Why are MGTOW threads getting getting deleted?

Why are MGTOW threads getting getting deleted?
MGTOW is politically incorrect as fuck

Because one of the mods is a triggered roastie.

Mgtow is gay
Submit to women

I think it was a leaf, unsurprisingly.

Nice job destroying the family structure dipshits. Congrats, you're contributing to society's downfall.

tell women to submit to me or fuck off
it was unchecked roasties of previous generations who destroyed families. And fuck your society

Polack beat me to it. We want families and stable homes, but women have been given complete authority over us by the state.
Marriage right now is a TERRIBLE deal.
I can tell your boomer ass is about to shit out another
>Not all women are like that! Maybe you need to find a unicorn!

either that or he will go with manups or manchildren

Can i make a suggestion, which seems obvious to me.
Why not just be with the woman and not marry, live together, have children, wright a will for those children in case something happens to you.
A friend of mine has an uncle that has done that and his life seems fine.
If marriage is a bad contract dont sigh it.
Being with a woman is wonderful and natural, signing a weaponized contract is not.

mgtow and divorce culture is a different side of the same coin, ill let you figure out who flips the coin continuously.

Because mgtow is pathetic beta behaviour mascaraing as alpha behaviour.

You are afraid of women because you know you are easily controlled and you fear what she might do.

Shift the blame if you want but you are party responsibile for the roasties attitude.

>waa girls arent attracted to most men
Yeah probably because most modern men are fucking gay and weak

triples mean i speak the truth

>"what's in for me?"
>incorrect grammar
The absolute state of /r9k/ers.

you can do that, no one tells you to not be with women
but the moment they overstay their welcome by forcing their bullshit on you you can just kick her
most women are fat and worthless, so balance is great

Because they belong on /r9k/

And who did everything in order to turn men into domesticated and castrated animals ?

basically jews who lobbied to put women in position of power because jews are overly feminine because of their cut dicks

In a lot of countries being together for a certain amount of time (a few years) and having children counts the same as a marriage

France has it and a few others that i cant recall right now

Mods are beta cucks who want to be slaves to women

Get fucked MGTOW!
>oh wait


>Submit to women
Submit to Allah

Because they are cucks jealous of free men

>Why not just be with the woman and not marry, live together, have children, wright a will for those children in case something happens to you.
Sorry friendo, they're working to close that loophole. And you're still liable for CS if the relationship goes south.

Aussie and Leafs.
merica should have dropped the nukes on both of you instead of Japan

That's disgusting.

>implying it was not germans who should be nuked
thanks for all the refugees, europe definitely could not live without them all here

MGTOW is the narrow road of salvation that God was referring to. Women who disagree just want more potential victims at play and men who disagree just want you to suffer like them.

Walk your own path, user. If the universe has a greater purpose for you that involves the opposite sex, you won't even be able to fight it. Avoid temptation, though. Therein lies all traps that will ruin you, both physically in this world and spiritually hereafter.

Mods delete anything that encourages self improvement. You’ll notice /SIG/ is gone, and other things keep disappearing:
>Christian threads
>pro-Peterson threads
>non-divisive redpills

To be fair, this wouldn’t bother me nearly as much if it weren’t for shit that stays unpruned
>post pictures of soyboys
>gnostic threads
>anything about penises in general
>viral marketting
>topicless threads with a woman picture in OP

the list goes on, they delete many quality threads and allow shitposting to run rampant. I have learned to hate this place, but I don’t know where else to go.

you're not going anywhere, you're being left behind and developing a coping mechanism to deal with it lmao

Mods are feminists from reddit.

only weak people care if they are alone or not

Does your wife only plug the modem in before gong to bed? Also, how are you able to use the WiFi when your cuck shed is clearly out of range? Do you sneak away p to the patio when the weather permits? Is that what's happening?

>because you know you are easily controlled
By the state

Because it is a Jew plot to stop Whites from having White children.

Meanwhile Tyrone, Antonio, and Abdul are having fifteen shitskin kids between them.

>thinks all anti mgtow are boomers

Again, blaming others for your own failings as a man and a person.

Get off the computer and do some self improvement you snivelling waste of a life.

Jews hate MGTOW, stop being a cuck. They hate to see free White men

>muh race, muh breeding
haha not my problem

There's o lying like 3 mods for the entire site. One guy who doesn't even get the lingo and two douchebags that are probably 13.

If you don't believe me, go to the Sup Forums irc.

should've dropped one on Goymany while they were at it, all good men died when the war ended

Who said I was failing? I just know better than to wind up like you. I'd rather be the broke bull that's fucking your wife right now than the cuck on Sup Forums trying to mislead young guys down a path of slavery.

if men prefer to fuck chunks of plastic, it means that women failed at their only biological function

It is anti-white and extremely bluepilled.

and this is why jews are mad at MGTOW

so germany as anti-white and extremely bluepilled would fit right in

That graph looks (on women side) like the convolution of Status (e-function) with looks (bell curve)
Not surprising since women look for money and looks in a man.

Men going the asian way belongs on

make me leave faggot

Jews don't want you to have kids unless you're a nigger, arab, or spic. That meme is backwards to reality and cringe af

Women love power, thats literaly all it takes. Grow a pair, act non-retarded and you will find yourself a woman.

Unless you are an ugly piece of shit, but then its okey cuz you shouldnt breed anyway, lol.

