Hapas. The whole mutt/56% meme doesn't fit them, they can be white and blend in and become part of the west proper.

Some hapas can look very attractive and white, but I will agree that they have an odd visual bent to their face structure, but it is not unpleasant.

When I think of a hapa person it invokes the image of High Elves, but that may be the soiboi in me bleeding out.

lol he looks mexican. i know some south east asians who LARP as cholos
i always suspected this. all the ayylmaos have large, dark, almond eyes. goddamn the future really is an all asian cyberpunk dystopia isn't it?

Can confirm. Both my parents are ugly as shit and I came out looking 10 times uglier

Was surprised to learn that he did this because he couldn't get laid, but then I watched his videos and read his manifesto and it instantly became apparently. How can someone with money be so fucking autistic? Parents that didn't give a shit, perhaps?

He shouldve been a tall white guy with a big dick for maximum laughs

>tall white guy
>huge dick
>couldn't get laid
That's how you'd know you'd fail at the level of your soul.

Are you going to let that break you or make you boy?

Wew lad... check

>When the autism kicks in to overdrive

They're the ugly spawn of a beta white man and a mutated-looking Oriental female, usually.

Are you sure you are ugly?
When I was a little I thought I am ugly because I look different than other kids.
Then when anime came to my generation I wanted to look like anime dude so I
Start take caring of myself and get /fit/.

Irony is anime made to some people to disgusting neckbeards while anime inspired me to be like "bishounen host guy"

>writes manifesto
>misspells a word

I mean look at these mutts

>ultra mutt visage
Good lord lol

>When you're so autistic you can't even go full autism without sperging out like a retard

>tfw not born ugly
>but dick is 5 inches
>am quadroon
why do women fuck men with small dicks? Not only that, but why do they fuck niggers?

kek, I don't have a better one than that. BUMP

Your dick size is only a number in your autism infested mind

Your dick size is a feeling to her

Not anymore, haven't seen any ufos lately have you?

why are mutts uglier than purebred dogs

This, my dick is 5.5 inch and my gf think that I have monster cock and that is one of reason why we have frequent sex.
She likes to brag to her girl friends.
Porn deluded us about dick size and having virgin girl helps you too because only sluts would complain about dick size.

can confirm

>Meh. I don't mind Hapas. The whole mutt/56% meme doesn't fit them, they can be white

I have had girls say I have a tiny penis and brag to others about how huge I am. Caring about what others think of your dick size is a huge sign of insecurity regardless of the penis size

Elliot is a good case on how being a bitter asshole is a huge turnoff to women.

One often not talked about redpill is the fact that extreme negativity is a massive turnoff to women. If you view the world with disdain, this signals to them that you are 'too' dangerous, and not in an attractive badboy way but a "This kid is an autistic dickhead" sort of way. And acting like a "nice guy" doesn't hide it at all by the way. This is a sort of soul deep problem that manages to manifest itself in some visible way or another until you change.

I'd venture to bet that most virgins past age 30 that don't have major facial deformities are making this mistake.

Pretending to be nice and being nice are the same thing if you really try

What confuses me most about these threads is that you often post obvious teenagers in the awkward years. I look just fine now, but God knows I looked awkward as shit when I was 14

better than some mixed half nigger thing i guess

Absolutely this. A blind spot for many.

because Asians are the race with the lowest gender-dysmorphia
and white men who do Asian women usually (not always but often) do it for certain reasons. For the same reasons white women do black men.
Because they cant to better.
The beta white guy feels manly next to his 4,11 wife who's into him because he's not Asian.
And the fat white woman feels feminine next to a black bull.

And the offspring is not good.

Do you remember that if a white man takes a black woman it's usually the top ranks of black women.
This is different in white/asian relationships.
Mostly the man is shitty and the woman is shitty too. So the offspring is shitty.

Also most Asians are small, especially in the countries mail order brides are coming from (Thailand, Philippines, Cambodscha). So of course you get a hairless, tesotosterone-less manlet son from such a woman.



All half breeds are ugly as fuck dude.
Their DNA is basically unraveling.

Not hideous but wtf is up with all those freckles?

they never look fine

Even Full-Asian men are better than hapas

Some hapas look like they almost could have made it. Almost.
They could look almost as good as a whte man if there weren't these Asian features.

Look at this picture. The asian influx ruins everything. Could have been an attractive man

Looks 100% Mexican

Kek you’d be surprised

What about Keeanu Reaves?

Often see those in hapa girls now that you mention it, no idea why.


Post your hapafu


mlady is ready to defend her husband.


Is it true statistically that white fathers rape their mixed asian daughters more than those of white/white daughters?

Holy shit. A guy I know looks like this. He's a fucking weirdo



19 with crazy eyes... Has that odd look, bro
>I'd never do that. No! That's disgusting. Not gonna do it
Proceeds to suck like a Hoover vac

Crazy-not even once!

El duende americana.


this dude unuronically looks like an oblivion character