Muslim Women

Why is Sup Forums so against muslim culture, yet at the same time, against how slutty and degenerate western women are?

Fuck you fags. Im embracing this muslim shit. The only counter argument Sup Forums has is that
>Hurr hurr. Muslim men have 10 wives
Thats only the monarchy in middle eastern countries you morons. Theres no muslim hiearchy in the western world. Theres a bigger chance of polygamy being widely accepted among western women then there is of muslims bringing polygamy.

You fucks are literally rooting for debauchery when you go against muslim culture.

Actually only 4 wives, and am not sure how that is an counter argument, that is like a pro for why islamic culture is superior.

>Islam is the only way

Spoken like a true faggot

No on in muslim culture is promoting 4 wives except literal kings. The average muslim is way more the monogamous than any western slut,
Lmao. You think christian and Jewish women are loyal? Christian girls are even sluttier than atheists. Those religions are far from saving at this point. Islam unironically is the only serious non meme religion around at this point

What we need is white sharia. If you went back in history 1200 years, you wouldn't know the Muslim and Christian women apart. They both covered their head. They both prayed daily. They both submitted to their husbands.

>Sup Forums creates insane amount of value in the past 15 years
>shitskins are attracted to value like flys are to shit
>shitskins come here but get severely triggered by stuff white people talk about when there is no censorship imposed on them
>for a shitskin this must be the first time they get confronted by unfiltered white opinions
>the cognitive dissonance they experience is SEVERE
>sometimes they can’t sleep for days(I’ve spoken to several pol-shitskins)
>they get addicted to this place because all these things they hear make sense and explain many things in their lives
>they do not admit all of these things but become angry at white and thing that’s it’s just a game to make them feel bad
>they think the world only revolves around them and whites here do the things they do as a way to trigger them
>so they start to playing the game that they assume is being played here

>start posting things explicitly designed to trigger whites
>white purity spiral (causes division in the whites)
>white women hate (causes whites to hate their own kind)
>nigger dick posting (triggered white people’s sexual insecurities)
>attack representatives of white interest politicians&e-celebs

What a nigger

Congrats you're now on a list

Go and embrace muslim shit, happy exploding bruh

exactly. Im not for women being submissive dogs, i just think islam is the only hope lest for monogamous marriage at this point. And i thought pol was against slutty women too. So i dont get why theres such a large anti muslim movement, when it seems our beliefs align so clearly.

How can any Sup Forumslack see pics like this, and think Trump is going to stop women from acting like total slut bags?

I don't care who it is, when people have a top lip that curls like the one on the left it's annoying. such a punchable face.

kek. White supremacist have a higher chance of being on a list than an actual member from isis.
Better to be embracing muslim shit, than your euro cuckoldry culture.

>Sure you'll go to hell with all muslims, but hey, your women will cover up

Oh? Whats the true religion then? More and more of western culture are becoming atheists, so if anything, with more more muslim culture, we'd have less of a chance of going to hell.

Because Sup Forums has convinced itself that Muslims are in league with the Left, when Muslims are and have always been predominantly conservative.

The Right wasn't Islamophobic when all it knew about Muslims was that they killed Communists.


Burkas and Hajibs are a solution to sexual harassment and rape. That's true.
However, when the women decide they want to wear normal clothes, what happens? They're killed. Which is a bigger problem than catcalls.
In addition to this, rape still happens among muslims, so the solution to the problem of rape doesn't even work and if the people it's supposed to be protecting decide to leave it's protection, they're murdered.
From a religious standpoint, Islam is a joke. It claims to be based on the Bible but contradicts it on several key doctrines. Chiefly the divinity of Christ but also on doctrines such as "marriage is between one man and one woman".
The Bible even specifically warns about men such as Muhammad who will come preaching other gospels, even if they say they heard it from Angels they're to be accursed.

Good post.

>Fuck you fags. Im embracing this muslim shit. The only counter argument Sup Forums has is that

No, the counter argument is that when muslims control your country THEY WILL import millions more shitskin muslims from the middle east , africa and pakistan/afghanistan and overrun your country.

You fucking idiot.

i swear to god i will stake every muslim and kike in the world

Believing in Jesus Christ, the true and living God, is the only true faith, because it’s not a religion though corrupted Man has tried to make it so, Jesus Christ is full of grace and glory for only he can forgive you of sins and only He is the only one that could ever do anything about your sin, and that He did because He came from down from Heaven to be born like we are, sacrificed himself on the cross for our transgressions, and resurrected the 3rd day for our justification

People on Sup Forums like to pretend that muslim women are actually secretly huge sluts. The logic is that if you let women do whatever they want, they become huge roastie sluts, but if you impose conservative values on women, they become even bigger huge roastie sluts in secret. Hard to tell if it's feminist or blackpill propaganda.