> make me leave
U wanted to know why mgtow threads get deleted, its because "incels wank for social justice" is considered off topic

Have you noticed how pro MGTOW shilling coincidentally always happens at the same time as BBC shiposting and pro race mixing with asians threads?
I'm sure it's a coincidence goy

Because it's a failing strategy. I don't like women these days much either but refusing to breed is just asking to be destroyed. Bitches will come to heel when things get bad enough. Then we'll strip away their puny rights and return things to the way they're meant to be.

I don't need a women
I can cook for myself, and bar hookups/hookers exist
no reason to even talk to women outside of those 2
nah, it is because holier-than-thou fagets like you love to get mad at people who do not play your crooked game of slaving for pussy

>women prefer bieber over socrates, tesla, oder einstein
>lol you shouldnt breed

the absolute state of female pets

Is that the kike who runs BLACKED? How pathetic.

Artificial wombs brother

Because the whining of pathetic incels belongs on /r9k/, not on Sup Forums

It's a pipe dream at best, and if we don't do something about the demographic changes in white countries, it won't matter by the time they do exist.

Sex robots, however, are completely realistic.

It always amuses me how butthurt you get over Germany, yet a considerable part of your male workforce comes over here and works for less than 3€ an hour and does the work that is below us.
Stay mad Poland.

what one have to do with another? germany is land of mad people who just want to destroy and steal, and Poles like honest work
anyhow, we won't have to deal with you much longer after you commited suicide by refugees. Good.

and you belong on reddit but we aint complaining

Thots are objects, i wouldnt count them as women. They are good for nothing. Just whiny fleshlights.
You cant subvert them either. So thats a waste of time.

Passing down your genes and raising a valuable member of society.

passing your genes and raising kids is overrated
you want to do it? go for it. I won't settle with some overhyped roastie.

Whats up dudes and dudettes! Come check out my twitch stream!

twitch tv/puj33

thai camwhore? fuck off

Who said it must be a roastie? Shocker: if you stop looking after whores, you wont be with a whore.

My girlfriend is wonderful and submissive. She fell in love with me, i wasnt even trying.

The right woman can really improve your life, for as little as mutual love in return.

they are all roasties
good luck with your gf
>mutual love
believing in love like little faggot, ffs
grow up retard

You sound like me when i was used by whores.
Look somewhere else and quit being a nihilist tard.

>delete MGTOW threads
>allow multiple pizzagate and false flags thread
the absolute state of Sup Forums

I give no fucks about your shit advice
I'd rather stay alone

pizzagate is true

Loser, cry.
Cry, thats all you're good for.

hehe, I do not, but you would want me to because I do not live just like you sheep?

I am engaged to a qt with big boobs who is an even bigger shut in then me.

Don't settle for roasties, keep looking


Cause nothing says "I'm not pathetic" like constantly bringing up how you don't need women.

>not needing things makes you pathethic
amazing lack of logic, even from aussie

That's literally not what I said, you illiterate fuckwit.

Not needing women is great, going on at masturbatory length about how little you need women is pathetic.

I can tell by your view of the world you dont go outside. Not all women are like this, aspecialy our country's women.

You just want to whine because you are too much of a NEET fag to get your life in order. You dont need to cease your dreams and career to get a love life unless you cant breathe and chew at the same time.

Then why do all women push for no fault divorce and alimony. You shame your fellow men like a woman, yet say nothing about wamen.
They hate men and view us as tools

Then don't be a desperate, useful idiot. If you dont know someone enough to know if they're a gold digger, why the fuck would you marry them?

Theres plenty of fish in the sea.

>all women

Stop being arround whores, you will find women who dont act like them.

>Caring so much about women that you need to create a movement which emphasizes the absence of them in your realitionships

And you wonder why people think you're coping.

>They hate men and view us as tools

Of course they do, you're incredibly easy to manipulate if you're so hung up on women that you call them all whores while also only dating whores.

This is what a lot of us are doing though
We don't hate women, just hate the legal power these (((Marxist globalists))) have given them over us

What's the point trying to argue with a bitter virgin who sums up women as one entity filled with malevolence?
I'm just curious...

There's also the option to have the religious marriage without the state one, which is perfect because it is the state one which is corrupt

looks like you were hurt by me doing nothing
stupid aussies
I literally work outside. I do not care about your uneducated opinion about state of things. Go buy new shoes for your gf

Don't have a problem with this, just don't sign any papers


Nailed it.

Once the Beat Uprising is complete, society will be toast.

The message of MGTOW is useful advise. It doesn't mean they're gay. The movement was started by guys that were once married, but got divorced and raped by the judicial system in some form or another. So, they go online and talk about their problems, but people who are already shut-in's and have never had a gf use MGTOW as an excuse to never even try to get a girl.

Free white men who will soon die off, and leave the next generation less white than this one already is, top kek hahaha

Anything anti-female degeneracy gets deleted. I made a thread a few days ago about the way women dress and how it cheapens society and it got deleted and I was issued a warning.
I’ve been in other threads that got deleted on similar topics.

To be fair, I get annoyed too when girls give me compliments. But that's because I prefer demure traits.

>uneducated opinion.

Nvm, stay mgtow. Brainlet genes must die.

>What's the point trying to argue with a bitter virgin who sums up women as one entity filled with malevolence?

Absolutely none, but blind hypocracy annoys me and so I want to point it out.

>thinks MGTOW don't procreate
This isn't /r/MGTOW, fag.

>after finishing his career with LOTR Smigol decided to be transgender pig caretaker

>Current year + 3
>Submitting to women

Why should I? When as a guy I'm the one really holding all the cards now?