Why do Russian love Stalin so much??

Why do Russian love Stalin so much??

He was a big scary guy

Stockholm Syndrome

Honestly he's the only commie I respect.

For you


Commies told themselves that Stalin is the greatest thing since sliced bread and russkies tell the same lie even today.

>mad bants

My russian ex told me this

In russia there are 3 types of people
60% - poor non educated people who will admire the old system and putin at all cost
30% - educated people without a chance to get their voice heard
10% - rich people who are okay with everything

ethnic russians despise stalin and curse him. The ones worshipping him are jews, armenians, georgians and other shitskins

Traditionalist socialism worked great and made Russia a superpower.

for u


Russians since ancient times have been conditioned to love authoritarianism and endure the abuse like slaves. First it was the Czars, later the communists, but the mentality remained the same. The harder you beat them, the more they respect you.





He did kill a bunch of high level Jews

he took controll of a ruined low-industrialized empire and transformed it into a world power
or that

he knew about ((them)))


He is the closest thing commies have to Hitler

Also he save them from Hitler

wow the soviet union sure bounced back in 2001

Stalin supported German after WW1.

Stalin was a communist that eventually threw some nationalism into the mix to help fight against the Nazis


Only when it suited him to save his own ass

Because they're cucks ?

>win wars
>killed shitload of fags and jews
>created fucking jew reservation in the middle of Siberia
>GULAG'd his enemies
>killed all the bolsheviks
>value his country more than lives of his family
>developed peasant cock-sucking agrarian shithole into nuclear superpower in 20 years


what do Russian anons think of Gorbachev?

maybe you are saying this out of spite or dislike for Russians, but German eugenicist FK Gunther said the same about the east Baltic race, he's born to suffer and (enjoys it subconciously), even in bliss he needs suffering and pain. This seems in accordance with his tolerance of ruthless authoritative governments, their current one I suppose applies in some sense as well

It's very volatile actually. It depends on many factors such as poverty, lack of education, failed "democratic" reforms in the 90s, ignorance of authorities to this problem, Stalin's charisma and success in WW2, extreme corruption, problem of acceptance Russia to the European world etc. Most of stalinists just hate people who hold the power in Russia and want them to be executed by somebody like Stalin because he did it alot.

We don't.