Lithuania PedoGate Coverup

if she is extradited to Lithuania,
will she be murdered?

its a crazy story, so here it is greentext

>dad in Lithuania dates Lithuanian roastie
>has baby girl
>gets divorced
>Lithuanian roastie ex wife starts dating power Lithuanian politician
>Lithuanian politician boyfriend is a pedo
>Lithuania politain boyfriend rapes daughter and takes her to pedophile parties
>daughter tells dad
>dad gets mad
>dad tells police
>police do nothing
>dad gets more mad
>dad sends his story to the media
>whole country of Lithuania now mad
>police still do nothing
>dad gets more mad
>dad gets gun and murders pedos
>Lithuania PedoGovernment gets mad
>sends police after dad
>dad is running away killing pedo politicians
>enter dad's sister, Neringa
>Neringa takes care of daughter while dad is running from police
>Pedo slayer dad gets murdered
>Neringa gets mad
>Lithuania still mad Government is corrupt
>Neringa makes new political party against corrupt Pedos
>Neringa wins and becomes Lithuanian polititian
>roastie Lithuanian pedo mom wants daughter back
>Pedo Government wants daughter back to
>Neringa says no
>Lithuanian people say no
>Lithuanian pedo government gets scared
>Lithuanian people protest
>Lithuanian people form wall of 5000 people around Neringa's house
>Pedo Government sends 120 riot police to steal daughter back for roastie mom
>Police steal daughter for more pedo raping
>Neringa is mad
>Lithuanian people mad
>Niringa wants to run for president
>Lithuanian pedo government want to silence Niringa & her followers
>Neringa's friends and followers start being murdered
>Lithuania Pedo Gov votes to remove Neringa's political powers and tried to arrest her
>Neringa gets scared
>Neringa flees to US
>Neringa gets arrested in Chigago
>she is awaiting to be sent to be sent back to Lithuania
>enter Neringa's son
>he makes a video about it and posts to youtube
>asks for people to sign petition to save Neringa

what do you think?

Other urls found in this thread:

Pretty amazing story if true.


it looks legit, watch the video

It's a fabrication by them to try and win custody of the kid.


I feel like this is just more anti-white b.s making us look like the rapists. They've been trying to paint white men as pedos lately, when it's only the jews that have sick rituals. And the immigrants flooding into Europe doing most of the raping.

>dad gets gun and murders pedos
>dad is running away killing pedo politicians
Based Hannibal

I just hope it gets a happy ending for her

Fake story, what about Trump, Trump is great we love Trump, less this thread more Trump thread.

Isn't this pretty normal in slavic countries?

sweet jesus this story has everything
hab bump

Not a Slavic country, piss off mutt.


are you actually this dense. these people are evil in this case it doesnt matter if they are white or not. these politicians are pedo's


us lithuanians aren't wh*toids, we're proud Asiatic Masters
we kill wh*toids daily

Is this true?


yeah pretty much, there are cases of people saying the girl was told to say that they touched her. Also apparently this whole thing is a "hoax" by some people because they believe they're doing this just to get the custody of the girl. Which sounds like nonsense. I think she's 14-16 years old now

it is true, the whole of lithuania knows it. you guys need to watch the video and sign that petition

Though what's funny this whole thing happened almost 10 years ago. There were so many shows about this incident, the media was milking it dry. Every fucking TV show was about this case.

Delfi is owned by americans, in case you didn't know

do you think they're trying to silence neringa now because she might be privy to something involving another pedo ring somewhere else?

>the state of "lithuania"
This is just another reason why Wilno should return to Poland.


funny thing most of our "lithuanian" TV channels are owned by americans. Only one is owned by the goverment for which we have to pay taxes for to upkeep.

That's why I'm always skeptic of pedo bashing, it always goes against white males, so I have no reason to believe every pedo story "Sup Forums" tells us. Of course if you tell this to Sup Forums they will lose their shit. When it's about pedo matters, Sup Forums are the biggest SJW.
Everything changed after pizzagate tho, there is no way it is not real after all what we have seen.

fair enough, I didn't.
however, that site was linked the other night by a lithuanian poster. I had to translate it

Hey! Come play! :) My twitch stream is active right now:

twitch tv/puj33

Not likely. With how wide the internet has become available in such a small country as ours, any simple video can go viral and 2/3 of the country will see it.
What my point is, is that these pedo rings just can't function with today's technology, if any girl got inappropriately touched and she made a single video about it on facebook, it will blow up and the whole thing would collapse in the same day.
We've got the same thing going on as #metoo in the US, 70 year old Art "directors" are being accused by actresses and their life's are basically fucked.

Its true, shit is insane.

Stop spamming faggot.

fuck off faggot

So the dad murdered people in an attempt to gain custody?

Dont reply to protobeaners

Drumpf should give pedo government a tasty Freedom Burger®

I hope the truth comes out, there is too much talk of pedophiles in government for it to not be true and it cant go on forever, the sheeple need to wake up

That dad of the child didnt kill the pedo politicians. Other pedo politicians got them killed because they were caught

so you think the dad was framed and murdered by the government?

so the last real man in lithuania is dead and the country is a globalist heaven. who could have know it before that eh. SIGN THE PETITION BURGERS, TELL PEOPLE ABOUT IT


This was on pol a couple years back when the dad was going man on fire. Pretty sure this is legit pizza gate lithuanian slice.

sounds right to me
but if i were dad i wouldve went for that but i feel like these people wouldnt be easy to murder

Hello gentle sirs!! Come join my twitch stream! It's gonna be LIT!

twitch tv/puj33

>Stankūnaitė was still underage when she gave birth to Kedys' daughter


She was 16 or some shit. Quite ironic.

