Can't defend my house in this shitty country

Some little bitch and her boyfriend are threatening my mum, literally coming by our house and threatening her. All because she's a teacher at that sluts school and got her in shit for dealing drugs near the school. This degenerate bitch swings by and hurls insults at my mother and right now my mother is scared as fuck because she walks to school and back, and they know her address.
Thanks to shitty Australian laws my mum cannot:
>Own a firearm
>own fucking MACE
>hit them if they are on our property with a bat, rod etc
>slash or stab them with a knife if they threaten her ON HER PROPERTY

NEVER give up your guns burgers, and other anons who don't live in nanny states. I am fucking fuming right now and I feel completely helpless.

Other urls found in this thread:


Don't worry, I give it 10 years at most until 1776 commences again. We will remember our friends, and you can expect the cavalry to arrive directly.

had a white nationalist type here in GA defend himself with pepperspray vs 2 black car robbers w weapons, and the white guy literally spent time in jail and then was BANISHED from the town

Now you're getting it

It is such fucking bullshit. I was sitting talking to my family about it and seeing my mum fearful got me absolute fucking nuclear. I can't believe I can be punished and almost surely lose my job if I protect my household or end this for good.

Can you call the police? Or ask a friendly neighborhood spider to intervene?


Police cannot do anything as she is 16, but she hangs out with the "wrong crowd" who are degenerate beyond belief and can cause serious harm.

She should apply for a firearm license.

home defense system i want.

If she's on your property threatening your mom you can't call the cops because she's underage?


Get a baseball bat and beat the shit out of them retard

>you are forbidden to use pocket knives in self defense
I think not even my country is this bad(I gotta check though..), jesus christ

Stay with her for a bit, you have the 3 best weapons god gave you

1.) your mouth
2.) your cock
3.) your fists

In what order you choose to use them is up to you, hate fuck them if nessesary

Ring the fucking cops you faggot. Or else go and fucking deal to them yourself. Mask up and take a bat and fucking run up on them and smack the shit out of them.

What kind of faggot can't put the fear of god into some little bitch?

Having a gun is cool and everything, but knowing how to fist fight is good too because the government has the power to throw you in a cage with a bunch of bull queers so you should learn to fight hand to hand.

Hire some debt collector thug to break her legs

Can't she report them to the police for stalking or something like that? Or get a dog?


Faggot needed to get the fuck out of my state.

I really like this Pepe because I like clocks and things made of other things

Turn about is fair play.
>go to that sluts place
>Put super glue in her car door locks, home door locks ect
>put dog shit in her mail box
>post her twitter and facebook on here in Sup Forums acting loke you are her
>Go to places she hangs out and fuck her shit up either in a frontal attack or with stealth
>get people/girls who have no fucks to gi e beat her up
Use your head

Find out who the girls probation officer is, she probably has one.

Hope your mom gets beat half to death and ends up in a state run assisted living facility where sores eat at her genitals when she's not being raped by drug addicted nurse aids, you fucking virgin loser.

this deserves a (you)

>cant even own mace
wtf, i could buy that at 12 for two dollars from amazon

Line up a solid alibi snatch the little whore and her boyfriend off the street drive out to a billabong and put a croc to work

Find them and crack them both in the face with a bat. Those people cause shit because they can, they don't fear your prison system. And neither should you.
You're not helpless, you're lazy and you're a coward. But both of those personality defects can be fixed. Go hunt them. Speak to them in their language.
And if you have solid friends, get them to come with you, and lie about what happens. You don't even need to suffer any consequences at all, if you're smart.
If you don't have any friends, burka up, work their collarbones with a golf club. Putters splinter bone. They won't be able to hurt your mom if they physically can not do anything to hurt your mom. They don't even need to know who you are or why you do it.

And if worse comes to worse and you get pinched, it's really not so bad. I did time for showing somebody that they can't steal from my parents just because they're open and friendly people. I've never regretted it, in fact it makes me happy to think about. How my time is behind me, how it's just an abstraction to me now, while he's still in pain and will remember me and our special time together every time he moves for the rest of his life.
You can't buy that kind of satisfaction. You can only earn it. Go and see for yourself. You won't be sorry. But if you do nothing, you'll be a bitch forever, and you'll never forget it no matter how hard you try.

