Spread this.
The slogan directly refers to niggers claiming that
"Honeymoon is over for white people in South Africa"
The antisemitic version of an anti-white slogan will 100% guarantee a mediacouverage whilst also
making sure to point out the sheer hypocrisy and the selective outrage of the establishment.
>Possible outcomes:
a) at very least forcing the media to address the genocide of boers in SA
b) at best universally naming the jew and having a decent pogrom in Borough Park.

Other urls found in this thread:


The raised fist is for some extra confusion from lefties.


could be another "it's okay to be white"

The accent in this one is more on helping out the afrikaner tho.

yeah sure thats a great idea you band of scholomos, we could add some swastikas aswell, "cOuLd Be AnOtHer Its OkAy To Be WhItE"


Have you read the OP, cretinoid?

Bump and reminder.



That was extensive.

Just ask why the ADL is never worried about the constant deformation, and downright demonization of straight white males by so many “journalists”.


>thinking anyone will believe this shitty false flag attempt

Yes come on Sup Forums

Should hide an uncut dick in the fist...like the mike obama painting thing.

Gives the extra message: don't butcher our kids

>o vey its anuda shoa
this will backfire and is stupid

instead this try use pro Israeli arguments
something like 'out of Africa' theory into a 'right to return' for the whites
cause don't have enough land like the African which have so much or something

They literally control the US government via spy/sex rings on politicians. They make sure the most corrupt fucks are president so the war machine can continue.

They need Israhell to escape prosecution.

Do you guys remember that shitpost that spread like wildfire on normiebook?
With victim kids crucified on the adults who committed crimes against them, amongst which there were NRA members and catholic bishops.
Let's make a similar one with a toddler crucified on a rabbi.

>Oh look, it's mohammed posting under a meme flag again.

Here it is btw, it's called "Untouchables".
Judaism is the most untouchable of all topics and would perfectly fit in the narrativie. Kek.
Hello, Anne Frank. Hoe gaat 't ?

It's Okay to Gas Kikes

Must watch
Thread theme



Ok last bump ya wankers.

I like it. Post it errywhere

>"Honeymoon is over for white people in South Africa"
Did they really have to make it sound like they are all wife beaters?

Hashtag ideas? Just #HIO or ?

Nice try ADL.