How do we know what he says is true?

>it is true, the whole of lithuania knows it. you guys need to watch the video and sign that petition


Do you know what organized criminals mean?

Age of consent here is 16
Before we joined the EU it was 14
No problems here. All according to law.

the second I saw that woman's face I knew she was slavic/balt
what's up with that type of face that screams to you that?

the distinctly nonhuman features of all slavs look niggerish to me instantly

says the mutt with nigger blood

can you make a shorter summary you fucking braindead piece of shit? nobody will read this because it's tl;dr so your cause won't be heard merely due to your poor writing skills

if you had the attention span of a person and not a Sup Forumstard faggot you could read a story
>kill yourself

it's not a story, it's gramphomania
he overused the word 'lithuanian', you can't really tell who is who in this 'story'

You are irrelevant anyway.

Why are lithuanians so mad?

we are, doesn't make the story any more relevant tho

don't you have Muslim immigrants to BTFO of your country?
you're just jelly no one mentions poland because you're irrelevant
i'll say Lithuanian as many times as i need to make the greentext good
its common greentext etiquette to be specific so people can quote any line in the story and everyone can understand whats what,
its better for discussion that way
no one else had a problem with it

Double Bump Inc

Second Bump



It's been proven a fabrication on your own plebbit
Says the obese Mexican larping as a European.


Maybe you hate Greentext, Here's wallotext

Stankūnaitė (Mother of alleged molestation victum) and Kedys (Father of alleged molestation victum) broke up in 2006 and got embroiled in a bitter custody battle. Stankūnaitė, with the help from Andrius Ūsas, politician and advisor to the former Speaker of the Seimas Viktoras Muntianas, obtained custody in November 2006. Kedys got visitation rights every other weekend.

On 29 November 2008 Kedys submitted a formal complaint to the police, claiming that Ūsas paid Stankūnaitė to sexually molest his daughter. On this basis, in December 2008, Kedys obtained full custody of his daughter with no visitation rights for Stankūnaitė, but the courts repeatedly confirmed that Stankūnaitė had no case to answer, thus dismissing Kedys' allegations against his former girlfriend as unsubstantiated. The pre-trial investigation against Ūsas, nevertheless, continued. In February 2009, Kedys further pressed accusations against Violeta Naruševičienė, sister of Stankūnaitė, claiming the former has taken part in allowing men to molest her 4-year-old daughter. In July 2009, Kedys also accused Jonas Furmanavičius, a district judge, and an unidentified individual known only as Aidas of partaking in the molestation. All of those people (except for the unidentified Aidas) professed their innocence, and in turn accused Kedys of slander, criminal libel, and death threats.

Frustrated with the apparent lack of progress in official investigations and convinced that the case was being deliberately stonewalled, Kedys sent out some 200 DVDs to Lithuanian politicians, media outlets, and law-enforcement agencies, featuring homemade video footage of his daughter's explicit testimony against three "uncles". He promised to send out the subtitled version to Members of the European Parliament.

On 5 October 2009 Furmanavičius and Naruševičienė were shot dead in Kaunas. Kedys became the prime suspect. On the same day, a national search of Kedys was announced, which was soon followed by an announcement of international search, as he was thought to have left the country shortly after the murders. Kedys' friends Raimundas Ivanauskas and Eglė Barauskaitė were charged with accessory to murder. As of December 2013, that court case is ongoing.

The story caused an uproar in Lithuania, much of the public siding with Kedys: in the public mind, the case was seen as largely a father's futile attempts in pursuing justice and trying to protect his daughter, and by being driven to desperate measures by anger at the injustice. Others questioned whether the killings were in fact commissioned by Kedys himself.

After six months of police search, Drąsius Kedys' body was found near Kaunas Reservoir on 20 April 2010. According to the official report, the cause of death was "choking on the vomit" whilst being heavily intoxicated. However, his relatives were convinced that Kedys was murdered, pointing out to some wounds on his body.

Ūsas, the main suspect in the pedophilia case, was officially charged with sexual molestation of a minor. However, he was found drowned in a puddle in June 2010. The death was ruled an accident. The court case against Ūsas continued. The court found him innocent in November 2012.

On 17 May 2012, following a court order, Kedys' daughter, who was previously living with Kedys' relatives in Garliava, was forcibly reunited with her mother Stankūnaitė under court order. Due to continuous presence of protesters disagreeing with the 5-month old court decision, the operation was carried out with the assistance of riot police, with 39 protesters detained.


Insane if true

Big if huge

colossal if gargantuan

>Let's just implicate the country's influential businessmen and politicians in a pedophile ring conspiracy ha ha
There are a hundred easier-to-fake stories they could've gone for to gain custody, you fucking retard. The mere fact that they've gone public and named the names that they did is already enough to pay attention to this.

kurwa janusz ty cwoku
bo ci wpierdole tepaku jebany

grande if prawda
