I thought we were safe from this nonsense
New Zealand - It begins
The whoe situation is a lot more than the headline.
Muslims should integrate in to the culture they arrive in because the country is generous enough to provide for them.
I would have been fine with making her uncomfortable because she refused to shake hands. It's a step way over the line to then make a sexual discrimination claim against her. That isn't right.
Auckland uni has always been a shitshow of sjw intolerance. Professor (lol) Margaret mutu, screaming hatred for white New Zealanders is a prime example. But with our new meme government expect this shit to happen more and more.
Strap yourselves in boys, because under Cindy we are about to hit Canada levels of bullshit.
Snap election when?
He is not a Muslim, therefore Sharia law does not apply to him, and since he is not a Muslim he cannot be judged according to Sharia law. Spin it back on the libtards.
Good point. My initial skim reading placed that report on her.
when in rome
Why wasn't the Muslim punished for being rude as fuck to a senior lecturer?
They are in lock down
>loud muslim woman
that's fucking haram where is his husband or father or brother to keep her in check?
Meanwhile in Switzerland
>Muslim students in Switzerland must shake their teacher's hand at the beginning and end of lessons, a regional authority has ruled.
>If they continue to refuse, their parents could face a fine.
Make sure to give Muslims your right hand as well, they wipe their asses with it so it will offend them even more
Adding to that, it's like a woman going to a Muslim state. They're expected to cover up or face punishment. Hand shakes are very common gestures in western countries, you should expect to have to do it.
Why are there sand niggers in New Zealand?
>work your entire life to become and academic
>respect among your peers
>decent paying job
>finally all that hard work paying off
>woops looks like you're fired now because of a micro aggression
>because of a micro aggression
he charged her with sex discrimination
>No one will hire you again because of your negative reputation
>Your wife will leave you because you are jobless, divorce and take half of your money and all your children
>Lose nearly everything, depressed
>All because of a handshake
yes but i believe the take away from this is we are more tolerant than they are expect when dealing with intolerence and of course the culture of white "people"
The ONLY thing Islam got right is you shouldn’t touch pigs
> nz
> safe
New Zealand has a lot of sheep.
That's how it's supposed to be but that's not how people work these days. There's a mentality that the HOST has to be extra careful and receptive with the guest. It's nonsense but I guess it's to demoralize people and downgrade any sense or community and patriotism.
I still believe that accepting "guests" is a bad idea because all we have to do is look at the microcosmes we've got with any culture different to ours in Spain: Gypsies never integrated, latin americans from spanish colonies that had the right for dual citizenship never integrated and all the newcomers like chinese and muslims are not integrating either.
He wasn't judged by Sharia Law, he was judged by social justice for offending a minority.
We're not safe?
Have a look at the uni rag. Totally pozzed, every single article is progressive bullshit. Most of the articles are glorified blogs
Damn sand niggers taking our sheep REEEE
Reminder to get your firearm license if you haven't already.
90% chance she is an international student who returns to her country under the scholarship terms. So not an immigrant refusing integrate. Regardless it's a no brainer for the unit, why risk the stream of Muslim international students for a guy sperging out over shaking hands.
>muslim girls are hot
I've seen business men hold out their hand for Muslim women to shake it, it's quite funny you can see how uncomfortable she is but the guys keep their hand there knowing If she refuses everyone will think she's rude so she has no choice but to shame herself and hold hands with this dominant white man, her husband watches on as there is nothing he can do about this
Because it's 2018!
Lmao handcucked
>be sheep shagger
>go for handshake
>get shot
it's a left hand they use to wipe
The op's image leaves out a crucial detail from the article. He is the one who made the complaint and was fired after the university investigated his own complaint.
I thought that's Indian customs?
You thought wrong, goy.
WTF why would he made the complaint? Too butthurt that a student wouldn't shake hands with him?
Why is Switzerland less kiked here?
well in islam left hand considered for doing "dirty stuff", of course they use paper/rocks/whatever but it's always a left hand
Yes he really set himself up for this
Why else? Because of (((them))). New Zealand also has had three Jewish prime ministers: Julius Vogel, Francis Bell, and the disgusting John Key.
You just elected an SJW bitch for PM. You made the same mistake Canada did.
When are you gonna learn that sacrificing your race's future is not worth some weed and a few gibsmedats?
Their kiked-up conservative parties are really no better.
Your PM is a Mormon communist feminist who has publicly declared capitalism as a failed system. Why would you think you are safe from this? You are safe from this like a Jew is safe in Saudi Arabia, or a swede in xir/xer/xym own home.
Jews rule Saudi Arabia by proxy, hell, the Saudi Royal Family are rumored to by crypto-Jews themselves. Still, your point stands, no country in the West is safe from this kikery.
This is a nation of SJW faggots and it's already lost with no hope. We will be third world within 10 years. Brace for impact and enjoy the chaos when it happens. Unless we literally go full chairman Mao guerilla mode nothing will change and there's no way a bunch of faggot larpers like we got ourselves here are gonna nut up.
Interesting. I heard that in India if you are a thief your right hand - the "clean" hand to eat -
will be chopped off, so that you'll have to eat using the same left hand that you use to clean your ass.
