there's literally no logical reason to be against homosexuality
Gay pride thread
faggots go to hell
No one would care about gays, if you were quiet! No marriage, no adoption, no faggy parades with half-naked men! Do whatever you want but behind closed doors, as you always did.
i agree with the parades but theres nothing wrong with "marriage" wich is essentially making two people share the same bank account
look if a cute boy wanted to wear a skirt and make out with me, I wouldn't say no. I draw the line at actual men, and of course public acceptance.
Calm down. OP is probably an atheist.
I feel like the parades are pretty necessary, considering that there's still a lot of oppression against lgbt people. Also, no marriage or adoption? what?
I find pride parades revolting. Also, pedos can DIAF.
t. Biscum
Its just against natural law.
Doesn't fit in an evolutionary world.
Gods little genocide.
Pride parades don't increase acceptance. It's an exercise in people shoving their asses and dicks into other peoples faces. Why is it suddenly acceptable to publicly fuck people on a stranger's parked car in front of children if they're gay?
Fuck. That.
prison gay
what about virgins? are those guys against "natural law" too ?
i get where you come from, i personally think bisexuality is more normal but if someone isnt interested in the opposite to begin with whats wrong with fucking the same sex?
>pride parades are necessary because of oppression
What exactly does a pride parade do to LESSEN bigotry against homosexuals? When someone is pro-gay they will probably like it (or not), if someone is middle of the road they probably won't like it, and of course if someone is anti-gay then they will hate it. You cause more division than acceptance.
>no marriage or adoption
The family model exists for a reason, nothing can and should replace a proper father figure and mother figure in a child's development. Gays are statistically more likely than straights to be pedophiles as well, though that's not a chief concern.
There aren't any cute boys in prisons from what I know, and even if there were, where would they get a skirt?
He has to look almost entirely female.
That's exactly the problem
>i personally think bisexuality is more normal
Well thank goodness you're not God, you filthy spic
Virgins are different, they don't choose to pervert the plan, only put it on hold.
Pee pee in pooper never stands up to scrutiny.
It's not like a bisexual person needs to ever act out on attraction to any specific group of people to begin with. Nor do you have to be AS attracted to one group as every other group you like.
People have preferences and they can be skewed to one or another.
Exactly this
homos act weird
Many gay couples never do penetrative sex at all.
I oppose homosexuality strictly for one reason: adoption. Children deserve a mother and a father, period. Single people shouldn't be able to adopt either, regardless of their sexuality.
If fags didn't want to adopt, form, and shape the lives of children and just wanted to fuck each other in the ass, I'd say go ahead. But homo couples want to adopt, and that is no go for me.
pidor kys
Parades only make people hate you! Do you see people organising "Scat Parades" or whatever? No, because only you feel the need to tell the whole world about what do you do in your bedroom. There is no reason for gays to marry, since marriage is supposed to help people create stable family and gays can't have children. Adoption is no, just no. Children deserve normal family.
this is the only answer, gays just happen it seems
>running down the street like strippers is necessary
fuck off
which ones? lmao name one
I don't know if you're using this as an argument against the morality of homosexuality or what, but if you are, using what's "natural" to argue moral oughts doesn't really make a lot of sense. like, it's natural for men to be more muscular and women to be more flexible, but that doesn't mean a muscular women or a skinny flexible dude is immoral. but idk I'm on Sup Forums maybe people here are stupid enough to disagree with that
the parades are a response to the oppression faced by gay people and an attempt to make people realize that gay people exist and shouldn't be marginalized. also your vastly over exaggerating what goes on at these parades
source that having two same sex parents is actually harmful?
this guy gets it
yea exactly if someone protests i automatically hate them
ones that we beat up in kings cross
Fuck off you filthy degenerates. Take a clue from every other generation in history that cast you freaks out.
You're not normal, you're not wanted, and the only reason you exist is because the jews want revenge on your ancestors who shamed and humiliated them and so tricked you into becoming a woman.
I agree with this, this is why yaoi/yuri comics are niche markets. Not everyone wants to see it, but you can exist in your little bubble if you don't shove it in people's faces.
There is literally nothing wrong with being a furry.
They spread aids like wildfire.
and this one anecdote is nice
Yeah, except for aids, pedophilia and all sorts of moral degeneracy
>source that having two same sex parents is actually harmful?
I'm not going to source shit for you. You really think two fags can raise a child to the same extent as a mother and a father? You don't think that a mother would have anything to offer that child? Do you understand how vile and sexist that is?
first of they call it marriage to piss of Christians, they could have chosen something else, because marriage is between man and woman. Second of it's not the same unit, because it doesn't produce children, therefore it doesn't deserve the same cut taxes.
If the want to be in partnership, share the same name and bank, I don't give a fuck.
>like, it's natural for men to be more muscular and women to be more flexible, but that doesn't mean a muscular women or a skinny flexible dude is immoral.
That is entirely immoral, what a waste of a person.
Single mothers are basically walking crime factories so fuck em.
American flag should color the stripes
I hate how lgbt shit is politicalized if it wasn't I wouldn't give a fuck if faggots are sucking each other off in there bedrooms. but since everyday im reminded by faggots, its hard to not be against it.
A large number of gays just do frotting, give each other hand/blowjobs and stuff like that.
A large number of gay men are "total-tops", id est: They never take the dick.
Theres literally nothing wrong with getting AIDS, Hepatitis and 100 cases of intestinal parasites willingly and then insisting the rest of the population pays for your medical care.
You're all faggots.
