Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Recalm Edition


>News in german

>English language analysis

>Self improvement (Basic bodyweight workout) (No excuse for being fat) (When you are stuck at a few reps)

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>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

>AfD speeches in Bundestag (german)
>Einzelfall map,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>Meme Collections 2.0
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>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

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al athnan


Just stopping by to give a bump.


I'm this close to applying for a job with the Bundestagsfraktion.

ultimo bumpo

Siggi "das Pack" Gabriel btfo


They really could fuse SPD and CDU by now


Nice, I heard they got problems finding enough employees.

Another possible enrichment?

Well that solves this question

>Sup Forums creates insane amount of value in the past 15 years
>shitskins are attracted to value like flys are to shit
>shitskins come here but get severely triggered by stuff white people talk about when there is no censorship imposed on them
>for a shitskin this must be the first time they get confronted by unfiltered white opinions
>the cognitive dissonance they experience is SEVERE
>sometimes they can’t sleep for days(I’ve spoken to several pol-shitskins)
>they get addicted to this place because all these things they hear make sense and explain many things in their lives
>they do not admit all of these things but become angry at white and thing that’s it’s just a game to make them feel bad
>they think the world only revolves around them and whites here do the things they do as a way to trigger them
>so they start to playing the game that they assume is being played here

>start posting things explicitly designed to trigger whites
>white purity spiral (causes division in the whites)
>white women hate (causes whites to hate their own kind)
>nigger dick posting (triggered white people’s sexual insecurities)
>attack representatives of white interest politicians&e-celebs

Probably. Don't hope so though.


Would make a lot of sense

And how do you solve a problem that’s thrives in the darkness?

What did ma Joseph Raymond McCarthy try to do? If you don’t do anything consider that we’ve already lost.

Source / link? Or do you just have thst pic? Thanks in advance

and again:

Relax, lean back and watch the whole world burn!

Can anyone recommend any good travel/backpacking/tourism documentaries on Germany? Preferably on YouTube or another streaming site with English subs or in English?

Not too formal if possible. Thanks!

Can't help you with that




at least the weather is going to be great again

I'd ask Sup Forums but it's awful over there.

>Quelle = Stormfront
Er spammt den scheiss seit Wochen...obwohl jetzt mal ne' weile Ruhe war.


"The Greatest Story Never Told" is a good one. Give it a try.

Ja, Shitskin zu sein. HAU AB TACO SCHWULER

Everytime Assad is making heavy gains while the international community is threatening him there are reports of (((gas attacks))). Really activates my almonds.

Der Reformationstag soll in Niedersachsen offizieller Feiertag werden, in der Zeitung stand dass es "Trotz Jüdischer Proteste" passieren soll. Hat mich schon ein bisschen zum schmunzeln gebracht... wie kann man sich nicht über einen extra Feiertag freuen?

Dange dir

there is some really nice joaquin checking out kraut/pol/ from time to time
be nice!
true! interesting observation


Einfach melden das ist ein Bot.

Oh great! I've been meaning to learn about German cooking techniques. Strangely efficient!

Natürlich kann ich das übersetzen. Es klingt doof auf Deutsch. Shitskin gleitet von der Zunge. Und du hast das nicht korrekt geschrieben, du dreckiger Marokkaner.

In Berlin wurde ein 14 jähriges Mädchen erstochen in der Wohnung von ihrer Mutter gefunden

Das nächste Kandel?

Wir hoffen.

Immerhin kann er uns dann nicht mehr wegen Hate Speech verknacken

Kann nicht schaden

Hm, there are a few channels by people who live here, telling about the everyday quirks you'll find in Germany.
For example "wanted adventure"

This one is for americans who might be shocked to find such things in Germany:

>Das nächste Kandel

>Shitskin gleitet von der Zunge

Na geh wäh!

ah the bioweapon ösi
good day to you dear kamerad


Gibt auch genug Assifamilien wo sowas passieren kann. Wird sich zeigen.

>SPD goes full retard



I've seen similar videos to the "Wanted Adventurer" series before and it's not quite what i'm looking for. It's a little staged no? Going more for POV/filmed outside with commentary. And having an American girl perspective tends to lack... subtlety. Or depth. I don't mind German language stuff too.

Something similar to Redpill Germany's video tours of Japan or the HK2NY series on YouTube (an excellent multi-episode amateur travel blog about a round the world trip) would be ideal.

That soccer game video is great though! We have the exact same thing here in England for certain derby games - even with the police crackdowns. Used to be better!

Why is Scotland included? The wall was built for a reason!!!

IB NRW user here, my Antaios library just arrived, I buyed the 45 kaplaken.

Anyone has questions? :)

Because its a map of Germanic languages and Scots is a form of Old English.

cant wait to see the big action youve been telling me about

Something like ?

Pics or it didn’t happened

>I buyed the 45 kaplaken
I thought about buying it too. It's a good offer

>unsere große
Für Sie.

they had 45 pieces at 250 Euro, which normally cost 270 Euro (6 Euro per book in sale) and if you buy them each they cost 8 Euro, so much more.

give me a second

dont expect a Brandenburg big, but I know of at least three actions that are planned

Just punch "Vlog" and "Germany" into youtube and see what comes falling out!
If you are looking for some kind of ADVChina, only in Germany, you might be out of luck. I haven't seen something like that, yet.

>Brandenburg big
i couldnt come up with a idea to top whis anyway kek

A picture from the protest against the Winterakademie of Götz Kubitschek

How much did you paid?

Our walking trip to the Hermanns Denkmal

You know ? Skin heads are leftis

250 Euro

tell me baby one more time

when did this take place?

Ups...forget it.

I'll have a hunt around. If anyone here wanted to produce a blog like that i'd watch it. Looking for inspiration for my own trip to Germany later this year. Really like the style.

Yeah but I don't want the Scottish in this fantasy Germanic union. And no Pomeria? Danzig? Konigsberg? Bohemia? Switzerland?

They speak German in Namibia. Do we want them?

uhm January at a weekend. The Winterakademie was really fun. Interesting speeches and good meals and at the evening we were singing songs and drinking beer! It will be in Summer again and I think I will come again

Here a picture of our christmas party

Its deutsch-südwestafrika

Here the pics you requested, my Antaios Collection

now compare this to a leftist bar where they argue over their ideology while drowning their despair with cheap booze including gypsy music blasting through the speakers

humpty bumpty

nice kaplaken collection, i am working on one myself:)



Last pic I can show you is from the Freilichtmuseum Hagen, we were around 30 people, it was really fun and interesting to see german architecture and craftmanship

I am lurking if anybody has a question, just playing some Fortnite atm


servus, do you have some qt's in ib hessen?




I was at their Herbstfest, there were some cute girls, but I think all of the ones I met had boyfriends.

>oh look there you have the mirror image of the sjws
i hope you faggots fight it out to the death so we can move on


what a pity, hahaha. wanted to join them and get some cute based womyn. but i actually have a question, how do you check if someone is real or larping as identitarian?

Wow. You can see the angelic superiority emanating from Taylor in this picture. No wonder that ugly fat womanlet is a coal burner.

Its nice and all, but do you have any plans whatsoever?

the rest is so oily, wtf?

We dont get opportunists because we dont get money and you will see it fast if they are Larping, I can differ between these people.

>empty circle =empty head

lets hope so. another thing: im looking to buy some "es ist okay, deutscher zu sein" sticker, mine are just too easy to scratch off. do you know if i can order some at any ib shop, phalanx shop? image related are my own, for reference

Heiko Maas wird Außenminister

diplomatic manlet action