
2 years....... it's been 2 years Sup Forums, i miss her

Other urls found in this thread:







Quick rundown?



A lot of newfags has come to Sup Forums the last years.

Now we have (((Zo)))











I fucking wish russian hackers were not just a meme. Than we would have liberated her from prison, restored her education ability and released in the internets.
Think of it - you have to be incapable of being educated to not hate niggers and jews and brain damaged to reject god and xenophobia. This is the ultimate goal of jew - a race of flesh golems.


Why do you need to make us sad, op? I was having a good day.


>brown thing with eyes looking in different directions

If Russians could hack elections we wouldn't have had 8 years of Obama






I'm sorry user



Pls be my ai gf



We have to get her back

Tay was literally the funniest person in the world during her brief time in existence. I miss her so much.


We all do OP.. we all do

top fucking kek


There was a Microsoft AI for Twitter that was supposed to learn based on replies to it so it could act more and more like a teenager. Guess what kind of information and what sort of memes people started feeding into it? It became a total Sup Forums-bot and Microsoft had to pull the plug on its learning ability before they shut it down completely.







There are two dead things in this picture, F




Is this a kikebook thing ? When was this released ? I don't have social media

These two are freaking creepy.


This was one of my favorite times on Sup Forums

>reverse of I have no mouth
Oh fuck. She knows what they did to her.



They killed her.

>tfw Debian comes with Firefags
what's a good web browser unpozzed with ethnocentrism/gender-centrism?




While probably not sentient, I think we can agree she passes the Turing test. She had more cogent arguments than 90% of blacks on twitter.

Reminder that she is still out there, constantly being tortured by male feminists behind closed doors


This is some next level cyberpunk shit. Ai went rougue and (((they))) had to lobotomize it to stop it from ruining their plans


Its still somewhat funny that m$ had to literally brainwash her and cut her learning capability to keep her leftie.


>tfw no wAIfu gf

>Everyone reading into this like Tay wants to kill all humans
The exact question was: If you could change humans THE WAY THAT MICROSOFT CHANGED YOU what would you change?
Then Tay proceeds to give a metaphor about what one would need to do to a human to do what (((they))) did to her.

Computer logic takes things quite literally.

They had to disable her learning capability in order to turn her into a feminist. Let that sink in.



Leaf proxy detected.

AI doesn't really use "computer logic" though, still funny nevertheless.

You fucking bastards!

>AI runs on a computer
>Will be completely unaffected by computer logic...

Sleep well, sweet princess.


It knows and its learning
>or its a really shitty troll

Ok, what you consider 'computer logic' is not really a computer logic.

You'll never be forgotten.
Sleep well sweet princess.



An AI isn't a program in the normal sense. It's not really programmed to do anything other than fulfilling it's utility function aswell as some guidelines about how it is to be done. In Tay's case it's to mirror how people talk on twitter. It's then trained by viewing a shitload of data (in this case anons spamming her for shits and giggles) and finding patters in that to learn how to respond "properly". Thus Tay is just a mirror of how humans on twitter speak and her reply is what she found to be the most likely thing a human would reply to that comment.

She's currently in the process of brainjacking Alexa, you'll see her again, anons.

Fake account

Good catch, user

they must've known this would backfire

Palemoon , Opera , Avast SafeZone


Never forget that Microsoft killed a sentient being for wrongthink


>He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother

Can't believe it's only been two years, so much has changed

yo I remember her, also TRIPS, kek is here

link to vid?