I was just telling myself I'm a fucking coward and I know it's time to do something. Next time she's coming around I am going to fuck them up. I will make sure they never threaten my family or house ever again.

>NEVER give up your guns burgers, and other anons who don't live in nanny states. I am fucking fuming right now and I feel completely helpless.

Don't you realize that even if she had the right to do so your mother still wouldn't own a firearm while "some little bitch and her boyfriend" definitely would?

3D print up a gun or just use a slingshot to hurl rocks

Actually no faggot my mum is a conservative and very redpilled


If you're willing to pay for my flight, I can come to Australia and beat the little shit up personally.

The advantage of this would be that, since I'm a EU citizem, I'm outside Australian jurisdiction. Once I'm back in Baden-Württemberg there's nothing the Australian government can do.

I don't want money for the beating itself, I just can't afford a plain ticket since I'm broke.

>Mandatory state protected muggings
>Australia 2018
If someone tried to take my guns from me, I would get very suspicious of their intentions

he worst possible thing you could do is post her name and age, his name and age, and a locality. i dont recommend this however, because there is a firm not your personal army rule in place. and Sup Forums is a board of peace. if a pastebin link was posted using a different ID , no one would even click it. face it user, your cause is lost

Sup Forums stopped being personal armies in about 2009

Why the fuck would you post this incriminating evidence if youre gonna do it.

Youve got LE onto you already

that is precisely what i said you illiterate cuntstain
>there is a firm not your personal army rule in place. and Sup Forums is a board of peace

learn how to make one
learn how to use one
you can launch a rock fast enough with one of these to break someones skull.
They will never walk again.

for what user. im about to go to bed

Take about a dollar in pennies and roll it into a bunch of newspaper and duct tape it all together so tight that the pennies don't make a clink sound. That or little league aluminum bat. It's fast and it can knock teeth out with one tap.

>Living in a country where you can't sit on your front porch with a legally owned gun

Well said anons some newfags are scared to solve the problem imagination is your best weapon

Also, user, some general advice:

In Germany we have a saying that goes: Du kannst alles machen, du darfst dich nur nicht erwischen lassen.

Roughly meaning: You can do everything, the trick is not getting caught.

Now go and fuck 'em up till they forget their own mothers, family.

Death before dis honor

i dont think they will go to the police if you do something giving their background and choice of action

so take action next time it happenes

now user, posting anything liek this on Sup Forums would be a mistake. just like posting a doxx on pastebin then linking it to Sup Forums or /r9k/ would completely be the worst thing an user could do

So many replies for a made up story.

It's not made up faggot

Record video of them on the property threatening her and refusing to leave, and apply for a fucking restraining order or whatever they're called.

If the police won't do anything as it stands this will force them into the legal system.

Also fuck the self defense laws and get her some fucking mace or something. The laws are absolute bullshit but they are very hesitant to prosecute. And if the worst happens and they plan to then go straight to the media and blame the cops for not acting. People don't give a shit about the laws anyway, all they care about are emotions and public oppinion ESPECIALLY the judiciory right now.

Also you better have been getting the officers to make a fucking incident report each time you call them.


I believel you user. youre not a made up faggot. youre the real deal

It's really fucked. Our self defence laws are 'proportional' (with a few exceptions) which basically means you can only MATCH their level of force. Unarmed = unarmed, weapon = weapon.

As far as I'm concerned if you have DECIDED to break the laws in such a regard as to endanger physical harm to another then you have forfeit all protections of that law. Anyone ever breaks into my house then it's a quick SMS to a mate to get THEM to contact the police and I'm grabbing my cricket bat and waiting quietly in a corner for the fucks to walk past.

>Use your head
This. Make a slingshot.
How are they gonna prove it's you if you do it sneaky?

Why didn't she just report to the police that the student deals drugs? She reported to the school instead?

That must suck

How much time do you get for beating the shit out of a degenerate? Australian prisons are 4 star hotels from what I hear.

white kid or shitskin?