Then he deserves it for being a retard.
Part of Muslim culture is not to judge non-Muslims by Sharia but by their own laws.
In a Muslim country a dhimmi trying to touch the hand of a Muslim woman against her will would probably be treated as assault under Sharia (the part applicable to non-Muslims under subjugation).
But anyways his point was that if sharia law itself has specific accommodations to allow non-Muslims to be judged by their own customs, then in the West, if we're truly respecting Miss Towelhead and her need to follow Sharia, we should follow the sharia principle that the Professor Grabby should be judged by the dominant non-Muslim custom of men and women shaking hands as being okay.
New Zealand was lost in the 19th century, when they gave women the right to vote. Being the worlds first country to do so
We didn't elect her tho, look at the voting results. The fucking losers teamed up and formed a government,
we are beyond fucked
what the fuck is going on in the heads of swedes and canadians?
It was most definitely fucked when (((Julius Vogel))) became PM. (((Them))) subverting woman was just more of the same.
Subversive kikery, as always.
We elected a French socialist, this is your country on Quebec, don't allow French niggers to control your country, WW1 should have been against France, we should have fire bombed Paris, ground zero for degeneracy.
This is fake news. It reads like fake news.
>send sandniggers and their followers to foreign country without having to pay
>they get trained in sandnigger warfare free of charge
>they realise it's a shithole and return
>enroll them in the military and send them back to sandniggerstan
NZ has the highest gang population in the world.
Instead of fighting this shit people just slide into a different society
Per capita*
you are all bunch of moaning soft cunts
She's a fucking idiot. How she even got to be prime minister is bizarre and shows how our German style mixed member proportional parliament is flawed.
> Be smart traditional Mormon from a good family
> Go to university, becomes turbofeminist, loves abortion, hates men, pro atheism, communist
> goes to the UK becomes advisor to Tony Blair
> Returns to NZ, gets List seat with Labour party. They are free seats like a quota system for politicians who can't win an electorate because they're too weird
> Twice runs for an electorate, twice loses, but she stays on because the List
> Uses this time wisely, heading anti Trump rallies
> Her party is in turmoil, theres a new leader every year
> It's her turn to be leader, she says no, don't want it, I want a kid
> Told forget that bitch, youre the last roll of the dice
> On the election trail all she does is go to schools
> Social media drowns in selfies with 56% schoolkids
> spouts feminist shit, women lap it up
> Election held, she comes second with 36%
> First place getter has 44%, because no one got 50% all the parties have to meet to work out a government
> Small parties join with her, shutting out biggest player
> Holy fuck she's PM!Wtf???
> First thing she does is give money to refugees, muslim programmes, lgttb youth groups, women's issues
> then gets pregnant
> Her fans love it, women are stronk they can do anything
> Everyone else say, huh, she's the leader of our country, two weeks into the job she gets pregnant??? Can we get a politician please instead of some idiot treating it like a totz cool life experience
She won't stick around long. Her coalition is a bizarre mix of parties that don't get along. The smaller players have all plummeted since the election, they wouldn't even get into parliament if an election was held today.
It was that or keep the cunts who were selling us to china in power.
The best thing we voted for was making the two major parties need our beloved racist uncle to form a government.
Either way it turned out, he got to make the decision and piss off the chinks.
Fuck off Chang Li
If national wasn't openly a proxy for the chinese government they might have won.
It was get pozzed or die.
Yeah because 44% of the country being cuckservative boomer faggots and chinks is so much better. We literally have NO options in parliament. We HAVE TO STOP LOOKNG TO THE FUCKING ZOG SYSTEM TO SAVE US AND SAVE OURSELVES
>There are about 350,000 Muslims in Switzerland, which has a population of eight million.
Thats retarded. If they chop off the 'dirty' hand then the clean hand becomes the dirty hand too, so it wouldnt matter which hand they chop off
dont get me wrong i think winnie made the right call to go with the commies and maybe they will reduce immigration i fucking hope so, but the country is already cooked mate
They're mostly albanians and indian types, for what it's worth.
Canada is cooked we are back on the slow bake.
you have my condolences
Dumb as rocks but they're not as aggressive and violent as the sandnigger muslim types
One word
It's reached the point that professors and teachers need to be schooled by their students, specially ones that come from a superior culture.
Men have created a terrible world and need to just shut the fuck up and do as they're told
Wait, it's a coalition of losing parties? We almost had that happen in Canada, but people LOST THEIR FUCKING SHIT and we got a CPC minority instead.
It's a fucking bong country lmao.
You guys invented multiculturalism, Israel and bow to the Rotschilds with the Satanic Queen.
You don't have a written Constitution protecting your rights therefore you are slaves.
He was the one who tried to play the discrimination card. When the university investigated his own complaint they decided they preferred Muslim international students dollars to a sperging retard.
Well yes, but he's a kuffir so his head can be chopped off without a Sharia court.
We have a Labour-Greens government chucking $50 million to da islundz and engaging in all kinds of virtue signalling, what did you think was going to happen?
Cunt, fucking everyone hates Troughing Winnie except Curwen and his band of merry faggots.
Same fing innit mate.