Don't fall for (((their))) propaganda, Islam is a cool and progressive religion.
Listen to Deen Squad and accept the Deen
Don't fall for (((their))) propaganda, Islam is a cool and progressive religion.
Listen to Deen Squad and accept the Deen
Fuck off, stop shitting down my country
>mocks Christians for not being Conservative enough
Islam is cancer.
So progressive
So cute! He's cutting Shatan's head.
Imshallah the infidels will all die.
I pray for the day your whole family converts to the deen, inshallah.
Good nasheed
Killing muslims
I hope every muslim in the world die what are doing the buddhist in Birmania is God's work
Then you would die too cuz our blood runs through your veins.
Death to islam, religion of pedophiles and subhumans
Mohammed drinks piss in hell
>use image of nigger
You a realy failing here. But help us kill all jews and niggers and we give you some soil. Religion is trap anyway. Do not bother with that. You worship demiurge whatever yo uare christian, jew or muslim. Real good is not part of their religion.
Is he ok? That is pretty lame beheading even for kid. I hope somebody saved this teddy.
>everywhere Islam is prevalent is filled with is a shithole
>gays thrown off roofs
>women beaten for walking alone
Kek this is bait right?
what is progressive about islam? and why is anything 'progressive' in Islam shut down by Muslim's themselves? Can we just admit that moderate Islam is false atleast?
>progressive religion
Muslim here, kys pls. We are not progressive and we are happy we're not. We're the patriarchy personified, you fucking cuck leaf. Go dance like your fucking PM and get laughed at.
The amazing part is: Even if Islam wasn't full of inbred low IQ monkeys who want to kill anyone who doesn't worship their paedophile illiterate merchant prophet - it wouldn't even matter.
Muslims are still leeching immigrants and they can fuck off.
>a cool and progressive religion
In that case we REALLY don't need you here.
I've seen such claims before..
No you are regression personified. If God wanted to force people into behaving a certain way he wouldn’t have given us free will. You are doing it wrong. Good luck with that.