While I was in Europe I saw that most Muslim women where fat shy pigs, really idgaf about them, suck my balls op, you are too fucking gay


thank you. exactly
why not explain your views in your own words instead of uploading a bunch of crazy ass statistics from unknown sources like an autist.
this isnt about rape though. And under a western muslim culture hybrid, there are no women getting beaten and if there were, a good chance the father would be reported.
This is about how white women enjoy having sex with 30 different guys a month and how islamic influence would shun upon this behaviour. Now granted, i think muslim culture needs to shun upon both genders for over participation in sex, but its the best thing we have so far. Muslim culture has a better chance of being widely adopted as opposed to something like fundamentalists.
theres only crime because its poor people doing it, it has nothing to do with religion. Same reason why the slums of detroit and chicago are full of crime. If you try to look past the lower class, you'll see that middle class and upper class western muslims live BY FAR the best lifestyles.
well, then youre a fucking retard. Most of the young western world are atheists. All these white women who you think are going to heaven are atheists, you fucking moron. At least in islam, jesus christ is seen as a prophet.

that could be scenario if white women adopt muslim culture too fast. So, i hope the muslim men make sure to enforce the ideals of monagamy among the white sluts.
>i saw fat muslim women
>therefore, all muslim women are pigs
a retard who enjoys being cucked by white girls. what a surprise.

Fucking A, all these "hurr durr wite wimen arr slutz" or "haha how know you are white" bullshit is really pathetic, I just realized through meditation the other day that I find racist jokes and puns naturally funny and I don't like niggers I can accept them but I just don't want them around me. Doesn't help thath I live in the 3rd world.

Maybe but male muslims are worse than western males when it comes to degeneracy. So you trade thots for rapists.

Go get laid faggot, stop crying about being "cucked" use the word properly

Same logic
>sees white slutty women on the internet because irl he doesn't get out of his basement
>all white women are sluts


Literal cognitive dissonance

This is so true, I remember a time the word nigger was used on any board, faggot too, and no one cared. Then came the normie age thanks to jews spending whities tax dollars to spread the internet to the third world, that helped to ruin online gaming, then the smart phones gave the internet to anyone who normally only had a desktop computer for emails, and porn. This started the censorship age we now see today.
I know it gets said allot, but I miss the 90’s-mid 00’s.

this is my point. all you care about is sex. lots of supposed "chads" try to put up some kind of air, thats like
>Yeah bro. I dont give a fuck about marriage
>i just fuck all the sluts i can. no problem. i love sex
Even though, deep down. the only reason why you act this way is because you are scared shitless about being in any type of relationship with women. Youve been with the sluttiest kinds possible, and know just how sluts think, and you would not trust being in a relationship with a woman for more than a one night stand. So go ahead. Toss the
>youre just a virgin XD
because i know you are just afraid of actually marrying one of your roasties.
this is also very true. but i think there can be some sort of compromise with western influence.

kek, ive been too tons of places and currently in my 3rd year of college. heres a though, why dont you go outside, and make it a goal to ask 100 white women, how many different guys they fucked in the last month. And you'll finally be redpilled friend.

Sure there's a compromise. It's Christianity. No thots no rapists.

You're a brainlet. Polygamy is not something that women are against. It's something that MEN are against. Look up the Covenant of Civilization. Monogamy is the seed of civilization.

christianity is a failed system. Just google
>are christian women loyal
>are christian women not slutty
and see the results

>Polygamy is not something that women are against. It's something that MEN are against.
I never said women were not against polygamy you fucking retard. thats why theres such a big epidemic with women now. Under islam, its more regulated, because women obey the status quo more than men.
Hint: Under a muslim civilzaiton, the status quo would be islamic beliefs.

> this level of cope by basement dwellers

Sure, I believe everything Jews write.

ive been to church and confirm all the women there are total roasties no better than atheist women. Are you saying you actually met christian girls who are loyal?

Dude love stories do not exist, that "white wheatfields princess" is unreal, all girls will fuck around with you, either by fucking some other men or by mental harassment. Yet Im looking for the part where I said I wouldn't marry. Life is more complex than the "Slut vs. Mother of my children" duality.
Good we are on the same age range, don't be fag then.
You even think if you ask then they will tell the truth?
The point you fail to understand is, do you think muslim women DO NOT GET LAID? Do you think they are loyal just because their men hit them and enslave them with religious rules? Humans are animals after all and women being humans love sex as much as any man do, therefore no matter what you perecive from the outside the truth is that women still get laid and all woman will hide things, that's a bigger redpill for you.

There are literally thousands of branches of Christianity and almost all of them are wrong.

kek. Hook line and thinker
>B-B-But women are animals anyway ;_;
>I dont care about marriage because i know all of them are sluts
>just man up and fuck all the unloyal pigs like me
>its not l-l-like im a afraid of marrying roasties! Just man up like me ;_;
Have fun being old and alone. Better hope youre a rich old fag, other wise youre going to end up in a daycare for seniors.
Who the fuck cares. The question is if you know of any christian women at all that arnt total roasties? Do you? And whats the proportion of them that are loyal vs unloyal?

Of course, my point is saying "I went to a church!" doesn't mean shit. The only good churches are independant fundamentalist churches and even in that group you're not guaranteed to have correct teaching.

Lol go bang a muslim pig you faggot, convert while you are at it, sure your ancestors will be proud.

Muslim culture is codified degeneracy. Hang yourself, Muhammed.

>bringing ancestors in the equation
Wait. So let me get this straight. Youre someone who does not care about marriage at all and sees no point to it, yet, now youre bringing family lineage into the equation?
Are you trying to say your family is from a line of bastards who never married like yourself???? LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

"I've been to church"

What does this even mean