>Also, no marriage or adoption? what?
it's not hard concept to understand
this is suboptimal enviroment for kids to be raised in. Not to mention the frequency with what homosexuals are pedos (50% of pedofilia is done by homos)
my thoughts about marriage I stated earlier - don't call it marriage, don't give them unearned tax cuts and I don't care then.
i'd love to see a gay couple beat up on the nightly news but i never do. id like to believe but sorry i just cant
I am gay and agree with this message...
What does that have to do with anything I said?
Single mothers, single fathers, homosexual parents are all worse parents than a man and a woman as parents.
Homosexuals actually do have an evolutionary purpose. It's theorized that groups of humans that had a few males that didn't reproduce benefited because they could devote their time to the group (help raise young, keep food consumption low). I've heard it called "gay uncle" theory among anthropologists.
Why doesnt god come down from the heavens to tell you how fucking dumb you are, Cletus? Do you sleep with a bible and shag your family members too? Just Like God Intended
You have 13.6 seconds to prove otherwise.
lol shut the fuck up, they've all fucked in the ass at some point
I'm just mad
Mad about women
I don't think that there's much inherently wrong with it - just that you'll let your sexual orientation sterilize you (I don't buy this "born with it" shit since more and more people report to be gay/bi as time go on).
The community's just cancer, because it's filled with HIV-ridden soyboys who change their voices for no reason at all. And there were 2 fags at my job who hit on straight guys because they thought that they could convert them to faggotism. Imagine straight guys doing that to lesbians...
The parades completly justify putting you in camps. They show your true selves and how you behave when not controlled.
based france
And I'd definitely prefer have a lesbian daughter than a faggot son, since she'd probably be at a lower risk of domestic violence / HIV.
Being gay is great.
>HIV type 1
>HIV type 2
>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!
I prefer sleeping beside a big, hairy man and snuggling through winter hnngghhh it feels amazing.
Regnerus himself admitted that there's "a variety of forces uniquely problematic for child development in lesbian and gay families — including a lack of social support for parents, stress exposure resulting from persistent stigma, and modest or absent legal security for their parental and romantic relationship statuses." source:
also, there's a lot of errors with this study anyway. source:
as for the STD shit, I didn't bother to look up the study but it is true that gay people have HIV more so than other groups of people. however, I don't buy the idea that this somehow makes homosexuality immoral. I mean, if you have straight sex, there's still the chance that the person you're having sex with can have HIV or some other STD. that doesn't make straight sex immoral though. I think the STD issue is probably more of a sex ed issue than specifically a gay issue
they r gay because they like the dick.what do you think gay is??
who the fuck would choose to be gay when there's so much homophobia and hate towards gay people still? and don't let a couple assholes at your work shape your opinion about an entire group of people
INCORRECT. you're not welcome here get out
How come you retards can't even get forever is one word and you expect people to believe in your Jewish Fan Fiction.
Lol where's all of this homophobia? Imagine if a famous celebrity denounced homosexuality on twitter. There would be more backlash than support.
The stereotype of flamboyant gays holds very true, going off of my anecdote. They change their voices and act sassy for no reason.
The 1 bi kid in my middle school and the 2 gay kids in my high school did this, and all 3 of my gay/bi coworkers did it.
furries are more likely to have stds, they're pedophiles, and absolute SHIT at raising kids. basically, they should all be gassed
>Straight people too
>Straight People too
>Same respoonse
>Not all
>Same response
>Same Response
>Same Response
>Same Response
>Same Response
Are you a Posh Twink Bong?
Do you have even a single source to back that up.
I don't know where you live, but there's still A LOT of homophobia anywhere rural in the US, and many Christians in the US still teach that homosexuality is a sin, forcing young gay Christians to stay closeted or face a lot of shit. I can't really speak for other countries, seeing as how I live in the US, but I've h e a r d that it's worse in Europe
Its true that thats the case now, but 40 years ago the opposite would be true. Despite this there are still nieche communities and third worlders who would literally like to opress me (public displays of affection are illegal for gay couples in the phillipines)
I agree the steryotype is somewhat true. My theory is gaybois learn about the steryotype then end up copying the lisp, perpetuating it.
>Implied there would be a non trivial amount of support for some one denouncing homos
>where's the homophobia though?
Source? fuck you, it's just common sense. it's so obvious cmon stop being dishonest
Nice argument lmao eat a knot retard
I agree that furries are generally disgusting, but to be fair they havent been overwhelmingly invasive and cancerous for a few years now. Shouldnt we let them get on with their unfortunate, borderline beastiality filled lives in peace?
giving up I see :^)
>Do whatever you want but behind closed doors
Homosexuality is always unacceptable
Hey! Come play! :) My twitch stream is active right now:
twitch tv/puj33
Y tho
You gave up the second you said "common sense" and I invite you to swallow the contents of an entire bad dragon warehouse as punishment
care to explain your reasoning my dude?
Homosexuals can't reproduce.
Homosexuality is clearly an illness
Its not as hot if you admit you're into it
is the purpose of every romantic relationship to reproduce? have you never been in a relationship with someone you didn't have a kid with? if two straight people fuck but not to make babies, is it immoral? hmmmm
So if i loose my penis in an industrial accident, its a disease because i cant conventionally reproduce and my existence should never be tolerated?
Homosexuals feel sexual attraction towards the wrong people, corrupting their friendships
straight people feel sexual attraction towards the wrong people, corrupting their friendships
falling for people who aren't into you is just a part of life, straight or not. this still isn't a real argument against homosexuality
>is the purpose of every romantic relationship to reproduce?
>have you never been in a relationship with someone you didn't have a kid with?
Implying I have ever been in a relationship
>if two straight people fuck but not to make babies, is it immoral?
How does the friendship become corrupted?
so why isnt homosexuality considered a mental illness? it hinders the mentality, kind of self explanatory right?