Why cant I get a job? Is it the neonazi facial tattoos, or because of the illegal immigrants...

>Why cant I get a job? Is it the neonazi facial tattoos, or because of the illegal immigrants? It must be the illegal immigrants stealing all our jobs.

It's because you're like 65

Don't be agist

And dress like a teenager

A black teenager

this part confuses me

>Dresses like a nog
>White supremacist tats all over his face
What did he mean by this

I forgot to add it to my previous comment

it means he is from the south

i mean why does he dress like that it gay

I realized that after I posted

Jokes aside he's not wrong, if you're old and looking for unskilled work it's basically impossible

if we cut the minimum wage and cut back workers entitlements maybe employers will be able to hire more

It's obvious this guy just got out of prison that's why he dresses like it's the 90s.

the propaganda dreidel is spinning at full speed!

> that's why he dresses like it's the 90s.
he does look like a Fred Durst impersonator

are you suggesting this is fake?

good point user

>> muh shopped fake news
no, i'll break it down
>>why is individual showing cognitive dissonance and odd behavior
>>propaganda influences behavior and can induce cognitive dissonance


>if anything makes us look bad it must be faked
>there can be no other explanation
what is the cognitive dissonance on display here? I think you simply heard the word and like to throw it around a lot

dressing like he's 1/4 of his total age makes him look like a total choad