Tfw you will never raid her village

>tfw you will never raid her village
>ywn attempt to burn her hut to the ground driving her and her family out
>ywn slay her father and brothers before her very eyes
>ywn break another raiders arm to claim her as your personal loot
>ywn listen to her cries as her mother and the rest of her sisters are being raped while you haul her off tied up
>ywn look into her pretty stubborn hateful eyes and see the resolve they hold the first night you rape her aboard your longship
>ywn never take her back home and forcibly marry her once
>ywn buy a nice plot of land to start a farm with the fortune you'd made over the last few years
>ywn have to take over her duties and care for her still with her stubborn attitued, after she's a few months pregnant
>ywn see her first smile as she holds your first child after giving birth to your son
>ywn passively watch her playing in the meadow with the children as you drink a strong mead after a hard day's work on the farm
>ywn slowly feel her becoming more comfortable despite her anger at your cruelty and aloof presence
>ywn give in to her demands to give up your heathen ways and become a baptized Christian after she has fully mastered your language
>ywn see her eyes turn dark after you pull out a sword to begin training your sons to fight
>ywn have to heed the call of your jarl, this time with a couple grown sons despite her protests
>ywn have to hold her in your arms for what feels like an eternity after you deliver the news that one son has died
>ywn both feel the house grow empty as your sons go off on various different paths and your daughters are married to good families
>ywn see the same smile you saw at your first child when she sees your first grandchild
>ywn grow old and sick with her taking care of you
>ywn look up at her stubborn but now affectionate eyes in your final days
>ywn die at your bedside with three generations of your progeny and a lovely girl you had once looted grieving at your side, telling tales of your life
: (

What the fuck?

I can't stand people with such glasses, the urge to punch them grows exponentionally.

moldy arms

why are her teeth so dark and yellow, except the front 4?



>ywn hit her big brain with rock
>ywn put meat stick in her piss hole
>ywn watch her turd out youngling
>ywn hit youngling with stick and put meat stick in youngling piss hole

She was one of the Parkland crisis actors

Hows your wifes son Sven?

>marry a slave
>the virgin Viking


>receding gums and hairy ass arms.
Very disappointed, Delaney. I no longer wish to hate fuck you.



Frick you doots she is an qt. She would've bred many great warriors back then.

She all yours, user

warriors who cant see

this is some of the most pitiful pasta i've ever encountered. seriously. i much prefer a high school fistfight or two, a cheerleader and a trans am. what a faggot.

It's ok to be gay. No need to bully females.

>implying she wont kill herself while pregnant
>implying she won't be buried while the fetus is still in her womb
>implying the fetus won't come back and hunt you as a vengeful spirit
>implying your name won't be cursed for generations to come
>implying you wont be killed by a lucky priest with a pitchfork in the next raid

> Implying it's not Chloe Grace-Moretz with glasses.

>sock her in the face
>remove glasses
>give her normal glasses
>powerwalk away

whitening strips probably, or just shitty brushing