I'm David Hogg and I'm here to tell you if you're all on the wrong side of gun control reform...

I'm David Hogg and I'm here to tell you if you're all on the wrong side of gun control reform.. so you're basically on the wrong side of history. Congratulations. You're really doing a great thing by allowing more school shootings. Is that really what you want?

yes, i hate kids

You make me sick.

>My sister lost 4 of her friends!!

>My sister lost 2 of her friends!!!!

>My sister lost 3 of her friends!!

Have you faggots ever heard of windows?

yes, i wish you had died instead of billy herrington.
I also wish you all would shut up
shit happens and by using your own logic, we should ban all immigrants because one or two bad apples could spoil the whole pick.

why do you look 27?

That was so last week


These are all Scientologist actors.

Oh wow. Not like we can't make more kids.

hello megapig

Your 15 mins are up now slowly but surley fade away into obscurity

I'm sick of this kid's faggot face

I'm a convicted felon. Gimme your fucking wallet before I hollow out what little brains you have.

might as well ban cars those kill an insanely higher number of kids than school shootings.

You think gun control saves lives? How about black swan events. A citizenry with military grade weapons can prevent a Pol Pot or Stalin from emerging. A govt should fear it's people.


>Be a crisis actor
>Literally expect everyone to belive all you`re saying
>Act like a smug little shit all throughout

yes cause there is nothing like a good happening lad

Don't be jealous that he is more famous and more influential than you will ever be in your entire lives. He will go down as a hero and he will be remembered for years as a person who brought real change.


David Hogg for president in 2024! he's got my support

im david hogg and this is jackass


>Real change
Stripping people of constitutional rights isn`t heroism commie

Yup, little war pig its bacon time.

>Is that really what you want?
It is not, I want the ability to defend myself and even you, David Hogg, from whoever may threaten us without depending on others for our protection. Especially if the latter proves to be the former.

Stop right there, you noodle-armed faggot

the constitution isn't an iron clad thing, it can and will be altered.

The constitution is fundamentally and culturally outdated.

Like they need a actor in the white house

Innocent childrens blood is going to be on your hands. You don't have guns in Finland, and how many school shootings do you guys have?


Try to take my 9mm white Boi

1. Why are you using the death of your schoolmates as a political launching platform?
2. If I abuse my right to freedom of speech, does that mean that your right to freedom of speech should be taken away?


I see your flag and raise you a reee

So he should just stay silent and do nothing? Why are you so intolerant of other peoples opinions?

Says a fucking commie. What`s outdated is your papa Marx

So what and how and why needs changing in the constitution due to this fundamental and cultural change.

the founding dads were much smarter than you & all your friends in washington

the 2nd amendment, for one.

Shut up commie

No one from washington would put on a commie flag and want to an guns. He`s gotta be from california


>So he should just stay silent and do nothing?
Strawman, I asked for his motive. These people will claim the NRA is using the shooting as a political tool to justify more firearms while they themselves use it as a political tool to justify taking firearms away.

So why then? We`re waiting

Why not just change the entire bill of rights? They were all written around the same time? Hell, let's just throw out the constitution because some faggot commie doesn't like it

it is too dangerous for private citizens to own and carry firearms, only trained public servants should be allowed to carry and own them.

wtf you're right i love liberals now

>Implying common gun plebs don`t train with guns

I live in Ventura, California


.... i knew it... jesus christ

o god kys

can we skip to the part where this high school dropout does gay 4 pay porn?

wait thats not why hes famous?

They will never go away. Just like Sandy Hook. Those fags are still all out there.

> this is my rifle this is my gun
> I’d reform Hogg’s ass so quick you Betcha

Why do these kinds of people always go for the guilt trip?


for you, gomrade

Shit came out long before Hogggate and the fucker in that picture even looks lke him.

dude, bra that shit man
or start working off those moobs

What has fundamentally and culturally changed from 1780s that make this argument more reasonable now than those times? It was dangerous around those times too, wasn't it?

Is he aiming to make the US gaming industry even worse? Are games are already affected by game journalists, now the POTUS is considering doing something. Sandbox and SJW games the future?

Do you think its really the Hoggfather?


Kill yourself.

Since that faggot shooter in florida obviously missed a few, yes!

Not usin no Glock Fo-tay, Tyrone? Jaquavius got him a 10mm. Keep up, nigga.

Is this just a meme or is there a video of him contradicting himself?

because they make everyone feel bad if they don't go along with the whole thing.
you just jealous

I'll make a deal with you, Hogg. I'll stop school shootings from occuring by signing one simple law, but I get to toss you from a roof to your death after five years of proven success. Deal?

timestamp faggot

>rights can and should be changed
Don't talk about things you don't understand

I'm the president of the fucking united states and I'm here to tell you that you're all faggots.

Also if you don't sage this thread your mother will die in her sleep tonight.

LOL. Your 15 minutes are over, David. Go back to school. Be careful in the bathrooms because soon your are going to get your ass kicked and because your 15 minutes are up CNN wont even give a fuck. Have a nice beat down.

Only cops should have guns but cops just hunt niggers...

i want my dick in your mouth, dirty little faggot

If you can't take a bloody nose then go crawl under your bed and wait to die.


In less than a month no one will know who you are.
The vast majority of people out there don't give a fuck about you or your dead friends.
If you want gun control so badly, leave the US. Or better yet, fuck off to the inner city shitholes with gun control in the US. You'll get mugged by some armed niggers and be begging for a handgun within a week.

How many guns does your dad own?

Nobody gives a fuck about you. I call liberals cunts and pussies when they tell me I'm being mean to kids who were in a massacre because I dgaf.

More people should be doing the same. You'll never convince liberals so it's better to completely offend liberals and trigger them