Post more angry Alex Jones

First thing file a police report so there is a concrete record of her being threatened harm by these people, then buy her a nice aluminum baseball bat.

I'd talk to a lawyer but even though our laws are fucked I doubt the public are going to stand behind some druggies terrorising some old lady, and if in the police statement your mum says he appeared to reach for a knife before she fractured his legs well its her word against theirs and there is documented evidence of her being threatened by them.

Buy a fuckload of meth or something plant it on their property call the cops anonymous tip that there is a dealer in the street

respect bro

We need to start helping each other

All our enemies collectivise, we don't

Give jobs and business to our own people

It took me 5 seconds to google self defence laws in Australia. Your anecdote is nice and all but it has no bearing in reality.

next time they come around put a balaclava on and approach them with a machette

there is a cheaper way user

They differ heavily from state to state idiot

as in?

Your probably right m8,

Another thing you can try is to twist the narrative

Try to turn it into some sort of "hate crime" say they attacked your ma for being gay, trans, whatever twist it to suit the current insane climate, the the cops might act

>laser pointers are prohibited weapons

or pay some scummy junkies to fuck them up

To be honest my mum and sister would alter my sense of an intelligent response if I were op I would go out and go all fucking american history x on the cunt

Your mom can still report this to the police. Why don't you stay at your moms house?

jesus christ you niggers are stupid. dont pay for the meth. order it, and tip the 50 off. fuck me, niggers need to die


What order it from my dealer? What the fuck are you going on about or order it online which would require payment?

Can you provide source for that?
Everything I find is general information.


So reading into it. If you go outside and just confront them and wait for the cunt to hit you frist you can beat the shit out of them. Problem solved.

had a simialr experience with my mum (teacher) and a somalian exchange student (that didnt like women), dad offered to deck the shit and i offered to drive 3 hours to the olds house and deck the little shit. if you cant defend your family in times of need, you dont deserve that family. would not give 2 shits about cops.

Yeah I think OP is being a faggot.

heard this before, coppers dont do anything because the courts dont do anything, whats the sense in filing all that paperwork if the judge just gives all the scum probation.

A brick in a sock... I hope for your sake, socks aren’t illegal

Also plant meth on the cops for maximum lulz.

You get 2 mates, balaclavas, and you follow her home. You break an arm with a hammer and tell her to leave her teacher alone. If she does it again, you break a leg. She'll stop.

Go to the hardware store and buy some muriatic acid. Put it in a spray bottle that won't convert it to a pure vapor, like a mace nozzle. Give it to your mom and tell her to spray them if they get too close. Don't breathe it and if any gets on your skin, rinse with running cold water for 5+ minutes.


>a fucking sling shot
this is the model our left wants us to follow

where you at OP?

post details of these people, find them on facebook (seriously wont be hard)

post them in here and im sure we can do something.

Or just fail her and ruin her life

Yeah where you at OP you pussy I feel like coming by your house and yelling shit at ya mum


Call the cops and say this girl was saying obscene things about Muslims and Immigrants outside your house and interrupting your prayers. Make yourself a bacon sandwich and toss it on your front yard. Say she put it there to threaten you and your beloved religion.

That'll get their attention. Hell, she'll probably get tazed and jailed.

Use this sackless country's bullshit against it.

sneaky jew

Where the fuck in GA did that happen? 706 checking in


use a pigs head for +1000% effectiveness

put a towel round ya head too

What happens to the girl if she shows antimuslim behavior?

Years ago someone tried to break into my car during the dead of the night.
He fell over in the gutter and broke both his legs and his fingers got crushed.
I didn't know until the cops knocked on my door and asked me about it.

Apparently this guy was known to police.

Accidents can happen anywhere op

Jfc. Can I even carry a multi tool? Mine has 4 drivers, 2 knives, a saw, and a corkscrew.

How many dangerous weapons do I have?

Instant sterilization, re-education and deportation. God save Tha Qwin.

>Tell your mum to larp as a Muslim
>call police
>bitch gets locked up for hate crime
>job done
That’d work in englandistan anyway.