Do you know what an alpha male is?

I'll help you and tell ya what a beta male is:
>acts tough
>tries to appear strong in front of others
>has no individuality , or afraid to show it in front of others

>racemixed freak
>mentally ill (can barely speak properly without stuttering due to being a mutt)
>aggresive due to roids and being half nigger

these are all superficial features , only betas care about those



Simple question, do you buy meat?
In yes then you are a beta.

there is no way to be dumber than you

Yes, I am

insecure people care enough to make these threads, who cares

Beta spotted

you cared enough to reply , beta confirmed

YES!! I. AM.

>looks like that
that's' not roids

bump for better answers

Not roids he's just a manlet

You know what insecurity is? Inventing hidden weaknesses for other people when they outclass you.

Stop hating on Tyler1, he maybe a mutt but he can’t help it.

>plays LOL over DOTA2
pick one


Alpha literally means you are the best male of your group. This usually means you make most of the decisions, or lead the decision making process. You can be a pathetic alpha and lead a group of nerds, or you can be a muscular beta who follows an even tougher alpha.

So basically you are at the bottom of the food chain, as a pathetic nerd who follows a pathetic nerd.


Nah, it's much simpler than that.
The alpha is the one who doesn't avert his gaze, and the one left standing when the confrontation ends.

What if you're the Alpha Alpha. You left that part out.

Well you're not the alpha of the group in that case.

I guess you could be the alpha of other groups at the same time.

>Half jew 1/4th nigger.
>roid rage

Nigger, this guy is the definition of failure. If he wasn't popular on a children's game due to his autism, he would be flipping burgers.

Tyler1 went downhill when he went back to League of Legends. His best streams were when he was banned and has to variety stream.